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Homeopathy Forum Archive: sciatica

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Sciatica - user entered condition

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase sciatica. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

57 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for sciatica:
Aconitum Napellus2
Arnica Montana7
Arsenicum Album2
Aurum Metallicum2
Calcarea Carbonica4
Calcarea Fluorata2
Calcarea Phosphorica2
Gelsemium Sempervirens2
Hypericum Perforatum4
Ignatia Amara2
Juglans Regia2
Kali Bichromicum2
Kali Carbonicum2
Kali Phosphoricum2
Kali Sulphuricum2
Lycopodium Clavatum2
Magnesia Phosphorica9
Mercurius Vivus2
Natrum Muriaticum2
Natrum Sulphuricum3
Nux Vomica5
Pulsatilla Nigricans3
Ranunculus Bulbosus2
Rhus Tox13
Ruta Graveolens3
Secale Cornutum2
Zincum Metallicum2

Sciatica down left leg 44

I have painful sciatica in the base of my left buttock and back of left thigh after sitting on hard chair for too long. It has been there for a week. Painful to lie on left side. ...
Remedies: Hypericum Perforatum, Arnica Montana, Magnesia Phosphorica, Phosphorus, Silicea, Aurum Metallicum, Colocynthis, Calcarea Fluorata, Rhus Tox, Natrum Muriaticum, Ruta Graveolens, Zincum Metallicum, Nux Vomica, Lycopodium Clavatum, Natrum Sulphuricum
Started by Spalom. Last post: 2021-06-18

A case of sciatica 0

Here i am once again with a case of pain in left hip going down to the leg I would think its sciatica, the MRI of my cousin age 58, report says Multilevelled degenerative changes...
Started by lil sis. Last post: 2024-10-16

Sciatica Nerve pain 5

Hello can you please tell me what can I take for sciatica nerve pain. I have pain on right buttock goes to my groin, lower right abdomen and down to my leg sometimes. I also have a...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Magnesia Phosphorica
Started by Sandra4. Last post: 2024-06-07

Left sided Sciatica due to Spinal Stenosis 2

Hello, My objective is to get some inputs, list of remedies that could help me overcome pain (issues caused by diffused disc bulge with facet joint arthopathy in the left side of ...
Remedies: Senna, Phosphorus, Magnesia Phosphorica, Nux Vomica, Silicea
Started by dhundhun. Last post: 2023-12-04

Sciatica 1

What remedy to use? It seems I am suffering from SCIATICA on the right side. Pain goes to the back of the mid-thigh. This has its roots in a gluteus minimus tendon tear (50%) and...
Remedies: Gnaphalium, Magnesia Phosphorica
Started by Blossom3. Last post: 2023-10-29

Please help for sciatica pain 8

Hello, we will be visiting a doctor in the next few days but my mom needs something to soothe her pain. She is 53, menopause, very pale. Last Saturday she suddenly felt a sharp p...
Remedies: Kali Phosphoricum, Lachesis, Magnesia Phosphorica, Nux Vomica, Silicea
Started by Freya2. Last post: 2021-10-26

Sciatica or not 4

I had sciatica a few months back probably from a back injury. I went to a homeopathic doctor and he had an x-ray done which said of a probable fracture therefore he gave me symphtu...
Started by Prartea. Last post: 2021-09-14

Slipped disc & Left Lef Sciatica 1

I was having severe slipped disc in my lower lumber region, into 2 months complete bed rest and doctor advised for surgery.Had painillers,Steriod & calcium & Multivitamin a...
Remedies: Pichi, Colocynthis
Started by Abc999. Last post: 2021-05-07

Hip imbalance, sciatica and sacrum pain after childbirth 1

hi there! I am suffering from pain in my sacrum and tailbone. it feels as it if bruised. it hurts to sit and when I try to stand I need to take my time doing it becasue it hurts. ...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana
Started by csmith. Last post: 2021-01-27

Belladonna for sciatica ? 1

I have lower back issues ...herniated discs etc. Usually I’m fine if I’m careful. I also have scoliosis which contributed to my lower back issues. The other day I wa...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Rhus Tox, Silicea, Belladonna
Started by smpwk. Last post: 2020-11-23

