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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 6 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi kadwa ,

Please advise on the abovr situation.

venus0743 last decade
Hi Kadwa ,

Kindly suggest further course if treatment as i took the last dose today.

venus0743 last decade
Dear kadwa ,

The erections are coming only late night while sleeping. Plese can you advise further.

venus0743 last decade
Having taken the dose wait for a week and report back.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa ,

I wanted yo tell you as well that I am not going well in terms with my wife due to which there is lot of mental stress . Will that also be affecting my erections and PE ?

venus0743 last decade
Yes, of course this should affect erections and PE. You may need Agaricus 200/30. It may work for these peculiar conditions. Please wait for a week.
kadwa last decade
Ok , will wait for a week.

venus0743 last decade
Also , i have seen there are different types of Agaricus . Which one are you referring too ?
venus0743 last decade
kadwa last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

There is no change in the status and the erections are not there. The penis is loose and is always relaxed.

Kindly advise

venus0743 last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I am having fights with my wife over this issue that the erection is not there and she gets very upset about it. Please help me out of this problem so that I can have my sex life back.

venus0743 last decade
Please take 10 drops of Tribulus terrestris Q (Ikshugandha Q) twice a day for one month and report back.
kadwa last decade
Is Tribulus Terrestris a homeo remedy ?

venus0743 last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

I have bought Trib Terr Q but Ikushgandha is not mentioned on it . Is it the same ?

Please advise...

venus0743 last decade
Please advise dr kadwa

venus0743 last decade
You procured the right thing. Please go ahead.
kadwa last decade
Thank you and will update you the progress week by week.

venus0743 last decade
Hi Dr Kadwa,

It has been a week now and there is no improvement yet. The penis still flacid and i tried to have sex with my wife but it ejaculated once she held my penis in her hand. There was no erection and it ejaculated.

venus0743 last decade
Also, the urge of urination has increased.

The above is the update for your reference and I am continuing the remedy.

Will update you again after a week.

venus0743 last decade
Dear dr kadwa ,

I got my sugar levels checked today and they came to 140 for fasting and 260 for after breakfast. I am not sure about the reason of high sugar levels but as i told you that i am not on good terms with my wife due to which i get tensed up. Maybe it is because of that i am having ED and PE and no libido but have desire for sex.

Please advise.

venus0743 last decade
Please control your diabetes with allopathic medication. Diabetes can lead to such complaints.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I am trying to get my diabetes in control and in the meantime i am continuing with Trib Terres Q as prescribed. I started it around 2 weeks back and sometime erections happen in the middle of night while asleep but they are still not firm.

This was just for your reference only.

venus0743 last decade
Male; erections; wanting, impotency; diabetes, in: HELON(3) MOSCH(3)

Male; erections; incomplete; diabetes, in: COCA(3) MOSCH(3) PH-AC(3)
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa ,

I didnt understand you above advise . Please can you let me know if you want me to take the above prescription . If yes , in what dosage.

Also , as i mentioned before , i am having relationship problem with my wife and maybe due to which there is a kind of impotency. It is just a feeling and not sure about it.

But when i started your treatment an year back , Ag castus 30 showed some results for few days and then Coca 30 also showed for sometime. But after that no medicine has given any drastic results.

I have a urge for sex but when i come to my wife , there is no libido , no erection , penis is loose and when i try for sex , i ejaculate in seconds once she holds the penis.

Waiting for your inputs.

venus0743 last decade
Tried to have sex last night also and it ejaculated without erection and penetration.it ejaculated when she held my penis in hands within 2 mnts

venus0743 last decade
Please take Coca 30 in the evening for 7 days. Ikshugandha Q to continue.
kadwa last decade

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