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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst Page 4 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well, after 3 months and $80 in products, I still have the cyst, it is still draining.
I am going to have it surgically removed which I should have done it the first place and saved a lot of time and money.
gregf last decade
I just got back from the dermatologist.

He told me that the homeopathic remedies had opened the cyst but it wasnt healing.

I have to wait 4 weeks for it to heal and close before he can do the surgery.

Amazing that the so called experts never respond here when their remedies do not work.

Everyone needs to be very careful on this web site.
gregf last decade
You started taking allopathic drugs ....which reversed the process of healing.

Sad thing in life is....nobody takes responsibilty for his / her own actions. Just tend to blame it on others.

If you had followed the instructions....by this time the area would have started drying up.

Your allopath has also confirmed that the cyst has drained out ....so he will do surgery of what ????

There is nothing left to take out thru surgery.

Start applying Calendula ointment ...externally on the area and internally Silicea 200 in the morning and Hyper Sulph 200 in the evening ....for a week.

Anyways, by saying what you said ....you have indicated the querrelsome streak in your nature....it has helped me to suggest Hepar Sulph. ....in addition to Silicea.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Read my post.

The cyst is still there.

The cyst is still draining.

The cyst did not go away. I followed your directions for 3 months, the result was an infection.

But then I guess you know all, so there for it must be me and not you.

Look up humility in the dictionary/
gregf last decade
I have been trying to help you inspite of your impatience....

I am not obliged to respond anymore !!

Best wishes

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I guess your ego and arrogance does not allow you to admit that Homeopathy does not always work.
gregf last decade
Wow, people even fight and flame each other on homeopathy forums, lol!
11:11 last decade
I know this doesn't have anything to do with homeopathy, but another poster said this:

'All doctors indicate surgery to remove, but of course that is not available here in the UK.'

Could I just ask, why would surgery not be available in the UK?

Also, though I have not followed this thread (just glanced at it), I have to ask - is this, indeed, a cyst the OP has or possibly a boil? Cysts don't usually drain, do they?
11:11 last decade
Gregf....that was the only way to know if you had a querrelsome streak in you....to inflame you with some statements !!!!

Normally when I ask people if they have a querrelsome streak in them (directly)..all say no !! Even though ...as soon as they leave my office ...they go out and fight with the guy who parked his car on the street in the wrong way !!!

On the net that is the only way available to me. To make a statement that will inflame the person.

In the past also I inflamed some guys here on ABC just to extract their personlity traits ....how ever it was done in the best interest of the person. (Infact, some of them considered themselves as great homeopaths...but refused to heal their ownselves first).

One of the meds that suits people with a querrelsome streak is Hepar Sulph.

Having let the cat out of the bag....sad thing is I will not be able to use this diagnosis tool in future here on ABC.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dean N last decade
Dean...pl. see reply on your thread.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Indeed, please do not try to spark a quarrel - whatever the reason.

Best Wishes,
moderator last decade
I said surgery was not an option in the UK, as it is classed as cosmetic unless threatening your health in some way, so only people with private health insurance would get this done routinely. My GP might do it in his office if I pushed him, but that is not really what I want.
diamond99 last decade

I am glad you read my post.

Haven't heard from you for some time thru e-mail.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Greg F ....needs the Hepar Sulph. to heal up the cyst....it is one of the best meds for his situation.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankav Varma

You refer to Hepar Sulph. Is is Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum or Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum.
gregf last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Garma

I have a few cysts on my body, my arms, abdomen, back, and upper thigh. I just ordered the mystirica and silicea. I am hopefull and curios to see if this works.

jame1 last decade
Pankaj Garma

9 months after have surgical attention to a subaceous cyst (abcessed) on my eye lid approximately 1.5 centimeters in diameter, I find myself flawed with the actual mass still left in/on my epidermal layer. Although, not painful I would love to get rid of this condition. I am not sure whether I should follow all or a portion of the advice given in this thread being that the puss has been drained and the mass of sebum is still prevalent. Any advice?
humblej last decade
Just wanted to let you all know that I tried the Silicea and Myristica treatment and it worked. It did take a while--approx 3 - 4 months from start of inflammation. The cyst had been on my back for about 3 years before it became inflamed. I first tried doctor recommended anti-biotics which lessened the infammation but then left the cyst still swollen and sensitive. I first took the Silicea on a daily basis for about two-three weeks before I read about the Myristica. I took the Myristica for about two weeks before the cyst began to drain and continued taking both for another two weeks as the cyst drained, closed, drained, and finally subsided completely. I did religiously apply hot/warm compress daily as well throughout the treatment period. This is the treatment recommended both by this post and another patient who had had success with the combination of medicines after allipathy treatments (surgery) had failed. It has been 9 months now and all is clear
Honkeydog last decade
Thank you for posting Honkeydog-
It is really great to have feedback
from people and see what worked.

simone717 last decade
I have a sebaceous cyst below the left breast size of a pea. this has been infected now for the fourth time. how do i get rid of the whole thing.
Homoeopathic lover last decade
I had one on my back a few years ago. It sat right under my bra strap. I had it drained several times only for it to come back. I didn't try any homeopathic remedies. I ended up having it removed by a plastic surgeon and it never came back.
endbvnow last decade

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