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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nux vomica 10m?!

My homeopath perscribed Nux Vomica 10 M for my boyfriend as a constitutional remedy. He is to take 4 pellets 3 times every 15 minutes in the morning on empty stomach. Isn't it too much?!
I usually hear just of one dose of this potency. This doctor has 32 years of experience and has been a doctor in India and now in Canada, so I guess he knows what he's doing, but I'm just wondering if my boyfriend will be ok...
Please comment!
  cicka on 2008-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vomica is not a constitutional remedy as it is not even an anti-miasmatic. It is most often indicated where there has been history of stimulant abuse through either alcohol or tobacco addiction. It is however very similar to many medicines in the materia medica which is a reason for its over-prescription and also a reason for it being an anti-dote for many medicines.

Moreover, starting as high as 10M is rarely needed with any remedy, even if it were a constitutional remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Well, the remedy was perscribed because my boyfriend like to oveindulge in marihuana, alcohol and sex.
Also gets stressed out from overwork, is irritable, catches colds easily etc.
The picture of the remedy fits, but we don't have a chronic problem. We're looking for a long term solution.
So what potency should he take then?
cicka last decade
I am fully agree with views of dr. sameer. Experience of once is not the rule of homoeopathy, it varies from person to person.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Well, as I said, the picture fits, just curious about the dose.
Can we do one dose of 10 M then, instead of the 3 repeated doses?
cicka last decade
I would not start above 200C for this case.
sameervermani last decade
So just do one dose (4 pellets) of 200 C and wait?
Also I hear it's better to give the remedy in water for gentler results. Do I dissolve all 4 pelets and let him take just one sip?
Also, is it generally better to give Nux Vomica in the evening?
cicka last decade
Yes to all the questions.

gavinimurthy last decade

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