The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium Clavatum?
My friend has a dangerous problem. He is 52, face pale, eye lids red, has fluid in the lungs and has had them drained twice, heart function weak, ascites with pressure up to the heart and bowel function is just about nil (movement only with help of heavy medication)(9mm polype removed with no improvement). He has been on every medication to mankind and has been told to get his affairs in order. He is currently on a parasite herbal blend as he was tested positive for parasites. As his overall body function is very weak, I believe that homeopathic intervention would be his best option. I have studied homeopathics for 2 years and would like to know if Lycopodium Clavatum would be a good choice and at what potency and if not, what would one suggest.suzzie on 2012-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Less information to suggest another remedy. However if you are reasonably sure of Lyc. then try it in 200c.
Less information to suggest another remedy. However if you are reasonably sure of Lyc. then try it in 200c.
♡ maheeru last decade
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