Hip Imbalance with sciatica and Pain at Joint 10

I am suffering from Hip Imbalance. Doctor from a hospital suggested physiotheraphy, following which the hip is gaining back its position but I developed a pain source at Hip and le...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by PatientPiriformis. Last post: 2019-09-11

Sciatica pain 2

Attention Dr. Kadwa Suffering from sciatica pain of n left leg for around one month. Pain is sometimes in outer part of thigh, sometimes in inner part, sometimes in groin area, so...
Started by Ramneek. Last post: 2018-11-27

Sciatica 3

I am posting this for 2 reasons. 1 - because I have some questions on follow up and 2 - to give encouragement. My husband has been suffering with sciatica of his left side for abo...
Started by winnieandco. Last post: 2018-06-08

Right side sciatica pain in right hip 17

Dear sir I m 31 years male from India . Pain in right hip and right lower waist. It is from past 2 years it is due to long time sitting on chair. If I sit then right hip paining ...
Remedies: Sulphur, Magnesia Phosphorica, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Sulphuricum
Started by Nitesh Kamal. Last post: 2018-05-09

Sciatica Pain. 11

Hello, My Mom (age 63 yrs, with no health problems) is suffering from pain aagin after a gap of 10 months. I think it is a sciatica pain. I noted the following symptoms:- >Sharp pa...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Colocynthis, Guaco, Ammonium Benzoicum, Staphysagria, Kali Bichromicum, Kali Sulphuricum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Mezereum
Started by Nikkie. Last post: 2017-09-03

Tendency to weight gain , Hypothyroidsm, Bloating, slow digestion., sciatica 1

Hello Sir, My name is malik aged 29, height: 5.6, weight : 89 kgs i have some serious health issues related to weight gain , fatigue and slow digestion. I am a normal child up t...
Started by Abdul malik. Last post: 2017-08-24

Sciatica or priformis? 8

I have been having a lot of pain in my back and in im right leg the pain starts from the back and goes down to my calf. I went to an allopathic doctor he said that its sciatica and...
Remedies: Tabacum, Calcarea Carbonica, Rhus Tox
Started by Prartea. Last post: 2017-07-02

Sciatica and numbness toes and leg pain like electric in leg 1

Hi Doctors please suggest me any medicinde i took Colocynthis 30 for 5 days then it did not worked out..then i took RHUS TOX 30 that also dint worked out..then one homeopathy docto...
Started by Mike2. Last post: 2017-06-19

Piriformis syndrom or sciatica 27

1. Name : sam 2. Age 42 3. Sex male 4. Married 5. weight 86 6. Height …. 5'7'' 7. country UAE 8. climate hot 9. List of your complain complain 1. Pirifor...
Remedies: Gaster galli, Tabacum, Juglans Regia, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Gnaphalium, Phosphorus, Ignatia Amara, X-ray, Aconitum Napellus
Started by saml. Last post: 2017-06-14

Sciatica vain effected by injection 2

I would like to ask you that my father age 75 ,Sciatica vain has effected by injection. unfortunately needle touch the sciatica vain 3 month before. at start leg completely sleep....
Started by invisageint. Last post: 2017-05-17

Sciatica 1

After 3-4 days of low back ache Ideveloped a severe pain on my left hip joint with the pain extending downwards to the hamstring .very excruciating pain and I could not even take a...
Started by Golfer1. Last post: 2017-03-14

Sciatica disc herniation pls help 3

I have disc herniation lumbar region.two discs are involved but much is l4-5. Symptoms and details. Age 37 5.8" height 80 kg Wheatish color Sciatica started one year back too much ...
Remedies: Gnaphalium
Started by Tejvir. Last post: 2017-02-24

Sciatica & Back Pain 54

Sir/Madam I am a professional mountaineer.It was 2007,i was doing AB CRUSH in gym ( i performed too many repetitions ) & thus hurt my back.The next day my back was like burning, i...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Hypericum Perforatum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Arnica Montana, Lycopersicum, Belladonna, Psorinum
Started by abezbaruah. Last post: 2016-09-06

