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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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sulphur dosage? Page 3 of 3

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Hmmm...that actually sounds a lot like the remedy we make from Amyl nitrate. This remedy is a differential with Glonoin actually - will keep that in mind as we move you forward.
Evocationer 9 years ago
So tonight the redness in my eye has returned. Its in the right eye this time. Two days ago, I noticed myself having quite a few hot flashes during the day. Yesterday, my eyes began feeling much itchier than they have lately. This morning, heat rash. But it happened in the night I'm sure. Tonight, eye inflamed. Its the right eye, the inside white area. I'll try not to put my breastmilk in it, unless it becomes very painful. It seems like a relapse.
bwill13 9 years ago
Updating. So after my last post, I panicked because my eye was red and inflamed. I ended up taking another dose of the glonoine 200. I hit the bottle 6 times this time and dosed as you always advise. I should've waited until you reevaluated but I felt I couldn't. I did put a little breastmilk in it to soothe the irritation.

I think I had a bad reaction. I was itchy on my palms and neck and felt pretty irritated for the whole day. The next day I felt better and haven't had any more new symptoms and my eye is not red. A little itchy but not as bad. I developed a cold the morning and was incredibly tired for 2 days. Energy has since increased. Since I had new symptoms develop, does that mean I cannot use this remedy again?

I'll try to keep this part short. I feel this incredible pull toward homeopathy. The same pull I have on a spiritual level. I cannot stop thinking about it. Ive been reading constantly and watch George Vithoulkas lectures on youtube any chance I get. I am beginning with The Organon, because I believe the beginning of homeopathy is the best place to start. My question is, is there a possibility for someone like myself who has suppressed my vital force throughout my life, capable of full healing? Is that even possible? Sorry for the long message. Your knowledge is invaluable to me.
bwill13 9 years ago
New symptoms are proving symptoms, and can happen on any remedy, including the simillimum. Homoeopathy cures by creating a temporary artificial disease in place of your natural one, which causes your vital force to rouse itself to negate it, which in turns allows it to negate your natural disease as well. This artificial disease is rarely exactly the same (it is just a similar) and so you may see some minor new symptoms as well.

It sounds like the remedy is still indicated, and you did the right thing to repeat it.

It is hard to predict how far you will go towards full health, but if anything can do that for you, it is homoeopathy.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I see, so if new symptoms develop that is okay? I was told before you shouldn't continue that remedy again.

I've been having some hot flashes the last couple days. It seems my eye inflammation may be interconnected with this internal heat. Sometimes, when I get a heat flash. It begins in my body, and rises towards my face and head. When it rises, I can almost feel my eye get hot or something. I also had heat rash yesterday. Again from being hot in bed. This also happens at the end of a flash of heat.

Is it possible, that there is an excess of heat in my body, and when it gets to great it has to find an outlet? Like my eye through the redness and inflammation or my skin with the heat rash?

Also, I feel my cravings for sweets has been very intense lately. I don't know if its greater, or I'm just noticing it more

When I look through the repertory with my many of my symptoms, sulphur always seems to come up. I just wondered what your reservation was with this remedy? If you don't mind, I'm just curious to know. Thanks.
bwill13 9 years ago
A new MINOR symptom is not a problem, an actually is quite commonly seen. This is because no remedy is ever 100% the same as the patient's disease - there will always be a little overlap.

New symptoms appearing can also be a sign that a new remedy is indicated, but the person can just as easily move back into a state requiring the first remedy. People may alternate between two remedies for awhile (sometimes 3 or 4 remedies, although that is rare).

The idea of heat rising and needing an outlet is interesting - that could prove a starting point for exploring for the next remedy.

SULPHUR comes up for everyone. It is the single most highly represented remedy in the repertory. Every student sees the same thing - Sulphur is up the top of every list of remedies when doing an analysis. And yet, strangely, I have found it to be no more useful than all the other remedies in my medicine stock.

Sulphur is an important universal remedy - one that has a particular use for all human beings - which is to address the common problems relating to EGO.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK I see. The ego aspect is interesting. About 3.5 years ago, I had a near mental breakdown and was in a constant state of fear and anxiety. I thought I was going crazy. And thats when I found my spirituality through Buddhism books and other spiritual teachers. These have changed my life. But since then I've been working to disidentify from mind and EGO. I noticed the first wart on my hand after this period. I sometimes feel my mind created issues in my body to give me something to obsess about.
bwill13 9 years ago
One thing I forgot. In the beginning of disidentifying from mind/ego. I had this irrational fear that if I let go of mind I would hurt/kill someone. Even though I know it is the mind and not your being responsible for hurting people anyway. I think it was my minds way of scaring me into not letting it go. I don't fear this anymore, but it did scare me a long time in the beginning and thought it was relevant. It did precede a lot of my issues. Sorry so long.
bwill13 9 years ago

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