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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica 30c


After years of GI doctors and discomfort I finally went to see a wonderful Naturopath on Wednesday. I had already researched and tried almost every type of herbal supplement (DGL Licorice, slippery elm, mastic gum, digestive enzymes, etc). With digestive enzymes being the only thing that provided some relief with digestion, I had still been experiencing extreme nausea and stomach discomfort.

The Naturopath provided me with Nux Vomica 30c to be taken twice a day. I took it yesterday morning, and felt some relief after. I took it again late afternoon yesterday with tremendous relief from the nausea and an increase in mood and energy, however, I also experienced stomach cramps and an anxious feeling.

Do you think the 30c might be too strong or is this something my body just needs to get used to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you!
  hope0492 on 2015-06-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Many Naturopaths don't have a good background
in homeopathy and they prescribe remedies as
if they are prescribing herbs or vitamins.

It does not work that way. The remedy is based
on the law of Like cures Like. That means it
is to match your symptoms. When it matches
the body will not accept two of the same things-
your symptoms and something close to it.
The body reacts by raising your life force
to do the clearing- it is not the remedy. The
remedy is a catalyst for the life force.

Everyone is different in how they respond to a dose. Often when the remedy is correct there is
a worsening of symptoms- this is a good sign,
and it means you had enough and the life force
is activated.

You do not take more, you wait and watch now.
Aggravation can last for a day or more and then
you should start feeling better mentally and
it might be that other old things you have had
show up and then disappear.

Waiting is very important in homeopathy- Wait
for a few days and see if there is overall
improvement. If you have improvement for a few
days and then old things return, that is when
you would take One dose again and then wait
and watch.
simone717 9 years ago
Thank you so much! I do feel this is the correct remedy, as I have experienced great relief from my nausea after the second dose. Because I also experienced stomach cramps and some anxiety, I will wait to take another dose. If the nausea comes back today or within the next couple days, is it okay to take the next dose?
hope0492 9 years ago

You need to wait 24 hours to see
if this is an aggravation or not.

If you take more when you have
had enough to stimulate your
life force, then it will get
even worse.

I assume the stomach cramps and anxious feeling
are new?

If and when you try another dose, put 2 pills in
two tablespoons of water, let dissolve, then
try a tsp out of that as a dose. It makes the remedy
more gentle.
simone717 9 years ago

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