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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother Page 6 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
John, I have seen some posts in (very similar to mother's case) pasted below :
"re: acid reflux / heartburn From somen > on 2004-08-14 I am suffering from acidity and gas for last 1 month. I took Omeprozel medicine for about 15 days to stop acidity..but after stopping the medicine i again have acidity. I have a slight burning feeling sensation under throat while taking food during lunch time only. Heartburn..or chest pain..both sides of the chest)is continuing daily from morning 11 to 2 p.m. for last 3 days. I am taking a homeopathic medicine (i do not know the name) for last 7 days. Please suggest for the remedy for acidity and heartburn and gas elimination.


re: acid reflux / heartburn From PANKAJ VARMA 2004-08-28 From past experience,

Good to have Nat Phos 6X and Mag Phos 6X together after meals.four tabs each, can take together.
Pankaj Varma re: acid reflux / heartburn From Joe De Livera on 2004-08-28 Glad to have your confirmation on my suggestion to use Nat Phos 6x to help digestion. Nat Phos promotes peristalysis and thereby sends the food from the stomach into the small intestine.
This remedy may be used to overcome discomfort shortly after a meal when one feels the stomach is unhappy.
The Mag Pos 6x is useful to soothe the gut, especially if one feels some pain after meal or if one gets a diarrhoea after eating tainted food. "

Can my mother try this two remedies together ??
amitavam 2 decades ago
stop ALL medicines (except Blood pressure medicine)..yet as mentioned it is good possibility .Primodil (Amlodipine Besylate) is cause of acidity/heartburn like symptoms....

after stopping mentioned medicines -- single dose of nux-vomica 200c in evening before bed ---to be followed by single dose "only" phosporous 30c the following morning..

NO acidic foods and drinks AT ALL...i.e..coffee;tea;fruit and juices;vinegar;alcoholic beverages...etc...NO carbonated drinks;NO salt or spicy foods.

Encourage cold food and drinks.to be used in diet..

post back..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
have u seen my previous post ???what about Nat Phos & Mag Phos ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
pl. reply
amitavam 2 decades ago
not my suggestion--
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Amitavan...you have received a number of good suggestions such as Iris Versicolor 30 and Natrum Phos 6x and I would encourage you to try these. Natrum Phos 6x does not interfere with the other homeo medicines. There are a number of other homeo medicines that act on acid reflux but I would strongly urge you to try the IrisV 30 because it seems to best fit your mother's symptoms at this point in time.

Please rest assured that no disaster will take place is you try a few doses of these medicines at this point in time. All other medicines you have tried are not seeming to help, so it is an added factor in favour of your trying these. I advise the Iris v 30 either as globules or as single drop doses in one teaspoon of water. If you use the larger (number 30 ) globules, use 3 globules repeating two or three times 15-20 minutes apart and then wait for 4-6 hours before repeating. If you use the liquid, wait for half an hour before repeating a second time, and if there is relief before that then postpone repetition for a few hours.
Abhiram 2 decades ago

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