The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nux vomica
Can anyone tell me what does nux vomica is , i got this little bottle at the pharmacy, it says nux vomica 200ch(what does ch stand for anyway?). i heard it helps with insomnia, PTSD, and many more consequences and repercussions of a ''childhood''...i had. now i'm almost 40. i have severe insomnias for many many years, tried benzodiazepines(i know pretty much the entire family of benzos...) but the problem with them is that it becomes almost an addiction..not so much of side effects but one has to increase the number of benzos (the dosage) quite a it, i mean everyone knows you take one or two 10 mg diazepam today and a month from now you'll have to take 10 / night to fall asleep. I DON'T WANT THAT!!!!. or go to somthg else , stronger sedatives etc...benn there done that. wanna change. i would be eternally grateful if someone ( a doctor) will tell me details about this nux it safe? does it really work? it contains striknine(sorry, spelling is wrong i know) ...but they wouldn't sell it in the pharmacy if it was pure striknine? that kills , i know that much.insomniaman76 on 2016-01-16
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Hi Dear,
Nux.vom.200 CH means this medicin has 200 centicimal potency,(not getting? I know you wont,these medicins are used in different powers like 6,30,200,1000(1M) 10M depending upon the cronicness of ones ailment ,these medicins are not like allopathic medicins (this for that) you have to have that remedy picture in toto (you should exhibit the picture) there are more than 100 remedies for Insomania,every person who suffers from insomania can not be benefited by this because every person will present different symptoms,mind well Homeopathy works on cause and not on Result (unlike Allopathy) result is guide for cause,homeopathy's philosophy is radically different first you try read some books on this philosophy. now coming to the point,
1.Do you get /suffering from constipation or that never done feeling ?
2.Are you generally irritable and more so when some body asks you some thin or a question?
3.Do you have sedentary habits.
4. Are you consuming alchohal
these are the few symptoms indicating the Nux.Vom.
I hope you got me.
Comming to your another doubt,
Homeopathy has deadlier medicins tha this,It has Arsenic,Lead,Snake poisons,Spider poison and so on.. but the quanintity in one dose is 0.0000000000001 mg or so ,this is not exact but just to give you the idea,we use all these medicins fearlessly,
thats why I told you to go through the phylosophy of homeopathy
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:27:47 UTC]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:35:27 UTC]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 18:15:59 UTC]
Nux.vom.200 CH means this medicin has 200 centicimal potency,(not getting? I know you wont,these medicins are used in different powers like 6,30,200,1000(1M) 10M depending upon the cronicness of ones ailment ,these medicins are not like allopathic medicins (this for that) you have to have that remedy picture in toto (you should exhibit the picture) there are more than 100 remedies for Insomania,every person who suffers from insomania can not be benefited by this because every person will present different symptoms,mind well Homeopathy works on cause and not on Result (unlike Allopathy) result is guide for cause,homeopathy's philosophy is radically different first you try read some books on this philosophy. now coming to the point,
1.Do you get /suffering from constipation or that never done feeling ?
2.Are you generally irritable and more so when some body asks you some thin or a question?
3.Do you have sedentary habits.
4. Are you consuming alchohal
these are the few symptoms indicating the Nux.Vom.
I hope you got me.
Comming to your another doubt,
Homeopathy has deadlier medicins tha this,It has Arsenic,Lead,Snake poisons,Spider poison and so on.. but the quanintity in one dose is 0.0000000000001 mg or so ,this is not exact but just to give you the idea,we use all these medicins fearlessly,
thats why I told you to go through the phylosophy of homeopathy
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:27:47 UTC]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:35:27 UTC]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 18:15:59 UTC]
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