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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need help for spasticity Page 2 of 3

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if its liquid form..put 1 drop in 1/2 glass water annd give fully.

give a gap of 30minute to 1 hour

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
hello Dr.
I gave my son
Nux.Q.....1 drop in half glass of water on alternate days.
cal.phos. 6x....3 pills thrice a day
camphor 30.....5 drops in some water
I gave him 3 days
no change at all.
leg is in the same position
spasticity and stiffness is there also.
kindly guide.
I can Send u his video if u ask for it to understand the case exactly.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
tomorrow in sha Allah
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dr. I v to send u my child's video....i v tried a lot but i m unable to send it here . Kindly send me ur whatsapp or email address...
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dr.plz check ur inbox for my son's video clips
kindly reply back here in the forum via post.....waiting
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
hello dr.
kindly confirm if u v received the video clips
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
i have seen videos,

1.causticum 1m 3pills once
2.kali iod 3x 2tablets 3 times daily
3.lathyrus sativa 3x 2drops twice daiy

report changes after a week.

you have to be more patient.do not expect sudden cure..watch changes carefully. and report

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
ok Dr.
I 'll follow ur plan in sha Allah
kindly clear about CAMPHOR and
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Sir kindly let me know about Cal. phos and camphora
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Stop All that.. Take my last prescription

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
respected dr.
the chemist has given me
CAUSTICUM 1M.....liquid form
LATHYRUS 3X.....liquid form
he made his own pills of Cali IOD 3x and gave me.
kindly suggest the dose now.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Give 1 drop of causticum 1m in 1/2glass water only once in morning.
Also give 3 drops of lathyrus 3x in 1/4 glass water twice daily
Also 3pills of kali iod 3x thrice daily.
Use a gap of 30 minutes between remedies.
Report changes here :
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
jazakallah khair
i 'll follow the plan and ll report back in sha allah
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Ok.insha allah..
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dr.i gave him the recommended medicines.
Same condition....no change yet
.kindly guide about the medicines.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
repeat it again...it will take more time to see difference..as its chronic..report after 1month
[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Wed, 17 May 2017 13:12:58 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Causticum 1M....1 drop in 1/2 glass of water
Lathyrus ...3x..3 drops in 1/4 glass of water...2 times a day
Cali iod 6x....3 pills....3 times a day
Plz confirm
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
causticum is daily dose???

can it be taken at afternoon or is it to be taken only in the morning???
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Dr. I want to bring two things into ur notice....
1-i can see a very small good change in his right hand...I mean at least he tried to clap with both hands and tried to turn the page of his book with his right hand.
2-he had a problem of NOSE BLEEDING since babyhood.last year in summers this problem became severe,when some one pulled his nose with love tightly....he got his nose lewd extremely for many days.Then a homeo Dr.gave medicine and it stopped.
today it happened again after a year in summer again.
it usually happens when
*he drinks chocolate milk
*chocolate cake
*drinks tang
*eats omellet
today he ate mango n mango shake n omellet.
kindly prescribe
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
alhamdu lillah..the medicine is working.may allah heal him quickly..


After giving homeopathic medicines,if very old symptoms are reappearing means,the medicine is correct and is working.so do not worry about nose bleed..avoid stimulating foods now..

but if it occurs profusely and more frequently ..you have to report

watch carefully and report after every 15days of medicines

[message edited by drthoufeequebhms on Sat, 20 May 2017 07:02:54 UTC]
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Assalamualaikum Dr.
I v to report back about my son, after giving him Cali iod 3 times and lathyrus twice a day .I gave him these medicines for about 2 weeks.
The only change I can see that he sometimes uses his right-hand to hold the things.
Nothing else.
The foot and leg are in the same position.
Spasticity is not lessened.
The big muscle that passes from under the knee and inside the thigh and near the heal ....is Very Very tight n stiff.
Its stiffness can be felt with finger touch.
He has passed his class 1 with superb grades but still he is dragging and crawling.
Plz help n guide.
One more thing ..... alhumdulillah nose bleed didn't re occured.
His 3 teeth are loose since 2 months but they are not falling.....they are shaking and new teeth have came behind these old shaky milk teeth but they are not falling.....plz keep in mind that his milk teeth appeared very late at 18 or 20 months and now they are not falling.he is almost 8 and only 3 teeth are gone yet.
Kindly guide.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Assalamualaikum dr.
Plz reply the post .
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Plz reply the post
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago

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