The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nervousness, anxiety
I am 32 years old. Due to hectic professional life over 5 years, I am suffering from following syndrome:-1. Nervousness, lack of confidence, cowardice to take initiative.
2.palpitations while talking to seniors, interview ie pressure situation.
3. Tendency of holding grudge ie during altercation I can't answer but answer will keep on cropping in my mind afterwards.
4.tiring pain in legs & thighs.
5. Stammering speech in pressure situation.
6.palm n feet ice cold in winter but hot in summer.
7. Too much letharginess
8. Only planning, postponing all the works to next day.
9. Blank mind during interview
Rahul_prakash on 2015-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thank you sir! I had purchased medicine and will start from evening. 1 thing that I forgot 2 mention is that I am addicted of consuming tobacco for last 15 years. I had cut down intake for last three months and will shun it by this month end.
Rahul_prakash 9 years ago
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