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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Respected doctors.
My son 7.5 years old is suffering from tonsillitis and adenoids,his mental growth is slow,he is overweight, he is on borderline mental retardation, problem is he is snoring since six months and sleep with open mouth,its severe snoring with multiple pauses, he is unfresh all day with headache, went to many allopathic doctors but all of them suggested surgery.. please suggest something to stop his snoring and obstructed nose
  Mehirma on 2024-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any complaint of perspiration during sleep?
HealthyWorld 11 months ago
No sir
Mehirma 11 months ago
how is his thirst?
HealthyWorld 11 months ago
A single dose of CARSINOSINUM 1M will be veey helpful for ur child. Give a single dose only . do not repeat it. Wait for atleast 3 days . and report back about the changes.

drsajid 10 months ago

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