The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nux Vomica question
Hi! I have been having issues with incomplete evacuation and pressure since I took a very high dose probiotic a few months ago. I bought nux vomica 30x and I took 5 caplets disolved under tounge upon rising this morning and since I have had about 3 or 4 bowel movements, I wouldnt say diareah because the bowel movements themselves have been formed and soft. But I have had alot of mucus and bubbley stuff comming out aswell. I have been having mucus stool off and on since the probiotic situation and so I was wondering if nux could possibley be clearing me out of all the stuff inside? Thank you so much in advance to anyone who answers.Rayanna on 2012-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i keep passing just stringy mucus and I have alot of pressure and irritation from going so much. If anyone knows if this is a good sign of clearing out please let me know? Thanks.
Rayanna last decade
It sounds like you have an intestinal infection of some sort, possibly a parasite.
There is no way to judge if this is from the remedy. A remedy would normally make the original symptoms worse, then better after this. How long that might take depends on many factors in the case.
Without knowing if Nux has been selected correctly, it is hard to have confidence in it. You could just be experiencing a worsening of your disease. Typically if I know why I have given a remedy, I will be able to assess the reactions with more assurance. We use a principle of Direction of Cure to show us that a remedy is working correctly, which relies on knowing the history and current symptoms of the patient.
If the remedy is working curatively, then after a short period (few days usually) you will experience improvement.
So you may just have to wait and see if that happens.
There is no way to judge if this is from the remedy. A remedy would normally make the original symptoms worse, then better after this. How long that might take depends on many factors in the case.
Without knowing if Nux has been selected correctly, it is hard to have confidence in it. You could just be experiencing a worsening of your disease. Typically if I know why I have given a remedy, I will be able to assess the reactions with more assurance. We use a principle of Direction of Cure to show us that a remedy is working correctly, which relies on knowing the history and current symptoms of the patient.
If the remedy is working curatively, then after a short period (few days usually) you will experience improvement.
So you may just have to wait and see if that happens.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you so much for the reply! I am hopeful it is working curatively but just incase Im not going to take another dose. Also I had stool test done and no parasites showed also no c diffile. but I think there could be some sort of bacterial thing going on still. I have no history of bowel issues or anything like that this is all new.
Rayanna last decade
Well the mucous and ineffectual urging does strongly imply an infection of some sort. This is not to say that homoeopathy cannot cure it.
Did they do 3 stool samples? I know that only using 1 can be somewhat unreliable in picking up parasites. Also did they do rectal swabs?
Did they do 3 stool samples? I know that only using 1 can be somewhat unreliable in picking up parasites. Also did they do rectal swabs?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes it was 3 samples. and a rectal swab. but I believe the rectal swab was only to check for gonorrhea . This was in december. I am considering going for another stool test just to be safe. The doctor put it off to scar tissue from a vaginal surgery I had in july 2011, and said it would clear up after the scar tissue healed, but it didnt explain the mucus to me. Also I noticed an improvement in symptoms when I started eatting manuka honey.
Rayanna last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you, do you think that nux vomica is a good start?
[message edited by Rayanna on Wed, 15 Feb 2012 01:13:03 GMT]
[message edited by Rayanna on Wed, 15 Feb 2012 01:13:03 GMT]
Rayanna last decade
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