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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression and Diabetes with delusions

Dear Members,

I am seeking advice regarding my fathers health condition, which has been concerning us for the past 1.5 years. He retired in March 2023, and his health has since deteriorated both mentally and physically. Below is a detailed description of his condition:

Mental Health Symptoms:
Post-Retirement Emotional Struggles: Initially, he had daily crying spells and was constantly worried about how things would work out for us as a family.
Agitation Episodes: There were periods during the day when he would become highly agitated (lasting 30 minutes to 1 hour), finding it difficult to sit still.
Social Withdrawal: Over time, he stopped wanting to meet people and has now become completely socially isolated. He does not respond to anyone except family members.
Delusions: He frequently expresses beliefs such as:
God has oppressed him and is cruel.
Nobody is eating or drinking anything, yet people are still alive.
There isnt enough water on Earth for everyone to survive.
Noncompliance: He refuses to visit doctors or follow any suggestions, becoming angry if we insist.
Physical Health Symptoms:
He only takes a liquid diet consisting of 2 eggs and 4 glasses of milk or yogurt daily.
He refuses to eat any solid food.
Sedentary Lifestyle:
He lies in bed most of the time and avoids activity.
Blood Sugar Levels:
Fasting blood sugar: ~150 mg/dl.
HbA1c: 8.3 (indicating uncontrolled blood sugar).
Past Behavior:
Before retirement, he was a very aggressive person by nature. This behavior has changed drastically over the past 1.5 years, evolving into social isolation and emotional detachment.

Current Challenges:
He is socially and emotionally disconnected.
He refuses treatment and is noncompliant with any advice.
We are extremely worried about his mental and physical health. If anyone has encountered a similar case or can suggest effective homeopathic remedies, please help. Your guidance and recommendations would mean a lot to us.

Thank you in advance for your support!
  freaking on 2024-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.


While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Thank you soo much , i ll let you know after using medicine as prescribed.
freaking 3 months ago
Dear Dr.
Observations Over the Last Week:

Mental Health:
• Emotional State: No noticeable crying spell, but in the morning time he prays to God please give me death, this is not a new symptom, it was present before
• Delusions: a new delusion developed that day of judgment is coming and asks family members not to go outside .
• Social Interaction: social interaction with the family members sons, daughter has slightly improved, he talks in evening with them, ask to turn on the TV and listen old songs. But do not wants to go outside, do not listens for taking shower or going for a walk, sits and lye down idle the whole day

Physical Health:

• Diet: Continues liquid-only diet with eggs and milk or yogurt, no significant appetite change, do not take solid food
• Activity Level: Still lying in bed most of the time, no increase in physical activity
• Blood Sugar Levels: [e.g., Monitoring shows fasting levels around 140 mg/dl, which has decreased a bit

if you need answer to any pertinent question, please feel free to ask, and please advise what should be the next treatment plan
thank you very much
freaking 3 months ago
Same remedies.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago

He is getting aggressive more frequently now.

He passes urine on the bed, especially during the morning hours.
This has been occurring for a few months (I missed mentioning this earlier).
Prayers for Death:

He often prays to God, asking for death.
This has been happening for the last 6 months.
Scared While Asleep:

He gets scared in his sleep and sometimes makes unusual noises.
Stubbornness is there, no any noteable things else thanks
freaking 2 months ago
GERMANIUM METALLICUM 30 three times a day.


Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
do we need to stop Nux vom 200 and ignatia 30, nat sulph 6x and kali phos 6x??
new medicines are not started yet, today he was quite well, he was talking to his kids and watching TV , requesting for his favort songs to be played
freaking 2 months ago
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
one more thing he is better at the night time.
thank you for your prompt responce
freaking 2 months ago
If you observe improvement with the old remedies then I suggest continue and keep giving feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
ok thanks
freaking 2 months ago
I am sharing a progress update on my father’s condition over the last few weeks, following the treatment and your guidance.

Improved Interaction:

He has started talking to his sons and daughters occasionally in the evenings, which is a positive change.
Listening to Music:

He listens to old songs from the 1980s, often at a loud volume.

