The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fever and vomiting in 2 year old
My son, age 32 months, woke up lethargic with a fever (he felt hot, I did not take temperature) and bright pink cheeks. I gave him vitamin c several times during the morning, as well as water, and he was cheerful and played with his older sister. She made a salad and shared it with him, which he ate nicely. Then he asked to nurse. After nursing for several minutes on one side, I suggested he switch sides. He sat up and vomited up all the salad. What remedy should I give him? His cheeks are still bright pink, and he is generally fair and pale.emgee1 on 2018-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No other symptoms. I nursed him more and he kept it down and then went to sleep. I didn't take his temp because it's not terribly high and I don't want to bother him unnecessarily with that.
emgee1 6 years ago
If the temperature is not too high and he is gone to sleep, then you don't have to give him any remedy.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
emgee1 6 years ago
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