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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I will keep taking the Silicea 6c. I just received two more viles. It is still draining,

I have a digital camera but am unsure how to upload to this site.
gregf last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
No change. I am on my 4th and final vile of Silicea 6c and it is still draining.

Is there any thing with more potency than 6c?
gregf last decade
Start taking Silicea 200c and Hepar Sulph 200c...one dose every day.

One med in the morning , other in the evening. These will dry up the area.

Stop Silicea 6c.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma

I think there was great progress overnight. I woke up this morning and the puss has drained. I think the cyst finally burst. The hard lump under the skin has gone away and it is draining only clear now and not white puss.

I upped the silicea 6c to 3 pellets 3 times a day. I also started using a damp hot wash cloth on the area to soften it a help the draining.

I already have the Silicea 200c. Before I start it, should I finish the silicea 6c first.

Thank you for your patience and help. I think we are finally on the way to healing.
gregf last decade
If you feel under the crust there is still some fluid left to be expelled...then continue with Silicea 6c for another 48 hours.

After that ...switch to Silicea 200c and Hepar Sulph. 200c for the wound to close up and seal itself.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I have been reading this thread, I too have a cyst behind my ear. It has been there for probably 8~9 months, but never thought it was a cyst and didnt mess with it.

Started applying hot packs to it, it began draining and drained for quite a few weeks but is not completely healed. I went to the doctor, he prescribed me an antibiotic to take care of the infection. After my last visit, he said to continue with the hot packs and antibiotic ointment; hopefully it will heal on its own and not need surgery. (which is fine with me :) )

The cyst is sealed but the outer rim still has puss in it.

After reading this thread I purchased and recieved one vial of each.

- Silicea 6c
- Silicea 200c
- Myristica Seb. 200ck
- One tube Calendula Gel

I took some pictures when we first started applying heat packs, peroxide, etc. and can get a picture of it currently if needed.

I have had a pilonidal cyst before, about 8 years ago. It was removed via surgery.

From my understanding with reading this thread and recommendation for cure is to:
1. Take one dose of Myristica 200c (5 pellets). If cyst does not burst/drain take one more does 7 days later.

2. After cyst burst and begins draining, take Silicea 6c, 2 pellets, three times/day till puss ceases to drain.

3. After cyst drains, take Silicea 200c, one dose of 5 pellets for three days. Apply Calendula topical ointment.

After reading gregf's post, it appears I will have to order more Silicea 6c. I know it will take time to let nature do its job. Having the belief it will, will make a big difference in the healing process.

Now that I have posted this, do you mind if i join in?

Dean N last decade
You are welcome to join in. The only thing I see in your post that I did different was the Myristica second third etc doses was every 5 days and not seven.

I did 7 different doses of Myristica before it burst and almost gave up.

Finally, after I am now on the 4th vial of Silicea 6c and the draining is almost done.

I cannot wait to try the 200c to get it to heal.

Pankaj Varma is very knowledgeable and helpful.

Good luck.
gregf last decade
Hello Dean,
As you might have gathered from posts in the Archives...I have helped many people with pilonidal cysts ...to the stage of ultimate resolution of their problem.

I can help you with this cyst behind the ear.

Just start a new thread and copy your post made here on to it.

Will come back with complete suggestions.

Antibiotic treatment only pushes the redundant matter back inside the body. A flare up again takes place some where else.

With homeopathy....the meds will push it out and clear out the dead cells (pus cells etc.)...so that the body is cleaner and healthier. It also eradicates the tendency.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you both very much. You are correct about Pankaj Varma, this is why I decided to ask here. I initially posted on another forum but felt this fit my needs better.

Pankaj here is the link to then new thread.


Thank you
Dean N last decade
Pankaj Varma
Is the Silicea 6c supposed to dry up the burst cyst and stop the draining?
gregf last decade
Silicea 200 and Hepar Sulph 200 are supposed to dry up the cyst.

Silicea 6 will drain out the pus that is still left within.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
There is still some pus draining but I will take your advice after 4 vials of Silicea 6c and start the Silicea 200 tomorrow morning.
gregf last decade
What is the state of your teeth and gums ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Your investment on the digital camera is being wasted.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Teeth and gums are fine.
I am 58 years old.
gregf last decade
Pl. see mail.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I went to my M.D. today. He told me the area was infected from the cyst area to the sinuses and the throat.

I washed the area 6 to 8 times a day with antibacterial soap and used Calendula.

He explained that Homeopathy has good means to burst and drain the cyst, but infection is always a risk.

I had no option except to start antibiotics yesterday and I am already feeling and the area is looking better.

Pankaj, I have a question. When I finish the antibiotics should I start the Silicea 200 again or not???
gregf last decade
Homeopathy kills the infection from the root to the top most layer.

Antibiotics will push the infection into the system deeper. On the surface it will appear as if things are okay.

Some time later ...the infection will go and hit the internal organs.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Start taking Calcarea Sulph 6x...four tabs ...four times a day.

This is a bio-chemic med. You can take it along with anti-biotics also.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Can I continue the Silicea 200 with the antibiotic so the cyst will heal and close?
gregf last decade
You can...but I am not sure how much help you will get from it.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
going to take another dose of Myristica 200c today, 5days since last one.
Dean N last decade
Pankaj Varma
I stopped the antibiotic on your posting date of 1/26. I am taking the Silicea 200 and the pus is still draining.
gregf last decade
Hi, I am 49 years old and have two cysts ... one on my neck and the other on my labia. I have had the later for a few years and the one on my neck for a few months. All doctors indicate surgery to remove, but of course that is not available here in the UK. That does not bother me as I would prefer a more natural remedy, if possible. Both cysts are quite firm and protrude, but can move around which is why I am told they are not anything to worry about. Any suggestions are welcome ... I would prefer to deal with these myself with natural remedies than insist on surgery.
diamond99 last decade
Well, after 3 months and $80 in products, I still have the cyst, it is still draining.
I am going to have it surgically removed which I should have done it the first place and saved a lot of time and money.
gregf last decade

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