The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sulphur dosage? Page 2 of 3
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most individual symptoms provoked by the remedy tend not to last too long, but you can get a parade of them coming and going.
Let me know what happens.
Let me know what happens.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I dont want to keep bothering you, just giving an update.My eye is a bit better today. Most redness is gone but still feels dry. It could've been the breastmilk I put in it before I spoke to you though. I also woke up today feeling like I have a cold with sore throat. No one else is sick though. Don't know if that's good or not.
I'll try not to put anything in eye today.
I'll try not to put anything in eye today.
bwill13 last decade
So I haven't had the severe redness since my last post. The next night I woke up with the needlelike pain in my eye that I've had before. Since then, nothing. My eyes are still always red when I wake up, and dry throughout the day. The redness goes away shortly after waking.
Should I just wait now?
Should I just wait now?
bwill13 last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK. I'm supposed to have a dentist appt next Tuesday. Is that a problem? I heard it can antidote. Also, will coffee? I havent drank any yet, but sometimes I do like to have a cup. Thanks for all your help. My eyes have seemed less itchy lately and a little less red in the morning.
bwill13 last decade
Coffee won't antidote in most cases (there are exceptions) but dental work often does (again there are exceptions). If that happens, we usually just redose to bring you back to where you were.
I am hopeful that slow improvement will be permanent improvement.
I am hopeful that slow improvement will be permanent improvement.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Alright. I would reschedule, but I'll have to go eventually. It may never be a good time in terms of my homeopathy regimine.
My concern is how will I know if it antidoted? Would I just take 1 more dose then? Sorry for all the questions.
My concern is how will I know if it antidoted? Would I just take 1 more dose then? Sorry for all the questions.
bwill13 last decade
A relapse will occur if there is antidoting. We don't do anything until it is clear that is happening, no need to react beforehand.
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK so just an update. Generally my eyes seem less itchy, but occasionally they are. Also, today I had the sharp needle like pain in my left eye. Also, since I got my period back last month, I've gotten the heat rash more frequently. It always happens when I'm in bed. And seems to happen during the second half of my cycle (after I ovulate).
Not sure where to go from here. Do I just keep waiting?
Not sure where to go from here. Do I just keep waiting?
bwill13 last decade
I did take a dose after my last message. My eyes seem less itchy and I haven't had needle pain. I feel I'm ready for next step. I'm still getting heat rash regularly and it always happens in bed, mainly on my left side.
bwill13 9 years ago
Alright, next step is to obtain and use Glon 200c, one dose only. Can you get hold of that?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
I ordered it. It should be here soon. I feel I'm not as sensitive to remedies as I was before but I'm still a little nervous to take a high potency. If you think it will be OK, I trust your judgment.
bwill13 9 years ago
We can be even more careful with it if you like. I can add an extra step of protection into the dosage instructions for you.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
I received the remedy today. I am getting a filling done with the dentist tomorrow and should be my last appt for 6 months. I'll take the remedy after my appt and I receive your instructions. Thanks so much.
bwill13 9 years ago
Ok it is a simple change.
I will copy the old instructions with the new part inserted.
If you have obtained pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
**4. Take 2 teaspoons out and place them into a second cup with 100mls of fresh clean water.
5. Stir thoroughly
6. Take 2 teaspoons out of this and place them in the mouth. Hold for 20 seconds and swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.
If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).
However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this unless it is perfectly safe to do so. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped. Tissue salts are the same as homoeopathic medicines and are in this category, as are Bach Flowers, Flower Essences, and Bush Flower Essences.
I will copy the old instructions with the new part inserted.
If you have obtained pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
**4. Take 2 teaspoons out and place them into a second cup with 100mls of fresh clean water.
5. Stir thoroughly
6. Take 2 teaspoons out of this and place them in the mouth. Hold for 20 seconds and swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.
If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).
However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this unless it is perfectly safe to do so. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped. Tissue salts are the same as homoeopathic medicines and are in this category, as are Bach Flowers, Flower Essences, and Bush Flower Essences.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Sorry quick question. Ill be dosing tomorrow but I just noticed the remedy I got is glonoinum but you said glonoine. They are the same right?
bwill13 9 years ago
I took it yesterday and seemed to react OK. Nothing negative at least. Howeve, the past couple weeks I've had occasional insomnia (hard time falling and staying asleep). Two nights ago it was terrible. I barely slept. It wasn't as bad last night but I wondered if there's anything I can take if it happens again. I have to sleep, with two kids to care for during the day. This happened to me when I took nat mur while pregnant and the homeopath had me take 2 doses of coffee cruda 6c and that got rid of it. I wanted to consult you before doing anything.
bwill13 9 years ago
Ive been feeling pretty good. Eyes havent had redness and only a little itchiness which i realize with wiping my eyes with a cold wet cloth. I have still been getting the heat rash on my lower back on and off. Either when I get too hot in bed and my pants are too tight or when I get hot and I have a tag rubbing on the area.
