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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



Posts about Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation

Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 5 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
salam doctor my age is 25 and i have been doing handjob masturbation for past 5 years now my penis has become too small and i can not perform real sex i am worried because i am getting married after 6 months please help me i am from pakistan but now living in japan
lalazho last decade
Lalaho, Please start a new thread and do not write in here because your problem is different.

Dr. Kadwa, Please can you assist in my issue urgently.

venus0743 last decade
hey venus can we chat , want to discuss something my friend .
sbjay last decade
Hi ,

We can chat later , i am looking for the remedy first.

Dr. Kadwa , please advise at the earliest.
venus0743 last decade
I was actually thinking of sharing wat i went through .. would have helped .. rest is your wish
sbjay last decade
Would have done that but i am just getting upset with no concrete results hence not in a state of mind to talk. May be later.

Dr kadwa , can you please help
venus0743 last decade
Please take Lachesis 30 in the evening on alternate days. You should take 3 doses over 6 days. Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Thanks dr.

I got the medicine and took the first dose yesterday evening. Will report back around 10th jan. However , after taking one dose i noticed some kind of pain in the throat , though very little. Is it because of that or just a climatic affect.

venus0743 last decade
Don't worry about the throat pain.
kadwa last decade
Ok and what kind of changes do think should come.

venus0743 last decade
It is for the complaint you reported!!
kadwa last decade
hi dr.

I had the 3rd and the last dose two days ago and today morning around 5 am i had a strong erection that lasted for quite sometime. Although you had asked me to report after 15 days , i just wanted to tell you what i noticed.

Awaiting your feedback.

venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Please can you advisr on my query.

venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Please can you advise on my query.

venus0743 last decade
if there is complete absense of erection use Conium 30 and if there is any ejaculation problem use Acid phos 200
faisee last decade
Dear faisee ,
Thanks for your reply but i am waiting for kadwa to reply.

Hi kadwa ,

Please advise.

venus0743 last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

Please can you let me know the status of my problem ?

venus0743 last decade
Hi dr kadwa,

I tried to have sex today but as my partner held my penis , it ejaculated within minutes without having full erection. I tried to have sex after 8 months approx. The erection was 40% only.

Pls advise
venus0743 last decade
Please take a dose of Lachesis 30 every week. 4 doses over 4 weeks. Please report after a month.
kadwa last decade
Ok , will report back
venus0743 last decade
Dear Kadwa ,

I have already taken 2 doses but no improvent has been there.

Should i take 2 more doses as advised or do u suggest some change.

Please note that it has been arounf an year i am having this problem treated but still there has not been a cure of the same and i am really worried as it is affecting everything in my life.

venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Pls can you help.

venus0743 last decade
These problems are not equivalent to viral fevers and seasonal cold. i have my limitations. If you think that my suggestions are not helping, you may seek help from others by creating a new thread.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

It is not that your suggestions are not helping, it is just that I am quite worried as you would understand that it hampers personal life pretty badly. Moreover, it makes one lose self confidence as well.

Just wanted to know know if I should continue with the same remedy as advised by you or do you wanna change it.


venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Pls can you advise.

venus0743 last decade
Hi kadwa ,

Please advise on the abovr situation.

venus0743 last decade

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