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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 2 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Kadwa,

I have been taking Agnus Castus Q as prescribed above, however now I do not notice any significant difference in erections. The situation is more or less same and I am not having the same erections as Iuse to have once I started Ag Cast Q in the beginning. Earlier, I started having good erections, (3-4 times in a day )on its own but though I am taking the medicine regularly. The erections happens rarely in my sleep and not in daytime. What should I do ?
Kindly assist as soon as possible.


venus0743 last decade
In continuation to the above, sometimes I feel sensation in the penis in daytime as it gonna erect but it doesnt happen.
venus0743 last decade
Please take Ignatia 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days.
kadwa last decade
I should not take any other medicine while I am taking Ignatia 30. After 3 days, what should I do ?
venus0743 last decade
No other remedy while taking Ignatia. See how that affects in 10 days.
kadwa last decade
It means that I should not take any medicine for the next 10 days after taking Ignatia 30 ?
venus0743 last decade
Yes. Right you are.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I took Ignatia 30 , it has been a week now. Twice I tried but both the times erection failed. At one time, there was slight erection but before entering the vagina I ejaculated. It is really very frustrating and depressing. Is it that I will never be able to have a normal erection and ejaculation.

Please advise
venus0743 last decade
Please take Ignatia 30 in the morning for 7 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I took Ignatia 30 for 7 days as prescribed by you but of no result. The sexual passion seems to be diminishing as the erection fails at the time of the intercourse. The only time there is an erection is when i think of some erotic stuff and use my hand to get some erection. However, the erection is not that hard as it use to be. I am really worried due to this and it is affecting my daily life.

Will I ever be able to get the normal erection as I use to have ? I do ejaculate very soon, even before the penetration. Kindly advise.

venus0743 last decade
more so, while using the hand, I only get erection at night.
venus0743 last decade
Hi Kadwa,

Please can you assist in my issue .

venus0743 last decade
Please take Coca 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in a week.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I took Coca 30 as advised by you and yesterday was the last dose i took. I can feel some sensation in the penis but still erection is not there. Today morning when i got up , I could feel some sensation in penis. Then watched some porn to see if i get an erection. There was some sensation but no proper erection as it use to happen before.

Please advise what to do.


venus0743 last decade
Please take the remedy twice for 3 days from now and see how that affects in few days.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa, i took the remedy as prescribed and i can feel some improvements. Some sensations are there and there were erections twice or thrice but mostly at time of sleeping and once it was early morning. However, the erections were not long lasting and the size of the penis also seems to be smaller than earlier. Please advise further course of treatment.

venus0743 last decade
Please take Coca 30 daily in the evening for 15 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa ,

Only in the evening and no morning doses ? It means once a day . Have i understood right
venus0743 last decade
Yes. You got it right.
kadwa last decade
Many thanks ,

Can i take phytolecca berry along with the above mentioned prescription ?

Please advise

venus0743 last decade
Why do you want to take phytolecca berry?
kadwa last decade
for the weight loss as I am 178 cm and weigh around 85 kgs
venus0743 last decade
You should do some physical and breathing exercises along with some controls on diet for losing weight. Phytolacca berry won't help.
kadwa last decade
It use to help me earlier but I was not taking any other medicine with it. So just wanted to ask you if I can take it simultaneously with Coca 30. Or you advise not to take any weight loss medicine at all.

venus0743 last decade
Hi Kadwa,

Please can you advise me on the above query.

venus0743 last decade
You can take Phytolacca berry if it helps you. It won't interfere with Coca.
kadwa last decade

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