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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

discuss your problem with me

i am a registered homeopath everyone can discuss his problem with me online ro through email;

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  hdrms2000 on 2004-07-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Glad to have you here for help.

I am curious as I am trying to learn & understand homeopathy through the posts here. Every homeopath has his or her own style of prescribing. You had prescribed somebody here on this forum 1M potency daily for one week. Is this OK to take like this without observing the reaction to a deep acting 1M potency? Also can you get the proving of the remedy like this? Please share your views.

I am neither a homeopath nor a student of homeopathy & I am just trying to find out what is right or wrong, so please take this question as a constructive way of education for non-homeopaths like me.

Thanks for your reply & all the help.

Kind Regards
RandyTX 2 decades ago
Hello Randy - good to "see" you!
And geez... you are smart. Of course it is a wrong way to prescribe! Very irresponsible!
But this is of course only my opinion (but Hahnemann would have sided with me).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hello RandyTX
Thank u for ur post,
Practice has now become different thing than the philosophy. Combinations are not allowed through the philosophy of homoeopathy but nowadaysmany firms have got reputation for them.Now many homeopaths use them.likewise IM potencyis also used repeatedly we have seen no provings.
hdrms2000 2 decades ago
Hi, I recently took Humphrey's 11 and because I thought I was late with my period but I just found out that I'm pregnant and I want to know if taking the those pill will cause any problems with me or my unborn child, such as sickness, mental illness, disablities, etc.
msluv 2 decades ago
Hahnemann used combinations, as far as I know, when he found it useful and appropriate
Martini 2 decades ago
Martini: but H. wouldn't prescribe 1M daily for a week!

msluv: it's ok.
Take good care of yourself.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
sir I am Narasimha , i have blood pressure and my age is 31 and weight is 92. my problem is that I have a anxiety,tension headache and sleepdisturbances,constipation
breathing difficulty.
narasimha 2 decades ago

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