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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium CLAV

I took Lycopodium Clav. 1M two weeks ago, I might repeat if needed.
My question is, Can I take any kind of vitamins or suplement like protein shakes and so forth...?
Also what about tea and coffe?
Please reply as this may alter the course of my tratment.Thank you...
  silent storm on 2003-11-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
no supplements until determine sensitivities....

no caffine--alcohol--

what foods you normally eat?

what foods cause you trouble?
What foods make you feel good?

sweat characteristics?

tell what you prescribe lyc for,then can help more ?

John Stanton
Homoeopathic Layman
Pennsylvania USA
john stanton 2 decades ago

I see your other posts.

Email me if need my help.
Will ask more questions then.


John Stanton
Homoeopathic Layman
Pennsylvania USA
john stanton 2 decades ago
I have taken one dose of Lycopodium Clav 30C, about 8 weeks ago, and seeing good improvement, in general, but not in regards to Premature Ejaculation, which is the main reason I am taking Lycopodium. I have repeated one more dose about 10 days ago and still waiting...

Can someone suggest if I should alter the doze? And I seeing the right sequence of improvements?

Also, can I drink Ginger in tea bag form (caffein free) while I am on the remedy?? Ginger drink makes me feel better than tea or coffee.

I would really appreciate the help..
Silent Storm last decade

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