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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 9 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ok fine.

venus0743 last decade
Dear kadwa ,

Please note that I am taking the baryta carb 30 doses regularly for the past 20 days and there has been improvements in the erections. The erections are happening in the early morning hours and are more firm.

You advised 1 month dosage and there is still 10 days left.

Kindly advise.

venus0743 last decade
Yes, please continue as advised.
kadwa last decade
Hi venus0743,

Do you feel the improvement after baryta carb 30?

I also took it and its worked for me as well but I dont know for how long should I take it.

After so much struggle I got only 10ml and finished it in 20 days and couldn't get it again.

So thats why I want to ask DR kadwa for how logn should we take it.

meeti2i last decade

There is no need to take the remedy if you are doing well.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr. kadwa,

I eat this medicine only 20 days and its worked for me but when I stop taking it I reach to same point where I did start. Now dont know for how long should I take it or is it permanent medicine?

I am living in germany and without doctor subscription we can not get the medicine. This is also one problem.

Thankyou for your reply.
[message edited by meeti2i on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:07:57 BST]
meeti2i last decade
Hi kadwa ,

I was on holiday for past 3 weeks so couldn't take the medicine since then. But is almost a month now since am taking that. Pls can you suggest .
venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Please can you suggest further .

venus0743 last decade
Dr kadwa ,

Please advise asap.

venus0743 last decade
Baryta Carb 30 may be taken for another month. Then you should give a break of one week. If you start feeling absolutely well you may stop Baryta Carb 30 and may restart later.
[message edited by kadwa on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:32:49 BST]
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr kadwa ,

Hope the above prescription has not been mixed with the another user ' meeti2i' as he was also taking baryta carb and he also posted in my thread.


venus0743 last decade
I gone through the whole case,
I more than appreciate the patince of Mr.Kadwa and Venus for last more than one year.The main issue here is of sugar unless that doesn't come below 150 post lunch the isuue is difficult to tackle thats why Phosphorus showed some results
the sugar must be under control all the time to enjoy sex.so please pay attention that side too.
bapu4 last decade
Hi Dr. venus0743 and Dr. kadwa,

I am not taking at the movement
baryta carb 30.

I have only 1 question about this medicine. Is it permanent cure or we have to eat it hole life with breaks?

meeti2i last decade
Dear kadwa ,

Further to above , I am also having pain in my arms, especially in the left arm. In the right arm it is normally near the wrist area and I feel very weak overall as there is no strength. It is mostly when I try to apply some kind of force .

Please advise asap or let me know if you want any more details. I am taking baryta carb for Ed and pe .

venus0743 last decade
Also , I have developed lumps In the left arm. There are couple of them which are small and one of them near the watch / wrist area is big but it doest pain.
venus0743 last decade

you will have to take Baryta Carb on need. This is how the dosing is done in homeopathy. You may not need Baryta Carb in distant future.
kadwa last decade

Please take Thuja 30 twice a day for 7 days and see how that affects over a month. You may not take Baryta Carb on these 7 days.
kadwa last decade
Can that be nerve pain since I a diabetic ? Why these lumps on arms ?
venus0743 last decade
Lumps on arms are quite common. There is no specific cause that may be identified for such lumps.
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa ,

I took thuja as prescribed and I am much better. The pain is not there and I feel a bit strengthened. What do I need to do now ? Wait for a month as you said.

Can I continue with baryta carb for pe and ed as before ?

Kindly advise.

venus0743 last decade
Yes, you should wait for a month. You may take Baryta Carb 30 if all is not well, otherwise no need to take Baryta Carb.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa ,

I am taking baryta carb but I got my diabetes checked today and the fasting levels came to 107 and post or and came to 240. Can u suggest some treatment for lowering down these levels as well which I feel will also help in my Ed and pe problems.

venus0743 last decade
madhunashini vati and chandraprabha vati twice a day should help for the sugar levels.
kadwa last decade
Can you suggest me some homeo med as the ayurvedic ones doesn't suit me very well.


venus0743 last decade
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa,

Still i have the PE. As long as i eat Baryta Carb 30 its ok but when i stop taking it the problem come back. I am afraid soon this medicine will stop working on me.

Is that true...! Can u please give me your email address so i can contact you.

Warm regards
[message edited by meeti2i on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:40:44 BST]
[message edited by meeti2i on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:41:24 BST]
meeti2i last decade

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