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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



Posts about Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation

Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 4 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Parakletos last decade
simone717 last decade
Hi Dr. Kadwa,

I took Graphites 200 single dose as advised and feel that there is slight improvement in the erections. However, the penis size is not as big as it use to be on full erection. Also, the diameter has decreased as well. In total, the length and the thickness is not as it use to be before.

What should I do ?

Please advise.


venus0743 last decade
hi dr
i m 22 yr old i m masterbating since i was 15. i think i have erectyle dysfunction because my penis erection is less and i ejaculate too early with in a minute and further when i sleep hard erection occure and i have wet dreams problem too and at last when i talk to girls or see some sexy scenes i drops from my penis comes and didnot stop please help me out
minhassssss last decade
Hi Minhass,

Please open a new post for your problem as this is already going on.

Dear Dr. Kadwa, Please can you assist with my issue.

venus0743 last decade
Dr. Kadwa,

Please can you assist me on my issue asap.


venus0743 last decade
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

Please assist urgently.


venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa,

Pls help
venus0743 last decade
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

Kindly he issue and look into the issue and advise urgently.

valenti1201 last decade
Please take Coca 30 every alternate day for 14 days. 7 doses over 14 days.
kadwa last decade
Dr, Kadwa,

Many thanks for assistance.

I will take Coca 30 as prescribed and will report back after 2 weeks.


venus0743 last decade
Hi Dr. Kadwa,

Is there any specific time of taking the dose or it can be taken any time in the day.

venus0743 last decade
Hi Dr. Kadwa,

Please can you advise on the above.

venus0743 last decade
any time in the day. but same time should be maintained as far as possible.
[message edited by kadwa on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:05:48 GMT]
kadwa last decade
What helped me was Bartyta carb and hawthorn. My PE has improved a lot . My heart rate has gone down to 80 bpm, instead of 100 or more. Which tells me my heart is more efficient due to opening of arteries. Each person is different so you have to look for what helps your circulation the best. Stop smokin eat less meats. Just because you get an are tin doesn't mean you have good circulation. I always got erections but had bad circulation in general. Meaning the capillaries and veins were effected more. I could get an erection but the little veins didn't get enough blood meaning little endurance. Now I have endurance with lots of pleasure. Only trade off is you don't get horny fast.
Mjboot last decade
So Venus,
Your problem of PE is solved or not?
rottomac last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

I have taken coca 30 as advised by you and erections seem to be better. But i have not tried to have sex yet so cant say how will it actually perform. Moreover , in the day time erections are less. At night i have to stimulate penis with hand and it gets erect or sometimes in the sleep.

What do you advise ?
Do you think that my PE problem would have solved as well.
venus0743 last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

I have taken coca 30 as advised by you and erections seem to be better. But i have not tried to have sex yet so cant say how will it actually perform. Moreover , in the day time erections are less. At night i have to stimulate penis with hand and it gets erect or sometimes in the sleep.

What do you advise ?
Do you think that my PE problem would have solved as well.

venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa , pls can you advise asap

venus0743 last decade
Please continue with Coca 30 once in 3 days for a month.
kadwa last decade
It means 10 doses in a month.

Am i correct
venus0743 last decade
Venus I'm 1.78 and weigh 105 kilos. And using homepathy and drinking alkaline water and diet change with exercise has cured my PE problem. Like my homepathy doctor once told me you have to make life style changes otherwise it does little good. I've lost about 5 kilos but want to lose 10 kilos more. Which will give me more circulation to my penis. The advice given here is half right the other is you have to change your lifestyle. It took me 4 months to see a gradual change. If your urine is not clear you have a acid problem which inflames your arteries and veins which can impede circulation and can lead to heart attack or stroke. Alkaline water and diet can bring your acid level down. The pleasure is 100℅ but takes longer to reach orgasm which makes it easier to control. Using desensitizing cream is a waste of money and pleasure. So don't give up its a slow process. You didn't get poor circulation overnite so don't expect to cure it overnite,good luck!

And thanks to the doctors who give free advice on this forum.
Mjboot last decade
You should take MUIRA PUAMA Q - 15 drops in 1/4 cup warm water in morning and after noon and NUPHAR LUTEA Q -15 drops in 1/4 cup warm water in night. Take these medicines for next 20 days and report back.Don't take anything before and after 30 minutes of taking these medicines. As you are diabetic, that's why I am not prescribing you DAMIANA Q. If anyone tell you to take DAMIANA then you shoud ignore. You should continue AGNUS CACTUS Q as it will increase your testosterone level.Mix it(15 drops) with your NUPHAR LUTEA Q(15 drops)in 1/4th cup warm water in night. After 20 days, you would have to take SELENIUM 200 on 21st day. Just 2 dosage of SELENIUM 200 in morning and evening.1 dose = 2 drops on clean tongue. Report back on 25th day.

Note : No masturbation or any sexual activity would be done during this period.
[message edited by vatspawan on Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:40:51 GMT]
[message edited by vatspawan on Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:44:52 GMT]
vatspawan last decade
Hi dr kadwa ,

It has been a month now and i have been taking coca 30 as per your advise. However , no significant improvements are there. I use to have strong early morning erections which are almost not there anymore. I have to stimulate my penis to get it erect. P.E problem was already there which should be still present as I have not had sex since 8 months now because I have almost lost my confidence due to fear of failure.

I believe my testesorone levels are very low as erections are not strong enough and most of the time libido isnt there , hence no erections.

Please see if something can be done as I am really loosing hopes...
venus0743 last decade
Venus buddy there is something which you are not been informed off ... if you will be too much stressed and afraid or take too much tension .. No medicine can help .
Its all in your mind ,be positive and there are no wonder drugs if your mental state is weak .

Whats your email , may be we can chat and share our experiences , that might relieve the stress you are goin through .
sbjay last decade
salam doctor my age is 25 and i have been doing handjob masturbation for past 5 years now my penis has become too small and i can not perform real sex i am worried because i am getting married after 6 months please help me i am from pakistan but now living in japan
lalazho last decade

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