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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Newbie needs advice re: depression remedy!

I have suffered from major depression (accompanied by lethargy, low motivation, pessimism, hopelessness, generalized anxiety and OCD tendencies) for a very long time. I had bad experiences with anti-depressants before and do not want to go back on them. I just started on Arsenicum Album 30C as a last resort. The Boiron bottle says take five pills three times daily. Was this the right choice? I took the first dose and it is definitely doing something.
[message edited by utqiagvik on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 02:02:54 BST]
  utqiagvik on 2013-06-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- never follow the directions on the bottle. I don't know why they
do that unless it is to sell more pills.

In homeopathy, when a remedy starts to act on you, you stop taking it or
you overdose and that means what you were trying to fix will reappear.

You have to wait and watch what the dose is doing over a day or two.

You could feel better and then it will hold only so long till you then
feel you went backwards and need another dose and wait again

You could have old things come up after a short while and then leave
after an hour or less, physical and mental things.

This is why you have a homeopath supervise you on when to take
the next dose, if you reach a plateau or go backwards. Or
when the next dose does not do anything, then it would be time to
go to the next potency and restart the cycle.

You cannot do this by yourself. You can fill out the form http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925 and be sure to
state how many doses you have taken and what your other meds were
and when you stopped taking them. Someone on here will help you.
simone717 last decade
Thank you Simone, that was extremely helpful advice! So far the Arsenicum Album 30C has been great ... I've been feeling more stable and less flustered than I have in a very long time, and unlike Natrum Muriaticum it is not making me palpitate or hyper.

PS: I just posted a question asking about the advisability of taking this combination remedy called Nova Depression Complex. Do you have any suggestions?
utqiagvik last decade
Hi newbie,

Do not take a complex. The reason being is one never knows
what is doing what.

Stick with one remedy at a time. Are you picking remedies out
by yourself?

This is not easy to do on oneself, and where people get into
trouble is after taking the remedy and reactions are going on,
whether it is better or worse, then they get mixed up about
taking more when not needed, or getting rid of a remedy
that really works bc they did not know why it stopped.

Once you have the right remedy it can clear layers and layers of
things out, you must be patient and use it right and don't
antidote it by taking other things.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 17:50:12 BST]
simone717 last decade
Simone, once again, wonderful advice, thank you! I will avoid the complex per your suggestion.

To give you some background, I have been under the care of licensed psychologists for the past several years, doing talk therapy. I am also currently trying mindfulness meditation. My psychiatrist wants me to go back on anti-depressants, which I want to avoid for any price.

My particular set of symptomology consists of major depression (caused by a history of parental abuse followed by the stresses of immigrating alone to a foreign country and trying to make it there all on my own) accompanied by generalized anxiety, OCD tendencies, and fear of ageing/illness/pain/death. I also have very few friends or social contacts leading to feelings of isolation. I was reading various websites offering advice on homeopathic remedies for my condition and they seemed to suggest Ars Album as helpful in curing the particular combo of depression+anxiety/paranoia+OCD+pessimism/hypochondria. What do you think?
[message edited by utqiagvik on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 18:03:02 BST]
utqiagvik last decade

Glad you found the Ars Alb.While talk therapy is helpful and
supportive, on many things it falls short. This is bc much
of the problem is stored emotions. They have to be released.

Homeopathy is the only thing I know that works on actually
changing the emotional state, in that it either raises your
entire energy levels- which you cannot have high energy and
be depressed at the same time. And homeopathy erases emotional
states when the remedy is a good match. The ocd is usually from
some specific event or series of events that was too much for you
to handle. It is the brains way of trying to still make you
unconscious of those events. Thus the layering of behaviors and
then more layers of behaviors are needed. There are specialist
therapists for ocd, who do ' in vivo' work with people, and
get to the core. The therapist, if you like yours, and trust the person,
Can really be a good supportive life coach, but most do not
get to the healing of the emotional wounds, and homeopathy
does do that.

Also when the remedy is right, these states do not come back.
You are in a new state. Allopathic drugs just suppress all the
emotions, and hormone levels etc and make people feel
a false high or weird. Of course if someone is suicidal or going
crazy they have important uses to stabilize a person thru a crisis and
must be used.

I suggest that you fill out the form and put your case on here
for supervision. I also suggest reading more on how homeopathy
works ( and not from wikipedia) -The form is http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:03:07 BST]
simone717 last decade
Yes Simone, I will fill out that form tonight and post it in here. Once again, thanks so much for your inputs, they are extremely valuable and appreciated!
utqiagvik last decade
Simone, following your excellent advice I have posted my filled-out form on the Forum. Please let me know what you think!
utqiagvik last decade

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