Severe back ache and stiffness after sciatica kindly help 9

hi i m 34 years old.18 years back i sufferd from sciatica however i managed with excercise and PT. now again 6 months back sciatic pain started. MRI shows disc protusion L4-5 and b...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Rhus Tox, Gnaphalium, Magnesia Phosphorica, Phosphorus, Colocynthis
Started by naviiiii. Last post: 2016-07-02

Sciatica Left Leg from 18 Years 5

I am suffering from sciatica please advice. My problem details are as follow 1. Name:-Naveen 2. Sex:-Male 3. Age:-35 4. Height:-5’6” 5. Weight:-60Kg 6. Problem:-Pain in left leg fr...
Remedies: Sambucus Nigra
Started by Nitesh Kamal. Last post: 2016-03-25

Sciatica 1

My Father is suffering from sciatica since a year. His age is 57 and he has Diabetes. The basic symptoms are:- Numbness and burning sensation in Right thigh,Right lower back and r...
Started by abhi91deo. Last post: 2016-03-24

Lower back/ Sciatica pain 3

My elder sister(35)is suffering form lower back pain since 3 months. I think it is sciatica, not sure. She has following symptoms: -Chronic lower back pain(left side) -pain streche...
Remedies: Rhus Tox
Started by v.msin. Last post: 2015-11-19

Sciatica problem 2

i have 2 years with a sciatica pain in my right leg,but now is worst because I have a hard time climbing the stairs. I took alophatic medicine for the pain but only helps a littl...
Started by grandmalady99. Last post: 2015-10-06

Sciatica pain in right side 5

I have sciatica pain in right side leg I'm using homeopathy medicine from a month and more but no result ,there is no reducduction in pain please suggest Doctor say out co...
Remedies: Aurum Metallicum
Started by Kushal09. Last post: 2015-10-05

Sciatica 4

Age 28,female, for the last one week right side backpain down up to left leg ,not able to site in the chair or car more time plz suggest remedy....
Remedies: Colocynthis, Rhus Tox
Started by peevenkat. Last post: 2015-06-17

Lumbago & Sciatica with pain in left foot 2

Hi, At the outset i want to congratulate you all on the efforts put for the service towards mankind. Further, I would want to put forward my case with following details. 1. Acut...
Started by ajambhorkar. Last post: 2015-02-18

Sciatica pain 5

I am 65+hypertensive and Diabetic.Suffering from Sciatica pain in my left leg.Taking alopathic medicines so far but feeling stomach disorder. Want to try Homeopathy remedy.General ...
Started by mrbaig. Last post: 2014-03-23

Chronic Lower Back Pain - Sciatica 4

I (45 years male) am suffering with Back pain in lower back region (lumbar spine) since more than 10 years. I had gone for physiotherapy which give me relief for about 1 year. Sub...
Remedies: X-ray
Started by SunChennai. Last post: 2014-02-25

Muscle pain / sciatica ? 51

Hi, I am young 23 years old male , height 5.5 . I have leg pain since couple of years and it happens when i walk too much . Pain is only in right leg . Pain location is same lik...
Remedies: Clematis Erecta, Valeriana, Staphysagria, Rhus Tox, Juglans Regia, Phosphorus, Castoreum, Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum, Colocynthis, Mercurius Vivus, Magnesia Phosphorica, X-ray, Silicea
Started by memocast. Last post: 2013-11-15

Sciatica pain 1

Hello, My father is 58 and is having sciatica pain for the last couple of months. Pain is in both legs and sometimes while walking his legs would become numb which is very d...
Started by anjan42. Last post: 2013-03-26

Help for sciatica pain in pregnancy and related problems 1

i m 36 weeks pregnant and have intense pain from left side of my back to the heel of left foot,it is sharp pain and so intense that i can hardly stand and walk.feel relief when my ...
Started by shahni. Last post: 2012-10-26

Sciatica & right leg weakness 4

i had sciatica pain with right leg weakness for last 4 years. physiotherapy, natural-therapy was taken but relief dose not arrived. ozone therapy was taken during april 2008 & ...
Remedies: Ledum Palustre, Colocynthis
Started by sheikh irfan. Last post: 2012-04-20