Ongoing Symptoms:
Prayers for Death:

He continues to pray for death, particularly in the mornings.
The same prayers are repeated throughout the day.
Easily Angered:

He gets angry quickly, even over minor issues.

rest everything is same

While there are slight improvements in his interaction and engagement with music, his emotional struggles, frequent anger, and persistent prayers for death remain concerning.

so its humble request for your advice on whether to continue the current treatment or make any adjustments to address these symptoms more effectively.

Thank you for your continued support and guidance.
freaking last month
i would like to add that old treatment was continued ,
freaking last month
Dear Dr Anuj Srivastava? waiting for your kind response please
freaking last month
Click Anuj user name and email him. He was last on here jan2.
I hope all is well with him bc he is almost never absent from this forum.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-15 21:37:33]
simone717 last month
anuj srivastava last month
Dear Dr. Thank you for your responce. i hope you are doing well. Sir, previous treatment was continued, as per your comment that if there is improvement then continue previous treatment.
GERMANIUM METALLICUM 30 three times a day.
In addition Ferrum Phos 6x and Kali phos 6x three timea a day

it was not started, previous one was continued.
just for the clarity i would like to seek advice that if

Aurum MEt 200 and Cell salts may be started ?? and i may kindly request what is cell salts please . thank you
freaking last month
anuj srivastava last month
Thank you for your response , so it should be Aurum Met 200 every morning every alternative day 4 drops or pellets ,
ferum phos 6x and kali phos 6x five tabs daily three times

am i percieving the treatment correct? thank you!
freaking last month
Aurum on alternate days.
anuj srivastava last month
Dear Doctor,

I am providing an update on my father’s condition after the last few weeks of treatment. There have been some noticeable changes, both positive and concerning.

Positive Changes:
Increased Activity:

Previously, he was lying down all day, but for the past three days, he has been sitting during the daytime.
Reduction in Suicidal Prayers:

He has not prayed for death in the last week.
Diet Slightly Improved:

While he still prefers a liquid diet, he occasionally eats some mutton.
Ongoing & New Concerns:
Emotional & Behavioral Changes:

He sometimes taps his hands on his head as if in regret.
He listens to music for long hours but does not turn off the TV for up to 5 hours once it is on.
He is not talking much to family members.
Increased Stubbornness & Social Withdrawal:

He refuses to go outside, even when necessary.
Recently, when I asked him to go to the bank for a critical issue, he initially agreed but later refused on the actual day.
even refused to take shower for many days, refused to go to barber
freaking 3 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 3 weeks ago
Dear Doctor thank You
freaking 3 weeks ago
Over the past week, we have observed several changes in my fathers physical and mental health. Below is a summary of the progress and new symptoms:

Physical Health

Increased Activity: He has been sitting throughout the day, unlike before when he would lie down all day.

Dietary Improvements: His diet has improved; he occasionally takes solid foods like mutton and kebabs, though not regularly.

Blood Sugar Levels: Fasting blood sugar readings over the past week have shown improvement, averaging 125 mg/dl.

Behavioral and Mental Health

Reduction in Death-Related Prayers: We have not heard him praying for death during the last week, which was previously a frequent occurrence.

Social Interaction: He is interacting with family members about 20% more than before.

Outdoor Activity: He went for a 5-minute walk in the street once during the week upon our request.

Music Engagement: He continues to listen to music for long hours and does not turn off the TV for up to 5 hours once it is switched on.

Signs of Regret: He sometimes taps his hands on his head, appearing to be in regret.

Concerning Symptoms

Increased Stubbornness: He is becoming more stubborn and refuses basic self-care activities like taking a shower or visiting the barber.

Heightened Anger: He is getting angry more frequently.

Escalating Delusions: His delusional thoughts have intensified, including statements like nobody is eating anything, and there isn’t enough water for everyone.

Concerning Behavior:

Sent messages in a housing society WhatsApp group claiming the society is fake.

Engaged in an argument via voice messages in the group at 1 AM two days ago.

Anxious Thoughts: He expresses irrational concerns like how family members will manage to go to work or college, and once they leave, he fears they won’t return, resulting in episodes of weeping.

Request for Guidance

We are deeply concerned about his worsening delusions, anger episodes, and increasing stubbornness. looking for ur kind responce please
freaking 2 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.