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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi,Im suffering from recurring depression for a long time(over 6 years)it is very hard to deal with.and mood swings are suffering too,I was under some medication such as lithium and valporate sodium but no result.Im emotional and hard working,my depression makes me indifferent toward the ones I love and I dont enjoy anything in life.Its on and off ofcourse some times I feel much better without wny special reason.I wonder if I can survive this nightmare by homeopathy .I strated it a couple of months ago .Im desperate.
one of my friends who is a medical dr just told me that homeopthy wll interfere with the metabolism of the body and he made me worried and told me not to follow it.but I think there is no alternative left for me.would u direct me pls??
  golina on 2005-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have to provide a lot more info. - pl. check out questionaires.
Also, read up Sepia and see how it fits you generally.
Minsa last decade

It hurts my heart to hear your struggle with depression. I know how hard it is to live with -- I have it and so does my father. Every day is a battle.

May I ask, are you working with a therapist or counselor trained in clinical depression? Are you seeing him/her regularly? Medication alone does very little, I have found in my experience and my father's that medication must be supported by regular therapy sessions.

There are also many, many medications to choose from, and it is very hard for a doctor or psychiatrist to know for sure what will work unless it is tried. I had to take 4 different meds before we found the right one.

I am afraid your friend is mistaken -- you can take homeopathic remedies alongside modern medicine with no ill effects. Homeopathy is a complementary medicine, it complements what is done by modern medicine. You needn't worry about adverse reactions. YAY! :-)

I would suggest you continue trying medicines for the depression. If they do not work, tell your psychiatrist to try another.

I will say that, for me in my experience, Paxil was a very bad drug. It gave me horrendous nightmares and made my depression worse.
The drug called Depakote was the one that worked for me, and it worked very quickly too!

I am not advocating medication only, though! Please make sure to have regular visits with a competant therapist who specializes in depression and mood disorder -- the counseling is more important than the medication!

I hope you find a good treatment, I really do. Depression is an extremely hard disease to deal with, and it is chronic. Once you learn what it is like to be "normal" through counseling and mood-balancing medication, you can wean off the drug and keep yourself stable!
I have been stable for 3 years without medication and 2 years without regular therapy -- sometimes it's very hard, but I am so happy compared to before I started my therapy! And you can do it too! Just be patient. I know it's hard, you just want it to stop, but you CAN pull through! :-)

Keep on trying, Golina. You can do it!

Here's a big hug for you: {{{HUG}}}

Now take care, and keep an eye on that light at the end of the tunnel. It's there, even when you think you can't see it. It's always there, and you'll get to it soon. :-)
Orume last decade
try ignatia 30 four times daily i hope it will help you a lot.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Ill try it thank u dr sajjad.
golina last decade

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