The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr Sameer pls give your advice regarding Nux Vomica
I developed gastritis as a result of taking strong antibiotics for about a month.I had heartburn off an on and a lot of gas after eating and stomach pain (when empty). Most of my constitutional symptoms matched Nux Vomica. A week ago, I took 3 doses (3 pallets each dose) of Nux Vomica 30C in one day. Next day, I had aggravation of heartburn. It went away in a couple of days. Then I had a lot of gas and burping but no stomach pain. I think Nux Vomica 30C was working. However, I took Carbo Vegetablis 6C at that time to relieve the gas symptoms and I started to have deeper burps. That same evening, I went to temple. There, the priest gave a spoon of holy water and it contained camphor. After taking it, I immediately felt a lot of belching and felt empty in stomach. It felt much lighter in the stomach as if the effect of Nux Vomica and Carbo vegetablis was reduced or nulled out. The heartburn came back (although weaker) and now I have some pain/rawness in the stomach that feels worse when bending forward and deep belching after eating/drinking.
I have the following questions:
1. Did a dose of carbo vegetablis interfere with or reverse the working of Nux vomica?
2, Did camphor in holy water antidote both Nux Vomica and Carbo vegetablis or just reduce their duration of action?
3. Since Nux vomica did cause aggravation of symptoms which started improving after a couple of days, I think Nux Vomica is the right remedy for me. Should I repeat 30C again since it duration of action was possibly reduced by camphor in holy water or take 200C? Or should I wait for another 3-4 weeks before repeating it?
Many Thanks
aasman on 2009-11-01
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