The ABC Homeopathy Forum
There has to be an answer for Depression
I was on antidepressants for 6 trs. I decided they weren't gaining me anything. I went off them in Feb. of '05. Since than I have tried several different things. I found a clinic which practices NET which is Neuro Emotional Technique and acupunture. This has cost me several thousand dollars. It's helped some but I still have the depression. I want to stay in bed . I used to stay in bed for days at a time. I have no self esteem, no self confidence. I really need some suggestions. My youngest son is leaving for the Air Force in September and some days I wonder if I can live after that.Iowan on 2006-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi patient
dont worry
homeopathy deals well with mental symptoms
pls email me in detail
get my email address from my profile
take care
Dr. Hasnaat
dont worry
homeopathy deals well with mental symptoms
pls email me in detail
get my email address from my profile
take care
Dr. Hasnaat
Hasnaat last decade
Homeopathy can help you - as previous post states - right rememdy will have targeted effect on your mental state. Homeopathy is about the whole of you, not just symptoms, so let the story unravel with a homeopath you feel comfortable with on this board , or elsewhere if not feasible to see one in yr area. I sometimes consult John Stanton on this board (find his email in his profile) and he is a very thorough case taker...
Don't despair please. Plenty of help here.
All best.
Don't despair please. Plenty of help here.
All best.
carlotta last decade
homeopathy is a great cure for mental stress. but you can also make some efforts of your own.try to get mood lifts-do things that please you, go to places where you feel happy.since your son is going away soon ,you may find yourself more depressed at being alone. get yourself busy in interesting activites
alfa2 last decade
I started with anti-depressants in '98. I decided they weren't gaining me anything so I went off them in Feb.'05. In Oct. '05 I started seeeing a Dr. who specializes in NET (neuro emotional technique) and acupuncture. I've spent several thousands there and I don't feel like thats the whole answer either. I don't know if you're familiar with NET, but what does is clear all the old emotional scars going back all the way to conception.
I don't want to get up in the morning, I'm a quiet person not confortable in crowds or people I don't know, I have no self esteem, no self confidence, I'm a worrier, I tend to think everyone is better than me, I don't think I can accomplish anything, I find I've lost interest in all the crafts & gardening that I used to enjoy, no desire for sex.
On top of all this my youngest son is leaving for the Air Force in September and I don't know how I'm going to cope with that.
I don't want to get up in the morning, I'm a quiet person not confortable in crowds or people I don't know, I have no self esteem, no self confidence, I'm a worrier, I tend to think everyone is better than me, I don't think I can accomplish anything, I find I've lost interest in all the crafts & gardening that I used to enjoy, no desire for sex.
On top of all this my youngest son is leaving for the Air Force in September and I don't know how I'm going to cope with that.
Iowan last decade
Homeopathy can definitely help you ( I am speaking from personal experience).
In my opinion, it needs to be combined with behavior modification to erase some of the unproductive habits that feed it. This is why I, personally, am still struggling after homeopathic treatment.
For example, negative thinking, which worsens the condition, is a habit that could be altered and reigned in.
There is a wonderful book, 'Undoing Depression' (Amazon has it) that gives you exactly the tools how to change things in your daily life that will give you big results.
Good Luck:
Homeopathy can definitely help you ( I am speaking from personal experience).
In my opinion, it needs to be combined with behavior modification to erase some of the unproductive habits that feed it. This is why I, personally, am still struggling after homeopathic treatment.
For example, negative thinking, which worsens the condition, is a habit that could be altered and reigned in.
There is a wonderful book, 'Undoing Depression' (Amazon has it) that gives you exactly the tools how to change things in your daily life that will give you big results.
Good Luck:
marinastar last decade
'lowan' :
DEPRESSION, can be caused by hundreds of factors. A perfect cure for the same is easily possible when the causative factor is identified and rectified.
The following are FEW of the reasons, which creates conditions like Depression ;
- Thyroid Gland malfunctioning
- Diabetes
- Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)
- Celiac disease (Gluten intolerance disease)
- Obesity, Blood Pressure, Sedentary life-style & so on ....
- Financial insecurity
- Social, Moral, Family ...... insecurity / unsatisfaction
- Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD)
- Over-powering attitude
- under-growth physicals, appearances ...
- ..........
The list is long. It requires more data for appropriate identification of the depression factor.
Try to detail more of your mental and physical tendencies and picture ...
Tentatively, you can consider taking Bio-Chemic Tissue Salt called Kali.PHOS.-12X, four tablets, 4 - 5 times a day, till the mood uplifts or symptoms persist.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Also read Other articles / posts by Nesha-India :
DEPRESSION, can be caused by hundreds of factors. A perfect cure for the same is easily possible when the causative factor is identified and rectified.
The following are FEW of the reasons, which creates conditions like Depression ;
- Thyroid Gland malfunctioning
- Diabetes
- Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)
- Celiac disease (Gluten intolerance disease)
- Obesity, Blood Pressure, Sedentary life-style & so on ....
- Financial insecurity
- Social, Moral, Family ...... insecurity / unsatisfaction
- Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD)
- Over-powering attitude
- under-growth physicals, appearances ...
- ..........
