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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nux vomica - 1m

Hello again. About 4 weeks ago I took a dose of Nux 1M. I foolhardily repeated the dose a week later - I drank some liquor and thought it antidoted the remedy. Immediately after the 2nd dose I started to get horrible aggravations of Nux - waking at 3am, ineffectual bowel movements, congestion at sternum level. I took a 30c dose after 2 weeks of these symptoms in order to antidote. While symptoms have subsided they have not completely disappeared. I am wondering if I should repeat at 30c or increase potency. I wonder if there is a general rule of thumb with regards to repeating doses - i.e. which potencies can be repeated and how frequently. Any suggestions? Thanks to all and any.
  thekind78 on 2007-04-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
only one dose of 1M is enough.

pls wait and see

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Basically I am suffering from coryza in the chest and stuffy nose. These are aggravated when lying down and after eating. I thought Nux was the cure for this but somehow the aggravations brought on by it are so intense and lengthy. Is there any other remedy for these respiration issues? Thanks.
thekind78 last decade
I seem to be very sensitive to remedies. Is the way to account for this to take higher potencies or lower potencies? Any suggestions?
thekind78 last decade
Repetition of a remedy like nux - which is essentially a poison - is quite dangerous. I think I learned the lesson the hard way!That being said, I wanted to ask the practitioners out there if there were general guidelines - not necessarily hard and fast rules - as to how often doses of certain potencies can be repeated. For example, 30c once a week, 200 c once a month etc.? Any comments? Much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
I am stuck in proving of Nux for last 4 weeks now. Any suggestions? Its driving me to madness!
thekind78 last decade
can something be said of the manufacturer of the remedies? I have Nux in lower potencies made by unknown manufacturers. I found that the effects of taking these seem very toxic.
thekind78 last decade
The following remedies are listed as antidotes to Nux:

Acon, Ars, Bell, Camph, Cham, Cocc, Coff, Euphm, Op, Puls and Thuja.

Did you try Camphor?

sthillaiyah last decade
I haven't tried camphor. I have tried coffea 30c and to no avail. I'm hoping things will resolve themselves over time. I'm really kicking myself for repeating the dose. Its been well over a month and I'm still stuck in a proving like state of Nux. I can't figure it out! Thanks for your suggestions. I'll look to purchase Camphor.
thekind78 last decade
Is there any way to stop a proving of Nux? I haven't been able to find Camphor. But I took coffea 30c twice and still no amelioration. Please, if anyone has any suggestions much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
was this issue resolved. I have the same issues. Please help
preddy last decade
why do homeopathic doctors give NUX. This is poison. I took LM potency (supposed to be very gentle). I was very doubtful before taking. Drinking Coffee seems to help. Seems like I have been poisoned
preddy last decade
I know your pain. Really. I'm still suffering through it. One 'antidote' leads to another etc. If you have a sensitive disposition homeopathy is a very ,very slippery slope. I have been battling Nux aggravations/provings for 18 mnonths now. I too took LM's etc and nothing cured it. I think the best thing is to wait it out if at all possible. Antidoting indiscriminately may further compound the situation. That being said, I did at first have marvellous results with one dose of 1m Nux. Repetition of the dose completely spoiled it. Coffee may help, however if you had gastric problems to begin with coffee may simply aggravate it further. I wish I had a solution!! All the best, and if I figure anything out I'll let you know.
thekind78 last decade

