The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium Clavatum
I have taken one dose of Lycopodium Clav 30C, about 8 weeks ago, and seeing good improvement, in general, but not in regards to Premature Ejaculation, which is the main reason I am taking Lycopodium. I have repeated one more dose about 10 days ago and still waiting...Can someone suggest if I should alter the dose? And if I am experiencing the right sequence of improvements?
Also, can I drink Ginger in tea bag form (caffein free) while I am on the remedy?? Ginger drink makes me feel better than tea or coffee.
I would really appreciate the help of some of the members
Silent Storm on 2009-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Neil, thank you for your reply.
eyes irritation - much less, and clearer vision. But still see some shadows or siphres in sun light? also a little black circles around eyes
Hair- softer and improved. I had 2 spots on the back of my head (left and right sides) with flakes, they improved.
Digestion- I felt a sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen, where the spleen is, now its better, but never completely gone. And I had this pain when press for a very long time, years.
Urinary - Only a very small amount is produced each time. And feel the urge often. Always feel some retention, feeling uncomfortable?
Ears- Some flakes inside of ear.
Lips- blueish color, but improves with remedy.
Skin condition all over has improved. Also feels like my hands are fuller, which is good improvement.
The PE problem, is the difficult one, I see almost no improvement, also noticed penis is very much retracted as if I am scared of something?
All symptoms improve gradually with Lycopodium, but it seems I can not adjust the dose.
This is all I can think of...
eyes irritation - much less, and clearer vision. But still see some shadows or siphres in sun light? also a little black circles around eyes
Hair- softer and improved. I had 2 spots on the back of my head (left and right sides) with flakes, they improved.
Digestion- I felt a sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen, where the spleen is, now its better, but never completely gone. And I had this pain when press for a very long time, years.
Urinary - Only a very small amount is produced each time. And feel the urge often. Always feel some retention, feeling uncomfortable?
Ears- Some flakes inside of ear.
Lips- blueish color, but improves with remedy.
Skin condition all over has improved. Also feels like my hands are fuller, which is good improvement.
The PE problem, is the difficult one, I see almost no improvement, also noticed penis is very much retracted as if I am scared of something?
All symptoms improve gradually with Lycopodium, but it seems I can not adjust the dose.
This is all I can think of...
Silent Storm last decade
since PE is the main problem, please provide more information: how many sexual partners do you have (infection possible due to more than one partner), how long have you had PE, emotional state, mental state, stability in life, relationships
DrAli_T last decade
Dr. Ali, I am married, for seven years now, therefore one partner, and this is when I became sexually active. Since that time I realized I have PE.
Both, work related stress, relationship with wife, living in a foreign country are all factors.
About eight years ago, I visited a urologist, and he gave me antibiotic, said that prostate was inflamed or irritated? And that was the only test I have done since. Should I have another test in case there is an infection? Or Lyc. can cure infections?
Both, work related stress, relationship with wife, living in a foreign country are all factors.
About eight years ago, I visited a urologist, and he gave me antibiotic, said that prostate was inflamed or irritated? And that was the only test I have done since. Should I have another test in case there is an infection? Or Lyc. can cure infections?
Silent Storm last decade
The information you provided is quite typical and I have seen many patients like this.
Taking on responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of failure, which in turn may lead to PE.
Lyc. is long-acting remedy. I rarely prescribe it again after improvement begins.
So at this time I would advise you not to repeat any more doses, for now!
If I understood your previous post, you had PE for 7 years, a long time. It is very good that you are married. You can solve this problem with your wife. At this time do not focus on sex just good relations. Try to do activities together with your wife. If she needs help, help.
And in general try to make good atmosphere at home.
Check with a doctor to see if you have infection.
Come back in two weeks.
Taking on responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of failure, which in turn may lead to PE.
Lyc. is long-acting remedy. I rarely prescribe it again after improvement begins.
So at this time I would advise you not to repeat any more doses, for now!
If I understood your previous post, you had PE for 7 years, a long time. It is very good that you are married. You can solve this problem with your wife. At this time do not focus on sex just good relations. Try to do activities together with your wife. If she needs help, help.
And in general try to make good atmosphere at home.
Check with a doctor to see if you have infection.
Come back in two weeks.
DrAli_T last decade
Thank you Dr. Ali, I will follow your suggestions, and will see a urologist for a test. I really value your response to me, thank you.
