The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nux Vomica
Hi, I was going to give my 6 yr old daughter Nux Vomica 30 to strengthen her digestion. I just found out Nux Vomica is made from Poison Nut. My daughter is allergic to nuts. If she takes Nux Vomica, is she likely to get a reaction to Poison Nut. Does the Poison Nut change in the process of making the homeopathic medicine out of it? My daughter constantly suffers from 'cold due to excess heat'. She gets severe cold, congestion if exposed to cold air. it has in the past developed into wheezing( a couple of times) Thanks for your reply and attention.dporayath on 2010-12-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is no physical substance in the remedy, so there is no 'nut' in there. Nothing of the original substance is left after we process it into a medicine.
You must only give a remedy to cure disease. There are no 'tonics' in homoeopathy. Each medicine is chosen individually for the patient based on a variety of characteristics they show. If a remedy is not chosen this way, there is a risk of side-effects.
Follow this link to an article written by an eminent homoeopath on the sort of information needed to make a successful prescription.
You must only give a remedy to cure disease. There are no 'tonics' in homoeopathy. Each medicine is chosen individually for the patient based on a variety of characteristics they show. If a remedy is not chosen this way, there is a risk of side-effects.
Follow this link to an article written by an eminent homoeopath on the sort of information needed to make a successful prescription.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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