Sciatica relief ? 4

Hi all, Please let me know, if anyone in the forum found homeopathy medicine helpful for Spine disc protrusion & Sciatica. I am suffering from L5-S1 disc protrusion. I have bac...
Started by karthik_12. Last post: 2012-03-29

Sciatica relief ? 20

Hi all, Please let me know, if anyone in the forum found homeopathy medicine helpful for Spine disc protrusion & Sciatica. I am suffering from L5-S1 disc protrusion. I have bac...
Remedies: Caladium Seguinum, Calcarea Phosphorica
Started by karthik_12. Last post: 2012-03-15

Sciatica 8

Hello, I would like some help with problems that I am having with sciatica. If there are any remedies that can assist me with this problem, I would really like to take them. Could ...
Remedies: Sulphur, Gelsemium Sempervirens
Started by charliesmooch. Last post: 2011-04-28

Disc bulge L5-S1 and right leg sciatica 22

Hi, I am 32 years old lady with a 14 months old boy to look after. I am really worried as it's becoming difficult for me to look after my home with my situation. This proble...
Remedies: Ruta Graveolens, Secale Cornutum
Started by RaraAvis. Last post: 2011-03-03

Sciatica 9

[message deleted by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 06:02:03 GMT]...
Started by HoneyKhanna. Last post: 2011-02-03

About my Sciatica 8

I have very bad pain in left leg because of sciatica I have three medicines for sciatica Colocynth 30 Rhus Tox 30 Gnaphalium 30 but are these correct? i.e. which medicine should I...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by gauravk. Last post: 2010-05-21

Sciatica 11

pinching pain in right hip joint,aggravation on walking,standing constant 24 hours pain,relieved only on lying down and sleep...
Remedies: Upas tieute, X-ray, Formic Acid
Started by theshoeman. Last post: 2010-05-09

L4 L5 disc bulge causing low back pain and sciatica 5

i am suffering from back pain and sporadic sciatica for the last 10 years...sujok has provided relief from time to time....the disc between L4 L5 is bulging inwards causing pressur...
Remedies: Colocynthis, Rhus Tox
Started by chunchun. Last post: 2010-04-24

Acute Sciatica help needed! 1

3 week Sciatic pain- possibly from overwork- I have tried the Remedy Finder but am only getting a 40% match! Sharp excruciating pain left hip and down leg to ankle Worse at night...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2010-01-16

Sciatica for last 4 years. 14

Hello doctors, seek your help on sciatica. Iam 26yrs, 183cm & 75kgs. suffering from right side sciatica pain for last 4 yrs, however not very acute. main pain point is about 3 inc...
Started by alekhkumar. Last post: 2009-12-18

Slip disk or Sciatica 0

Hello Doctors. Iwould like to know weather slip disk or sciatica both r same. I m suffring from a pain in my right leg that is from hip to tow. After taking madicins from a doc I g...
Started by navjeevan. Last post: 2009-11-09

Sciatica pain 1

feeling pain in the left in lower back to left buttock which sometimes troubles me very hard. C5/C6 joint in Spinal chord have herniated. X-Ray report has established that. I am 46...
Started by Supriyo. Last post: 2009-11-01

Sciatica 4

suggest any effective medicine for right sciatica please...
Started by smmh25. Last post: 2008-01-29

Sciatica 4

Hello. I've been affected by a condition known as Sciatica. The homeopathic medications taken so far are R71 [Dr. Reckweg] and D45[Doloisis]. None of them have been able to cu...
Remedies: Colocynthis
Started by SatvinderS. Last post: 2007-12-23

Sciatica 3

I have sciatica in the left hip joint, one day I could not walk on my leg at all without pain....it felt like my leg was going to break at the joint. I am 54.... female...menopaus...
Started by edaja. Last post: 2007-04-13

