The ABC Homeopathy Forum
erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 10 of 10
Still i have the PE. As long as i eat Baryta Carb 30 its ok but when i stop taking it the problem come back. I am afraid soon this medicine will stop working on me.
Is that true...! Can u please give me your email address so i can contact you.
Warm regards
[message edited by meeti2i on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:40:44 BST]
[message edited by meeti2i on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:41:24 BST]
meeti2i last decade
javed 1213 last decade
What I have noticed that when I stop taking baryta carb , the penis is back to same problem of being loose and when my partner rubs it for a while it ejaculates. It has been almost 2 years now I have not been able to do intercourse and you can imagine how worse my personal relations would be getting now.
I am really in need of a miracle now.... pls help
venus0743 last decade
[message edited by kadwa on Fri, 02 Jan 2015 06:52:41 GMT]
♡ kadwa last decade
I took the dosage as advised and I didn't notice much change in erections. Actually they are not so firm and I don't get confident enough to initiate intercourse with my partner. I could notice only negligible changes in the erections though not in PE because I couldn't attempt an intercourse.
Pls advise.
venus0743 last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
venus0743 last decade
Please note that i tried to have intercourse with my partner but the penis failed to erect. If i hold the penis when i am not having sex then there is slight erection.
Please advise as I am really getting mad now.
venus0743 last decade
Enzo111 9 years ago
agriz 8 years ago
augnus cast Q 20 drops two times a day.1+0+1
ashwagandha Q 20 drops,
nux vomica 200 only 2 drps in direct tongue
inform me after 14days
Homeo_cure_99 7 years ago
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