I also still have some of the flat warts on my hands but I do apply vitamin A to those because they spread quickly and they have a severe psychological impact on my mind.
I've been getting less of the hot flushes. I am more aware now and realize that it does seem like my fight or flight response is soo sensitive. It could be from a negative thought or something actually happening.
Another mental symptom I thought of. My mind is in general very fearful and I used to think that if I thought something, it would happen. So I would try to not think of anything bad, which would only cause the opposite to happen and cause me severe fear and anxiety. I have outgrown that some but thought Id mention it.
I often have dreams when I have to get away from people trying to get me. Once they were trying to rape me but often they are just trying to get into my house. People and animals.
I do wish you had more information on the adrenaline remedy because I think it might do me some good. Let me know what you think of my current status and progress. Thanks Dr.
Ive been feeling pretty good. Eyes havent had redness and only a little itchiness which i realize with wiping my eyes with a cold wet cloth. I have still been getting the heat rash on my lower back on and off. Either when I get too hot in bed and my pants are too tight or when I get hot and I have a tag rubbing on the area.
I also still have some of the flat warts on my hands but I do apply vitamin A to those because they spread quickly and they have a severe psychological impact on my mind.
I've been getting less of the hot flushes. I am more aware now and realize that it does seem like my fight or flight response is soo sensitive. It could be from a negative thought or something actually happening.
Another mental symptom I thought of. My mind is in general very fearful and I used to think that if I thought something, it would happen. So I would try to not think of anything bad, which would only cause the opposite to happen and cause me severe fear and anxiety. I have outgrown that some but thought Id mention it.
I often have dreams when I have to get away from people trying to get me. Once they were trying to rape me but often they are just trying to get into my house. People and animals.
I do wish you had more information on the adrenaline remedy because I think it might do me some good. Let me know what you think of my current status and progress. Thanks Dr.
bwill13 9 years ago
Ok that is good - seems to be moving you closer to a stable health point.
Those dreams might point to the next remedy - perhaps a Solanaceae plant remedy.
For the moment though, I would continue to watch and wait. Let me know immediately of any relapse, and also of any changes. If after 2-3 weeks there is no further progress (so symptoms still remaining) I will probably ask you to repeat the Glon 200, but I would like to assess the situation first.
Those dreams might point to the next remedy - perhaps a Solanaceae plant remedy.
For the moment though, I would continue to watch and wait. Let me know immediately of any relapse, and also of any changes. If after 2-3 weeks there is no further progress (so symptoms still remaining) I will probably ask you to repeat the Glon 200, but I would like to assess the situation first.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
OK sounds good. I will update in 2-3weeks unless a relapse.
One more mental symptom I don't know if I mentioned and wanted to record it before I forget. For many years, I have actually been fearful to get nervous (and have the adrenaline rushes). First when I was in middle school because my face would turn so red if embarrassed and then later for other reasons. I have fear of my fight or flight response. For a long time my Dr thought I had high blood pressure but I didn't. It appeared I did because I would have an adrenaline rush while they were taking my blood pressure, which would spike it. I would have the rush because I was nervous about it happening at that moment. Therefore, I was nervous about getting nervous (ridiculous I know).
I am reading homeopathy books because I have a great interest in it. I have recently begun going through the repertory but didn't know of a rubric to describe this symptom. Just curious. Thanks again.
One more mental symptom I don't know if I mentioned and wanted to record it before I forget. For many years, I have actually been fearful to get nervous (and have the adrenaline rushes). First when I was in middle school because my face would turn so red if embarrassed and then later for other reasons. I have fear of my fight or flight response. For a long time my Dr thought I had high blood pressure but I didn't. It appeared I did because I would have an adrenaline rush while they were taking my blood pressure, which would spike it. I would have the rush because I was nervous about it happening at that moment. Therefore, I was nervous about getting nervous (ridiculous I know).
I am reading homeopathy books because I have a great interest in it. I have recently begun going through the repertory but didn't know of a rubric to describe this symptom. Just curious. Thanks again.
bwill13 9 years ago
Hmmm...that actually sounds a lot like the remedy we make from Amyl nitrate. This remedy is a differential with Glonoin actually - will keep that in mind as we move you forward.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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