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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It was Silicea 6c that I used.

Please give me the complete routine of treatment and in order.

6c first
then Myristica.
Hpw much of each and how long?

gregf last decade
I bought an extra bottle of Silicea 6c and it is still unopened.
Should I save it until I received the Myristica?

Which do I take first and in what order and potency?

The Myristica you reference is 200c? Do I need that in liquid or pellets? And how much do I take?

Thanks for your time.
gregf last decade
Save the Silicea bottle for future.

Get Myristica 200c...liquid or pellets ...any.
It is to be used first.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I hope I understand this right.

Myristica 200c first. What dosage? How many pellets a day?

Then Silicea 6c 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 2 in the evening.

Then when the pus stops, Silicea 200c to help heal the woulnd and 2 in the morning,m 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening.

Ae these the correct items and the correct dpsage?

Thanks Pankaj Varma you have been very helpful.

As soon as I know these answers I will order the Myristica and Silicea 200c.
gregf last decade
Myristica 200 ...one dose every 5 days.

After the cyst bursts (stop Myristica after cyst burst fully)....give Silicea 6c or 30c (not higher potency...must). Three times a day.

Let pus drain out.

To close the wound and remove the scar...Silicea 200c...once the pus has drained out. Give one dose every day for three days...then stop...

...apply calendula ointment externally.

Post feed back in between.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
What dosage of the Myristica 200?

How many pellets of each item per dose per day?

Myristica 200?
Silicea 6c?
Silicea 200c?

I just ordered the Myristica 200 and the Silicea 200c.
gregf last decade
4 or 5 pellets of Myristica 200c...one dose.

After 5 days again same.

Then post feed back

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I have taken 5 pellets of the Myristica 200c. Again in 5 days if necessary until the cyst bursts.

What is the dose for the next step of Silicea 6c?
gregf last decade
Depends upon how soon or late the cyst bursts.

Pl. wait.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Update: It has been 5 days since the first 5 pellets of Myristica and the cyst has NOT burst.
I took another 5 pellets today and will update with any changes.
gregf last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma

I think the cyst has burst. Not exactly burst but drained with puss, some clear puss and some blood.
What next with the Silicea 6c?
gregf last decade
What dosage of the Silicea 6c abd how many times a day?
gregf last decade
Couple of pellets under tongue 3 times per day (as directed by PV above)
carlotta last decade
(Thanks Carlotta).

Continue Silicea 6C as suggested.
After 5 days ...another dose of Myristica 200. That day only...skip Silicea.

Will drain out and heal.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma

Thanks. I will keep you up to date after the Myristica again.

The cyst seems to still be draining and is still hard under the skin.
gregf last decade
It will keep draining for few days....that is good....after which the area will begin to heal.

Clean externally with water and apply Calendula ointment.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma

I did the Myristica, 5 pellets again for one day without Silicea 6c. I am now back to the Silicea 6c. There appears to be no change, it is still draining. I guess the homeopathy did not work and I will have to have it surgically removed.
gregf last decade

What is the dose for the Silicea 200?
How many pellets a day and for how many days?
gregf last decade
Listen....if yo ustart taking sil..200 ...the surface wil l begin to dry up...but pus will remain in side the upper surface...so let it completely drain...taht is what sil...6c is doing.

Have limited time and dnet availability ...but following your case and few others.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma

Thanks fou your reply. I just ordered more Silicea 6c.
How long will the cyst continue to drain?
Is this something that usually takes a long time to drain?
gregf last decade
Pankaj Varma

How long would you think the cyst will continue to drain?

Is this somthing that goes on for weeks or months?
gregf last decade
Depends upon the size of the cyst and depth upto which it covers area inside the skin surface.

Can be from one to three weeks. After it drains out completely....there will be no need for surgery.

(Even if you get surgery done...the resultant wound takes 5 weeks to heal).

Keep posting feed back... when you feel that no pus is left under the skin...will decide to give you med to dry up the surface.

Some patience ....

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj Varma
Thank you for your guidance and posts.

I have now gone through two viles, 160 pellets of the Silicea 6c, for 26 days and it continues to drain.

I just received two more viles and will continue the regimine of 6 per day, two morning, 2 noon, 2 night.

How can I be sure the cyst did burst. It is still hard under the surface?
gregf last decade
If it is draining....it means it has burst at the surface. The area will become normal only after all the pus inside drains out.

If you can ...you can also make a picture of the area and upload it. Can guide you better then.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I will keep taking the Silicea 6c. I just received two more viles. It is still draining,

I have a digital camera but am unsure how to upload to this site.
gregf last decade

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