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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nux vomica - 1m Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homoeopathy actually is not that dangerous at all. Our medicines, when used in ways they were not intended, can be just as problematic as orthodox medicines or herbs or even acupuncture. Anything used against the laws of nature, against the laws of cure, will only create disease.

Homoeopathic medicines, when used properly (as homoeopathy and not as allopathy), is quite safe and will not harm the patient.

You must remember that homoeopathy is only homoeopathy when the philosophy is applied. Without that, it is something else, and can no longer be judged as homoeopathy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
agreed. whatever i have been doing to myself, it wasn't proper homeopathy by a long shot.
ddollar last decade
Dear Paddy
Homeopathic medicines are definitely safe as compared to the allopathic ones but only as long as you use the medicines as per their proper doses!!
This has to be understood very clearly that a medicine is but a medicine which acts on our body system and what works on our body system can make as well as break depending on the usage.
A high potency as Nux Vomica 1M, MUST be used with caution and only after one knows clearly about the dosage. And for that doctor has to be consulted.
Saumitra_Circle last decade

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