To Joe, Sciatica 6

Hi, My father is 60years old and he is suffuring with lumbar stanosis left side sciatica since from last 40years. Severe constriction of caulf muscles and thigh muscles,severe pain...
Remedies: Colocynthis, Hypericum Perforatum, Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana, Digitalis Purpurea, Psorinum
Started by nr786. Last post: 2006-09-22

Lumbar stanosis left side(leg) sciatica 1

Hi, My father is 60years old and he is suffuring with lumbar stanosis left side sciatica since from last 40years. Severe constriction of caulf muscles and thigh muscles,severe pai...
Started by nr786. Last post: 2006-09-19

Sciatica 10

What should I do for the sciatica? I don't find a clear treatment for it..Thanks....
Remedies: Cortisone
Started by Andreu22. Last post: 2005-11-10

Sciatica 5

I have sciatica pain which runs down my right leg sometimes in my left. It´s worse at night. My hips are so tender and hurt (burning and prickly feeling) that I cannot sleep ...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Echinacea Purpurea, Hyoscyamus Niger, Radium, Ignatia Amara, Petroleum, Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Muriaticum, Cuprum Metallicum, Bryonia, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Secale Cornutum, Influenzinum, Arnica Montana, Agaricus Muscarius, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Phytolacca Decandra, Bovista, Apis Mellifica, Grindelia Robusta, Croton Tiglium, Mezereum, Plumbago Littoralis, Graphites, Rhus Radicans, Lachesis, Rhus Diversaloba, Xerophyllum Asphodeloides, Baptisia Tinctoria, Valeriana, Veratrum Album, Zincum Metallicum, Anatherum Muricatum, Colocynthis, Elaterium, Kali Bichromicum, Belladonna, Nux Moschata, Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album, Natrum Sulphuricum, Ferrum Metallicum, Gnaphalium, Kali Iodatum, Menyanthes, Ruta Graveolens, Ammonium Muriaticum, Baryta Carbonica, Dioscorea Villosa, Lachnanthes Tinctoria, Phosphorus, Kali Carbonicum, Drosera Rotundifolia, Lycopodium Clavatum, Chamomilla, Magnesia Phosphorica, Aconitum Napellus, Chelidonium Majus, Cocculus Indicus, Coffea Cruda, Eupatorium Purpureum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Guaiacum, Iris Versicolor, Lac Caninum, Mercurius Vivus, Palladium, Plumbum Metallicum, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Staphysagria, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Argentum Metallicum, Capsicum Annuum, Coccus Cacti, Dulcamara, Euphorbium, Indigo, Kali Phosphoricum, Kreosotum, Rhododendron, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Chininum Sulphuricum, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Carboneum Sulphuratum, Lactic Acid., Berberis Vulgaris, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Asarum Europaeum, Carduus Marianus, Kali Bromatum, Natrum Arsenicum, Psorinum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Causticum, Antimonium Crudum, Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum, Crocus Sativus, Magnesia Muriatica, Nitricum Acidum, Oleander, Paeonia Officinalis, Platinum Metallicum, Ptelea Trifoliata, Stannum Metallicum, Benzoic Acid., Ambra Grisea, Anacardium Orientale, Asa Foetida, Calcarea Phosphorica, Oleum Animale, Stramonium, Tarentula Hispanica, Viola Tricolor, Ammonium Carbonicum, Kali Sulphuricum, Pyrogenium, Senega, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum, Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Kalmia Latifolia, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Viburnum Opulus, Natrum Carbonicum, Strontium, Borax, Colchicum Autumnale, Mercurius Iodatus Flavus, Aethusa Cynapium, Aloe Socotrina, Argentum Nitricum, Cannabis Sativa, Carbo Animalis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Crotalus Horridus, Kali Arsenicosum, Muriaticum Acidum, Cimicifuga Racemosa , Podophyllum Peltatum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Opium, Guaco, Lobelia Erinus, Naja Tripudia
Started by eronvica. Last post: 2004-05-14

Sciatica 12

Hello.Today I like ask something for myself.I have lower back pain since I can remember. Very worse is it when I get pregnant and the time after. Also if I go without shoes on c...
Remedies: Colocynthis, Kali Carbonicum, Sepia
Started by schere2004. Last post: 2004-05-07

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.