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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica 15c

My 6 week old is struggling with bad reflux. Our new Dr is a homeopathic Dr and prescribed 5 pellets of nux vomica 15c dissolved in 1oz of water daily. Yet I’m reading conflicting info online about giving this to an infant. I’m new to homeopathy so just curious what your thoughts are.
  Zoardirzai on 2019-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dosing is usually fine tuned by reactions.
So you give one dose and observe the next 24 hours.
Things that may happen:

1. Symptoms get worse for a short time , then
Better. Then you dose again when symptoms
Get worse again and hopefully relief lasts
Longer ( means remedy is curing) and doses
Will get more widely spaced out until you
Do not need them.

2. Nothing happens. Try again the next day.
If nothing happens again, the remedy is probably the wrong choice.

3. New symptoms appear that were never there.
You wait and see if those go away and then relief
Shows up. This can happen after one dose(
If relief comes then you wait till things get worse
Before another dose) or this can happen if
Child had too frequent doses( again wait)
Or the new symptoms appear and then wear off
But there is no relief(remedy is wrong)

Each person will have their own individual response.
So, if me , I would try the remedy out a couple times
To see what happens.
simone717 5 years ago
You wouldn’t be worried about bad side effects with a 6 week old? It sounds like it is a toxic nut?? I’m obviously new to homeopathy. I don’t agree with pharmaceuticals as I don’t believe they are safe but now feeling the same about homeopathic medicines.
Zoardirzai 5 years ago

There is no substance of the nut in the remedy-
The remedy is highly diluted and all it is
Is a molecular imprint.

The reason why homeopathy is around after
200 years is because our bodies will not
Accept a similar disease/illness. The body reacts
To a similar close match to what it has— by
Raising the life force to clear out the remedy..
And when it does that it clears out the Real
Problem at the same time.

Western meds work by suppressing symptoms-
Homeopathy works by triggering your own life
Force to clear .

You can google materia medica of any remedy-
It will show all the mental and physical symptoms
That the diluted remedy caused in a healthy group
Of people. These are called proving- the healthy
People did not need the remedy, but took it
To see symptoms. Then the homeopath matches
The sick person’s symptoms to what best matches
The remedies in the materia medica.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-05-03 01:31:50]
simone717 5 years ago
Thanks that is a great explanation. So I don’t need to fear side effects from him taking the nux vomica like I would Zantac?
Zoardirzai 5 years ago

There are several remedies used a lot for reflux.
Reflux is an acute condition that babies eventually
Outgrow. One of my kids had it- treatment was
Wait it out from pediatrician- I did not know about
Homeopathy then.

If you are breastfeeding? Make sure you
Are not having gassy foods or a lot of acidic
Things - coffee, tea , chocolate, etc.

Try the nux a few times- and observe according
To what I indicated on the first post.
simone717 5 years ago

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