Silent Storm last decade
Dr. Ali - Not yet, I caught with work, but I will make an appointment as soon as I can and will let you know the result. Relation with wife is worse, unfortunately, not sure if the marriage will survive at all.
Silent Storm last decade
Why is relation with your wife is worse? Did you follow my advise not to focus on sex but just good relations? Please provide more details. What are her symptoms? 7 years is a long time. Be patient and write back.
DrAli_T last decade
Hello, I have not heard from you. I hope you are doing better. Let me know when you have chance. Dr Ali.
DrAli_T last decade
Dr. Ali, sorry it has been a very long time, I did not write back. It has been a challenging time. I have separated from my wife for 3 month now, plus the economic depression in the United states...
For a while I have been using Thuja, Phos. Acidum, and Baryta Carbonica. Each one of these remedies have its benefits at certain times. But no effect for the PE. problem.
As you can emagine, I started having more stomack pain due to anxiety and fear. Joint and muscle pain and cracling noises, lack of confidance and terrible mood. And no energy at all.
Last week I took one dose of Lycopodium 30C, I started feeling very good, in everyway. I also started to excercise again. And as usual I make the same mistake and took another dose a couple of days later, which obviously was too soon, so I started feeling worse, with pain in the nap of the head, along with headach, loss of apetite, and joint pain again,feeling very sick.
So right now, I took one dose of Baryta carbonica 30C to ease the symptoms, and it did immediatly.
But now I don't know how to proceed, how to clear my system again, so I can try Lycopodium one more time, but this time I will wait much longer before thinking of repeating it.
I had some tests done and I found NO infection in the urinary or reproductive system, that could cause PE.
Testosterone level is within normal range, but on the low end.
How would you sudgest I shoudl proceed now, I really don't know... please, advice...
For a while I have been using Thuja, Phos. Acidum, and Baryta Carbonica. Each one of these remedies have its benefits at certain times. But no effect for the PE. problem.
As you can emagine, I started having more stomack pain due to anxiety and fear. Joint and muscle pain and cracling noises, lack of confidance and terrible mood. And no energy at all.
Last week I took one dose of Lycopodium 30C, I started feeling very good, in everyway. I also started to excercise again. And as usual I make the same mistake and took another dose a couple of days later, which obviously was too soon, so I started feeling worse, with pain in the nap of the head, along with headach, loss of apetite, and joint pain again,feeling very sick.
So right now, I took one dose of Baryta carbonica 30C to ease the symptoms, and it did immediatly.
But now I don't know how to proceed, how to clear my system again, so I can try Lycopodium one more time, but this time I will wait much longer before thinking of repeating it.
I had some tests done and I found NO infection in the urinary or reproductive system, that could cause PE.
Testosterone level is within normal range, but on the low end.
How would you sudgest I shoudl proceed now, I really don't know... please, advice...
Silent Storm last decade
Hi Dr. Ali, I am 55 years old, married for last 25 years and have four children, now for about last one year I have a problem of Premature Ejaculation, Impotence, The penis becomes small, cold and relaxed and Enlarge prostrate, I have taken one drops Lycopodium Clavatum 30 at night for two days but did not found any improvement. Please advice the dosage or any other medicine.
Grateful for your kind advice.
Grateful for your kind advice.
Sharma99 last decade
Is there anyone who can help me in this issue, I am 55 years old, married for last 25 years and have four children, now for about last one year I have a problem of Premature Ejaculation, Impotence, The penis becomes small, cold and relaxed and Enlarge prostrate, I have taken one drops Lycopodium Clavatum 30 at night for two days but did not found any improvement. Please advice the dosage or any other medicine.
Grateful for your kind advice.
Grateful for your kind advice.
Sharma99 last decade
Hello Dr. Ali,
I am also suffering from micropenis and hormonal imbalance.
I have got Agnus castus (mother tincture) and lycopodium clavatum (mother tincture) and I will also get Cydonia Vulguris-Q in a day or two. So could please direct me with the dosage of these medicines. And shall I take all three of them simultaneously. Please, urgent reply.
I am also suffering from micropenis and hormonal imbalance.
I have got Agnus castus (mother tincture) and lycopodium clavatum (mother tincture) and I will also get Cydonia Vulguris-Q in a day or two. So could please direct me with the dosage of these medicines. And shall I take all three of them simultaneously. Please, urgent reply.
RizAsk 8 years ago
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