Any solution so far to antidote. I have severe throat constriction and breathing difficulties. My homeo doctor convinced me that LM potency is very gentle. She had asked me to take it everyday. Scary part is I had mentioned to her that I did not want to take Nux. She convinced me that this was the ultimate cure for my gastritis. Now I have worse problems. I should have kept away from these dangerous unknown remedies. Please let me know if you find a solution. These M potecies seem to stay for life??
preddy last decade
Try hepar sulph 30c,3 doses on a single day at 6hourly interval for antidoting nuxvom.
Zahid)2 last decade
Dear preddy,
Sorry to say that I have not found a pain free way of antidoting. Dr. Tahira had suggested Sulphur for me as well. It helped - however, it introduced its own side effects. If you are sensitive to medicines homeopathy is very precarious - at least, so I feel. If you feel that time is not making anything better than perhaps you'd be best trying one of the other homeopathic antidotes for Nux. Either as suggested by Mr. Zahid or from your own study of various Materia Medica/Repertories. My apologies for the lack of a suitable answer.
thekind78 last decade
Thank you so much. I don't want to try any homeopathy. I am sure mind plays a major role in this. I am trying peppermint tea and Chamomile tea... seems to help. I hope the effects go away soon. It is sad people say homeopathy is safe and these homeopathic doctors give these 'M' potencies and don't educate the patient. Hopeopathy causes a chain of other problems.
preddy last decade
Edible camphor in small doses I've found helps with the constrictive sensation and respiratory difficulty. That is karpuram in South Indian languages. You may find it useful if/when you feel respiratory constriction.
thekind78 last decade
this is really old, but i just thought i'd say i think i'm in the same boat. i have literally taken hundreds of nux vomica doses over the past year, of all different kinds of potencies. i now am in a state of 'paralysis' the better part of the day, where i can't think, i'm in a fog, and i don't even realize where i am. i am only now able to type this because i am 'out of the fog'...i've discovered coffee helps a bit, but my worst fear is that this will never go away...
ddollar last decade
It probably won't without the correct medicine being given - hundreds of doses? I didn't realise it was that bad. You probably grafted symptoms on to your chronic ones now. Your homoeopath has acted irresonsibly in this.

The highest aim of the true healing practitioner, is to heal sickness - and to do no harm in the process!!
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 23:12:42 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
oh no, my homeopath definitely didn't advice me to do this - i have been trying to treat myself homeopathically. she told me to stop what i was doing, but i literally could not stop myself when i was in a 'paralyzed' state - i was retching constantly throughout the day, and i kept going for nux to make it stop, but i don't think it ever helped except for the first time. it was entirely my fault.

i'm going to try camphor, but if the coffee isn't doing it, i'm not sure if the camphor will.
ddollar last decade
Oh I see, I misunderstood that completely. I thought you said she had tested medicine through that machine on you - but she never prescribed?

You cannot cure this, without curing you. There are no shortcuts now. It must be done properly or you will most likely just continue to decline. The only real rule in homoeopathy is 'like cures like'. Without taking the symptoms and applying a remedy on the basis of the most peculiar and characteristic expressions of your condition, homoeopathy cannot help you.

Taking more remedies on top, without applying the principles of homoeopathy carefully, is just going to add further damage.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 23:16:46 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes, she prescribed nux LM, but only as a once a day.

i agree completely about taking more remedies. i am definitely not going to take any more remedies myself and will have a long talk with my homeopath next time i see her to make sure we do this right.
ddollar last decade
I'm awfully sorry to hear of your predicament. My ordeal went on for about 3 years(!) I think I've finally gotten over it. My only advice, unsolicited, I know, is to seek out a classical homeopath that is well versed in dosage, symptomology etc. It can really take over your life if you try to go it alone. Best of luck.
thekind78 last decade
thanks so much! yes, i definitely do not want to go it alone, that is so scary about the 3 years...homeopathy is so dangerous for sensitive people i've found, and also for people with mental issues probably (like me)...
ddollar last decade
Homoeopathy actually is not that dangerous at all. Our medicines, when used in ways they were not intended, can be just as problematic as orthodox medicines or herbs or even acupuncture. Anything used against the laws of nature, against the laws of cure, will only create disease.

Homoeopathic medicines, when used properly (as homoeopathy and not as allopathy), is quite safe and will not harm the patient.

You must remember that homoeopathy is only homoeopathy when the philosophy is applied. Without that, it is something else, and can no longer be judged as homoeopathy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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