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acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother Page 5 of 6

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Dear Amitavan...I have read the posts for your mother's condition, and if the remedies so far prescribed are not helping greatly, I suggest IrisVers. 30 -- 2 number 30 pills repeated 15 minutes apart for upto 2 doses when acidity occurs. This may be repeated then after 4-6 hours again if needed.
Best Regards,
Abhiram 2 decades ago
what about Lemon water.. is it good for acidity ???
i have read these on some sites ... some friends of us, are also taking this ..

how is this lemon water ??

pl. reply !!
amitavam 2 decades ago
try it --post results
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Any other fruit or vegetable or any hermal u can suggest for acidity ??

Also lemon water should be taken with sugar cystals or without sugar ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
lemon water WILL NOT cure but may ameliorate symptoms--and --whether ameliorates or aggravates condition--this only gives indication to remedy choice....

what response from phosphorous.30c.?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
still not taken phosphorus 30...
amitavam 2 decades ago
yesterday lemon waster has been taken, but it has aggravated the acidity ??

what next now ??

pl. advice.
amitavam 2 decades ago
single dose phosphorous 30c
John Stanton 2 decades ago
coming back to my mother's problem :
She is becoming impatient , fed up, getting depressed, as to why acidity is not getting cured. Can u suggest any herbal / priobiotic supplement or any vitamin ?? she has yaken so many homeoppathic remedy, but there is no effect ??? what can be done ???
pl. help ..
amitavam 2 decades ago
My mother has developed itching since one month. This itching is not in the whole body, but in some
particular areas :
Left side of cheek.
shoulder area.
left elbow joint at the front.
These are the only areas where itching develops and small prickly heat minute reddish type erruptions
are noticed. When SOFRADEX-F (framycetin dexamethasone & clotrimazole cream) is applied, itching temporarily goes.
This itcnhing has never happned in her life before.
Whether any vitamin is required ?? Or any ointment ?? Or any other remedy, which will cure it.
The above new symptoms are other than acidity.
amitavam 2 decades ago
Please read right side, instead of left side as posted before.
amitavam 2 decades ago
when exactly itching start? before?after? homoeopathic remedies or allopathic remedies?....start when she removed herself from allopathic medicine?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
this 'same' itch mentioned occuring after sulphur?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Alomost the whole day, there is an itching, but not continously, but from time to time.
This itch , my mother thnik, is before sulphur. It is before homeopathic medicine.
Also sukphur has been taken long time back. Action may not be there now.
amitavam 2 decades ago
pl. reply
amitavam 2 decades ago
Dear Amitavan--IrisV 30 is reccomended for your mother--all the indigestion and reflux symptoms including the current itching skin due to indigestion are covered very well by this remedy. Our experience is that the Polychrests (as being prescribed for your mother) are over-used to the detriment of other remedies. This can be seem practically from the lack of response to the so-far prescribed remedies. Kindly try the Iris versicolor 30-- two (2) number 30 pills repeated 15 minutes apart for upto 2 doses when acidity occurs. This may be repeated then after 4-6 hours again if needed.
Abhiram 2 decades ago
the use of Amlodipine Besylate has known side effects Dermatologically: ...such as rash and dermatitis...---ALSO digestive area---..one of which is dyspepsia...
a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea ............. allopathic medicine complicates/aggravates if not causation in this case---well it seem unlikely that blood pressure med can be stopped--

as long as allopathic medicines are being used BEST can 'hope' for is pallitation..

single dose "only" phosphorous 30c
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what about IrisV30 ??? can we try this ??

why itching for last 1 month ...Amlodipine is being used since long time ..

what so do ??

pl. advice ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
Iris-v is abhiram's prescription...not mine..he will have to guide you in that ..

.well allopath medicine as causation requires removal from to cure--but since we are not going to remove due to age and long term use--we will seek to pallitate..though if action is in correct direction it may be possible with correlation betwwen mother and her allopath doctor to slowly wean from Amlodipine Besylate .....by STRICT monitorization of allo-doctor..and here at board....so goal is treatment of mother's health in 'whole' sense...

.my prescription is phosphorous 30c..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
From the last 1 week, there has been acute acidity problem of mother. After sonsulting with allopathic doctor, she is taking Antacids tablets.
what to do ?? Not getting convinced of any homeopathic medicine, she has lost all patience.
can u give best remedy ????
so that she feels better !!!
Acidity was so acute, that she cannot wait for homeopathic remedy, forced to take allopathic ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
i do understand her impatience--my apologies for lack of 'good' results...

is this current allopathic medicine before or after taking phosphorous?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
still not taken phosphorus as yet. since allopathic medicine is continied for acidity, we thought that it will not be proper to give phosphorus, otherwise we all will be confused. what do u advice ??.
amitavam 2 decades ago
stop ALL medicines (except Blood pressure medicine)..yet as mentioned it is good possibility .Primodil (Amlodipine Besylate) is cause of acidity/heartburn like symptoms....

after stopping mentioned medicines -- single dose of nux-vomica 200c in evening before bed ---to be followed by single dose "only" phosporous 30c the following morning..

NO acidic foods and drinks AT ALL...i.e..coffee;tea;fruit and juices;vinegar;alcoholic beverages...etc...NO carbonated drinks;NO salt or spicy foods.

Encourage cold food and drinks.to be used in diet..

post back..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
can u explain what cold food / drink ???

can she take cold milk ??

pl. advice.
amitavam 2 decades ago
no milk --best use pure water and cold grain water drinks--particularly rice---
John Stanton 2 decades ago
John, I have seen some posts in (very similar to mother's case) pasted below :
"re: acid reflux / heartburn From somen > on 2004-08-14 I am suffering from acidity and gas for last 1 month. I took Omeprozel medicine for about 15 days to stop acidity..but after stopping the medicine i again have acidity. I have a slight burning feeling sensation under throat while taking food during lunch time only. Heartburn..or chest pain..both sides of the chest)is continuing daily from morning 11 to 2 p.m. for last 3 days. I am taking a homeopathic medicine (i do not know the name) for last 7 days. Please suggest for the remedy for acidity and heartburn and gas elimination.


re: acid reflux / heartburn From PANKAJ VARMA 2004-08-28 From past experience,

Good to have Nat Phos 6X and Mag Phos 6X together after meals.four tabs each, can take together.
Pankaj Varma re: acid reflux / heartburn From Joe De Livera on 2004-08-28 Glad to have your confirmation on my suggestion to use Nat Phos 6x to help digestion. Nat Phos promotes peristalysis and thereby sends the food from the stomach into the small intestine.
This remedy may be used to overcome discomfort shortly after a meal when one feels the stomach is unhappy.
The Mag Pos 6x is useful to soothe the gut, especially if one feels some pain after meal or if one gets a diarrhoea after eating tainted food. "

Can my mother try this two remedies together ??
amitavam 2 decades ago

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