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Posts about Depression, Diabetes

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Diabetes3Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression and Diabetes with delusions Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Thank you! i ll update after 7 days
freaking last week
Dear Dr.
Dear Members,

I am sharing another update on my father’s condition over the past week. While some aspects have improved, there are also setbacks.

His diet has improved, and he continues to eat solid food more regularly.
His blood sugar levels have further improved and are more stable.
He has gone back to lying down for most of the day, reversing the progress from last week.
He only engages in conversation when asked but does not initiate any interactions.
He has not gone out at all this week, refusing any suggestion to step outside.
He continues to express paranoia, telling family members not to leave for work or college, fearing they won’t return.
freaking last week
ANACARDIUM 30 three times Stop AURUM.

Cell salts to continue.

Weekly feedback.
anuj srivastava last week
ok thank you
freaking last week

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