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acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother Page 2 of 6
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Shall my mother take natrum muriaticum 30c ?. Or do u have any queries ??
amitavam 2 decades ago
She does not compplain much. She keeps to herself mostly.
Concern is, that it is not curing completely.
Concern is, that it is not curing completely.
amitavam 2 decades ago
what eases or helps make feel better?
name location(s) of main complaint?
any Moles, warts or freckles? where?how many?
any ear/hearing faults/compaints?
any leg complaints at all?...varicose veins..cramping ..weakness...etc
anything sensitive to?...i.e..odors...clothe....noise..anger...chemical sensitivities...etc
any allergies? to what?when occur?what typical symptoms of reaction?
Any cravings, aversions, or reactions, from food or to situasions? ..i.e..odors...certain people...noises....
what eases or helps make feel better?
name location(s) of main complaint?
any Moles, warts or freckles? where?how many?
any ear/hearing faults/compaints?
any leg complaints at all?...varicose veins..cramping ..weakness...etc
anything sensitive to?...i.e..odors...clothe....noise..anger...chemical sensitivities...etc
any allergies? to what?when occur?what typical symptoms of reaction?
Any cravings, aversions, or reactions, from food or to situasions? ..i.e..odors...certain people...noises....
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Height...... : 5' 2"
Weight....... : 54 kgs
What eases ......: Mild Heart burn & sour vomiting, when acidity forms
Any moles, warts ... : Big Black mole in right cheek
Any ear /hearing ......... : No hearing / ear problems
Any leg commpaints ...........: Knee pain, sometimes more, Cramp was there some 2 years back, but not now., no weakness feeling.
Anything sensitive ..........: Sensitive to noise, very mucg anger, when anyone disobeys
Any allergies ........: No allergies
Any Cravings or reactions .........: Sour fruit, Dal, Sour Vegitable etc.. aggravates acidity, hence she avoid these.
Likes Sweets ; Other Non Salty foods.
Drinks 10 - 12 glasses of water daily.
Weight....... : 54 kgs
What eases ......: Mild Heart burn & sour vomiting, when acidity forms
Any moles, warts ... : Big Black mole in right cheek
Any ear /hearing ......... : No hearing / ear problems
Any leg commpaints ...........: Knee pain, sometimes more, Cramp was there some 2 years back, but not now., no weakness feeling.
Anything sensitive ..........: Sensitive to noise, very mucg anger, when anyone disobeys
Any allergies ........: No allergies
Any Cravings or reactions .........: Sour fruit, Dal, Sour Vegitable etc.. aggravates acidity, hence she avoid these.
Likes Sweets ; Other Non Salty foods.
Drinks 10 - 12 glasses of water daily.
amitavam 2 decades ago
color of tongue?
swellings anywhere at all?
nausea --burping/eructations--flatuence?
what head complaints ? vertigo/dizziness?
swellings anywhere at all?
nausea --burping/eructations--flatuence?
what head complaints ? vertigo/dizziness?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
forget about nat-m for now..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Normal purple colour with slight whitish coating
No Swelling anywhere
No nausea or flautence feeling
No Vertigo, dizziness
Heartburn occur in the neck area.
Complaint is sometimes in the morning & daily in the afternoon (already informed you).
No Swelling anywhere
No nausea or flautence feeling
No Vertigo, dizziness
Heartburn occur in the neck area.
Complaint is sometimes in the morning & daily in the afternoon (already informed you).
amitavam 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
are you relating exactly these questions to mother and writing exactly what she answers? or answering what your opinion only?
please describe example of mother's behavior concrning anxiety....any anger envolved?
please describe example of mother's behavior concrning anxiety....any anger envolved?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Pl. give her PULSATILLA 30 C four times a day.
let us know the response after one week.
Pankaj Varma
Pl. give her PULSATILLA 30 C four times a day.
let us know the response after one week.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
refering to mother's food likes/dislikes---what is meant by "...other non salty foods..."? how long has she shown preference for NON-salty? oris this due to ''doctor's" oreders because of BP?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
In the Year 1985, she was treated for malaria.
No Pain , except right knee, which is bearable, and no medicine is taken for this.
During anxiety, she always keeps herself quiet, and no anger shown for that.
Since the BP problem , in 1999, doctor adviced to take less salt in foods.
Memory is very sharp
She cannot bear mental exertion.
(All the answers to your queries are not my opnion. It is all first communicated to my mother and whatever i posted to you ,she dictates me, otherwise
how can i give years, dates , timimgs and details of her likes & dislikes, whenever asked by you, and since i want my mother to get cured completely , i am constantly in touch with you)
No Pain , except right knee, which is bearable, and no medicine is taken for this.
During anxiety, she always keeps herself quiet, and no anger shown for that.
Since the BP problem , in 1999, doctor adviced to take less salt in foods.
Memory is very sharp
She cannot bear mental exertion.
(All the answers to your queries are not my opnion. It is all first communicated to my mother and whatever i posted to you ,she dictates me, otherwise
how can i give years, dates , timimgs and details of her likes & dislikes, whenever asked by you, and since i want my mother to get cured completely , i am constantly in touch with you)
amitavam 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
heartburn is less ...
There is a burning sensation in the stomatch after having afternoon lunch. It goes away, in the evening.
There is a skight burning sensation also in the neck area, as already told to you.
Not tried , if my mother has not eaten. She has to take lunch .. isn't it ??
Face becomes bit reddish, when anger is exhibited ...
There is a burning sensation in the stomatch after having afternoon lunch. It goes away, in the evening.
There is a skight burning sensation also in the neck area, as already told to you.
Not tried , if my mother has not eaten. She has to take lunch .. isn't it ??
Face becomes bit reddish, when anger is exhibited ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
1 dose "only" sulpher 30c
follow same restrictions;as before mentioned--also products containing refined white sugar---
follow same restrictions;as before mentioned--also products containing refined white sugar---
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
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