The list is long. It requires more data for appropriate identification of the depression factor.
Try to detail more of your mental and physical tendencies and picture ...
Tentatively, you can consider taking Bio-Chemic Tissue Salt called Kali.PHOS.-12X, four tablets, 4 - 5 times a day, till the mood uplifts or symptoms persist.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Also read Other articles / posts by Nesha-India :
Nesha-India last decade
Hi lowan,
please look up 'Aurum on this site, you need to fit your personality with a remedy profile.'To do a proper analysis try to go to a reputable hpath near you. regards
please look up 'Aurum on this site, you need to fit your personality with a remedy profile.'To do a proper analysis try to go to a reputable hpath near you. regards
parachute last decade
Since you are hooked to antidepressents, in current situation no high potency medicine would work on you.
Try Belladonna and Anacardium Orientale in lowest availbale potency to begin with.
And we need to know a lot about your desires, dreams, frustration, anger, miseries, happiness and whatnot.
I suggest you to start with Belladanna and Anacardim first let's say 6X. Belladonna at mornign and Anacardim at evening. Most probably you would say goodbye to antidepressents.
Try Belladonna and Anacardium Orientale in lowest availbale potency to begin with.
And we need to know a lot about your desires, dreams, frustration, anger, miseries, happiness and whatnot.
I suggest you to start with Belladanna and Anacardim first let's say 6X. Belladonna at mornign and Anacardim at evening. Most probably you would say goodbye to antidepressents.
♡ girilal last decade
I see you are very busy. I e-mailed the symptoms you asked for. Have not heard back--is there a problem? Do you have more ?'s.
Please HELP
I see you are very busy. I e-mailed the symptoms you asked for. Have not heard back--is there a problem? Do you have more ?'s.
Please HELP
Iowan last decade
hi lowan!
how old are you and what ather medical conditions are you suffering from?
u answer these questions and i'll give you the treatment for your depression
with best wishes
how old are you and what ather medical conditions are you suffering from?
u answer these questions and i'll give you the treatment for your depression
with best wishes
Alfalfa Q last decade
Iowan last decade
(i am perfectly qualified to prescribe allopathic meds for u.) And i am talking from personal experience: I was stable on antidepressants but quit and tried to cure myself with homeopathy and other alternative medicine techniques BUT I GOT NO OR VERY LITTLE RELIEF! So i have reverted back to allopathic meds (along with psychotherapy) and they are working wonderfully for me. You did try meds for 6 yrs and found they r not working. maybe u didnt try thr right meds. I have found that Clomipramine 100-150 mg works best for me. It has some side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness etc but when its effect starts kicking in after 4-6 weeks , you lose all negative thinking and you start seeing all the positive things in life. U start enjoying life again. I take 100 mg at night, that assures a good refreshing sleep and waking up full of energy and zest for life.
Imipramine (tofranil) is also a very similar and VERY effective drug.
If u want less side effects try Lexapro 10 mg in the morning. U will start noticing its positive effects within 2-3 weeks (but it may disturb your sleep and your libido).
(by the way i even tried St john's wort WITHOUT ANY BENEFIT and with a great waste of money).....Please forget alternative medicine, go to a good psychiatrist and a good psychotherapist!
(I am not a salesman for either lexapro or clomipramine/imipramine; i have given this info from personal experience and out of sympathy for an ailing human being.)
With best wishes
Imipramine (tofranil) is also a very similar and VERY effective drug.
If u want less side effects try Lexapro 10 mg in the morning. U will start noticing its positive effects within 2-3 weeks (but it may disturb your sleep and your libido).
(by the way i even tried St john's wort WITHOUT ANY BENEFIT and with a great waste of money).....Please forget alternative medicine, go to a good psychiatrist and a good psychotherapist!
(I am not a salesman for either lexapro or clomipramine/imipramine; i have given this info from personal experience and out of sympathy for an ailing human being.)
With best wishes
Alfalfa Q last decade
I am a 47 year old female. I posted some time ago looking for some help with depression.Thought I would try again. I am to the point where happy things and well as bad things make me cry. I am not a morning person, I am a quiet reserved non-assertive person, my feelings get hurt easily, have a hard time expressing my feelings,I where my heart on my sleeve, I'm serious, somewhat of a perfectionist, pre-occupied with my appearance, no self-esteem , no self-confidence, insecure, inadequate, very indecisive, always worry about what others think of me, house is cluttered, can't concentrate, loose train of thought, I have to urinate sometimes very frequently and very urgently, sometimes its almost clear, anxiety is an issue, constipated, when walking on the treadmill I have a problem with balance, lost interest in things I used to enjoy, periods last 1 day (fairly heavy ), loose patience easily, very critical of myself, stress easily, tend to compare myself to other women, lost my father at age 16, (insecure at a very early age), left a job because it was to stressful, than daughter issues stressed me out, no emotional support from my husband, no libido, anti-depressants didn't help, have had my thyroid tested with good results, can't keep my right hip and some verdabrae in place, losing too much hair, bad complexion, sometimes dull headaches, sometimes sharp headaches on left side, noises in my ear. Homeopath had me try Merc, Pulsatilla, Stapysagria, tried Sepia
Iowan last decade
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