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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Possible cyst coming back

Hi There,
approx 2 years ago, i had an anal fistula that started with a vaginal abscess that was gratefully healed with Nawakhan's guidance, Link below

I feel as though the cysts/abscess might be coming back. I am quite feverish at night and feel quite a bit of pressure and tenderness in my anus and left side of my vaginal wall. Please let me know what I should take. I did take Calc phos 200k and silicea 1 m this morning.

i have had a stressful past couple months which may be the culprit behind this coming back.

Thank-you in advance for your assistance
  Lemifi on 2015-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
" I did take Calc phos 200k and silicea 1 m this morning. "
Over dosing, please don't do this.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Ok good to know. I won't take anything else until i hear from you. Please let me know next steps. Thank-you Nawazkhan!!
Lemifi 9 years ago
I also should have updated you.
I had a very hot bath this morning. Lightened up the food amount i was eating and did some inverted handstands (relieved the pressure i was feeling) and it is feeling better.
I have been sitting most of the day though.

Please let me know what i should do next.
Lemifi 9 years ago
What are the current Mind and all other Physical symptoms in detail?

What is the color of pus, if any?

How is the pain, burning or itching?

How is your constipation?

When was the last period completed? Are the periods on time for the last 6 months?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
What are the current Mind and all other Physical symptoms in detail?
Mind - i think a lot. Often plan out worst and best case plans. I sometimes worry or get anxiety when things are out of my control (mainly about business and money). I am sometime impatient and get frustrated. I wish i didn't think so negatively sometimes as my life is really good and i have everything to be grateful for. I don't know why i worry or get frustrated perhaps its a competitive side of me.

What is the color of pus, if any?
No pus this time

How is the pain, burning or itching?
aching, swollen some itching. Aching on the left side, itching on the right (itching wasn't bad) I had a fever for 3 nights, night sweats, last night wasn't as bad and finally slept good. I woke up this morning and the pressure is gone and the aching is almost gone.

How is your constipation?
Not constipated, i go 1-2 times per day.

When was the last period completed? Are the periods on time for the last 6 months? my last period ended around early October. I am due to menstruate again in approximately 1 week.

Many thanks;
Lemifi 9 years ago

Please take Bryonia 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Down the road, you will need Rhus Tox 200C and Nux Vomica 200C.

Many prayers for your good health and successful life.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thank-you kindly, I will order these ASAP.

The aching and pain is almost 100% gone. Just wanted to update you on that. I assume i should still take Bryonia 200C and then report in after 3 days?

If my period comes, do I wait until menstruation ends to start taking it? Should come in next 5 days or so.
Lemifi 9 years ago
Hi, Good!

"do I wait until menstruation ends to start taking it?"
No wait.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawazkhan,
Menstruation ended, so wanted to update you.

Any pain, swelling, itch in the area has completely gone away.
Should I still take Bryonia 200C?

I have also received Rhus Tox 200C and Nux Vomica 200C
Lemifi 9 years ago
"Should I still take Bryonia 200C? "
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawazkhan,

I am on my 3rd day of Bryonia 200C. I have also received Rhus Tox 200C and Nux Vomica 200C.
Let me know if I should take them.

Many thanks.
Lemifi 9 years ago
"Let me know if I should take them. "
Will depend upon your current Mind and all Physical symptoms.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dreaming a lot about real life situations (not good or bad), neutral. I think a lot but am worrying less.

Achy in my hip flexor area lymph nodes. I thinking i am fighting a cold that my husband has. Craving sweets and salty foods, especially at night. Overall pretty good energy.

I hope that helps
Lemifi 9 years ago

Please describe a couple of dreams. What do you really see e.g water.....?

" fighting a cold"
Please give details.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Real life situations about people and business. Never about non real things only real situations or potential scenarios.

fighting a cold:
just achy by my lymph nodes. It could be muscle soreness from exercise.
I have puffy eye so feel like my lymph is slow.
Lemifi 9 years ago
What do you really see e.g water.....?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I always dream about situations involving people (never water), always people
Lemifi 9 years ago

Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawazkhan

I have completed the 3 days of Nux Vomica 200C. I have no pain or swelling in the previous abscess area. I am still dreaming a lot. Always people present in my dreams.

I have caught a mild cold, so am fighting that right now.

Let me know if you need anything else.
Lemifi 9 years ago
"I have caught a mild cold, so am fighting that right now. "
What are you taking?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I am not taking anything right now for the cold. Just letting my body fight it naturally
Lemifi 9 years ago
So, let's get it over with.
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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