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acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother Page 3 of 6
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1 dose "only" sulpher 30c in morning-on 1 day only--no repetition at all on any other day...1 hour before first meal...
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sulphur will be taken tomorrow before meal.
amitavam 2 decades ago
when should i report the changes ???my mother has taken sulphur 30 yesterday before meal.
amitavam 2 decades ago
what response from sulphur?
(a)no change at all?
(b)new symptoms?new complaints?
(a)no change at all?
(b)new symptoms?new complaints?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sulphur taken 2 days back, but no change at all, still there is acidity in the afternoon.
But there is a slight redishness in the right eye, from yesterday. This is the first time, it has happened.
But there is a slight redishness in the right eye, from yesterday. This is the first time, it has happened.
amitavam 2 decades ago
please explain "sour vomiting" --is this sourness rising up throat and not expelled? does fluid reach mouth? actually vomitted out of mouth?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
whether the redness is due to sulphur ????
amitavam 2 decades ago
i have not told you one thing ?? from last 15 days, my mother is having a prickly heat minute boils at the back of the sometimes itches ...she is applying prickly heat powder, but i think action is very slow. Any remedy ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
she EVER have this type of rash in her life?you need be sure of this...
this decides whether new remedy indicated or not..
DO NOT PUT ANY skin cremes or powders on rash--this important--comfort with water a prefered temperature--but no medicines on rash..
this decides whether new remedy indicated or not..
DO NOT PUT ANY skin cremes or powders on rash--this important--comfort with water a prefered temperature--but no medicines on rash..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
In fact this is not rash ,
this is heat rash. First time in life ...sure ... 100% sure...even my mother is 100% sure ...
this is heat rash. First time in life ...sure ... 100% sure...even my mother is 100% sure ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
"sour vomiting": very slight sour like fluid come in the mouth ... again very slight ...not much ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
what time mother take lunch?what is typical food/drink at this time?
what time mother eat evening meal?
what time mother rise form bed in morning?does she rise immediately upon waking?
what time mother eat evening meal?
what time mother rise form bed in morning?does she rise immediately upon waking?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
what is mother's attitude/emotion during the heartburn?...i.e..quiet,complaining,angry,talkative,goes off alone,worries,...etc...please explain
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
redness of right eye is slightly reduced. It is almost normal. It was the veins. Given Gentamicin eye drop, only 1 dose, as adviced by allopathic doctor.
Mother take lunch at 14:30hrs IST. It includes Rice, wheat Chapati, fish curry, little vegetables.
Night Dinner at 21:30hrs IST. It includes, 2 wheat chapatis, Fish, vegetables, Banana.
She takes very little lunch & dinner.
Mother rises from the bed at 6:30 AM in the morning, she sleeps for some time, after waking, just keeping her eyes closed.
Mother's attitude/emotion is quiet. Worry is only, as to ispite of so many restrictions, acicidity is not getting cured.
Mother take lunch at 14:30hrs IST. It includes Rice, wheat Chapati, fish curry, little vegetables.
Night Dinner at 21:30hrs IST. It includes, 2 wheat chapatis, Fish, vegetables, Banana.
She takes very little lunch & dinner.
Mother rises from the bed at 6:30 AM in the morning, she sleeps for some time, after waking, just keeping her eyes closed.
Mother's attitude/emotion is quiet. Worry is only, as to ispite of so many restrictions, acicidity is not getting cured.
amitavam 2 decades ago
1 dose "only" sepia 30c -- to be taken when heartburn occurs--
no acids
post the response or lack of response after sepia.
no acids
post the response or lack of response after sepia.
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
There is no heartburn at all from the very begining. It is acidity only.
Should my mother take Sepia30 ??
pl. advice.
Should my mother take Sepia30 ??
pl. advice.
amitavam 2 decades ago
Also pl. advice, how many dose to be taken and when ?.
whether the medicine will be taken, when acidity occurs ?.
whether the medicine will be taken, when acidity occurs ?.
amitavam 2 decades ago
as soon as acidity occurs-(not before acidity occurs)-mother IS to take 1 dose sepia 30c ..
then post immediately the response or lack of response...have sepia 200c on hand also (but 200c is not to taken yet )
amativam--if able,then buy liquid form of remedies..
then post immediately the response or lack of response...have sepia 200c on hand also (but 200c is not to taken yet )
amativam--if able,then buy liquid form of remedies..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
amitavam 2 decades ago
what response from sepia 30c?please explain
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
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