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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression and anxiety Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Had the prescription, felt better for the first three days but have been down since yesterday. Really have no idea what to do, no appetite, food intake has been lowered, no activity, just worried how I will come out of this predicament, how I'll save the situation from this already alarming situation that I'm in, should I continue after this one dose, kindly suggest, may the creator bless you for this work you are doing. Waiting for an early reply
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Have lost weight, the flesh has left the bones, become skinny and no stamina, do smoke cigarettes about 10 to 15 a day, give me something that can get me out of this, really need help, somehow I'm not helping myself, need help
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Want to sleep all the time, finding hard to stay up, dull, down and depressed I guess, everything falling apart
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Do you feel too tired even to talk?
Do you want to be left alone?
[Edited by Zady101 on 2018-04-23 11:28:47]
Zady101 6 years ago
Not too tired to talk, but would like to be alone as am too sleepy and lethargic to interact with anybody. But that can't happen as I am supposed to be the head of family, have a 9 year old grandson, and have to take care of daily routines
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Kali Phos 6X

Dissolve 4 tablets in a water filled cup, stir with a spoon a few times and drink. Do this THRICE DAILY for 3 days and update me (total 9 doses)
Zady101 6 years ago
Tablets or drops
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Tablets, getting them and revert back in 3 days after 9 doses
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Have had Kali phos 6, nine doses, feeling a bit better, but seems like long way to go to get even better, what do you suggest now. Appetite is not there nor any activity, kindly respond
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Please take Aurum Met 200 single dose today.

Update after 3-4 days

You will be ok in few months
Zady101 6 years ago
Had Aurum Met 200 as prescribed, it doesn't seem to be working, it will be third day tomorrow, what should I do next.
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Phosphoric Acid 200

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times
Take 1st tablespoon
wait 15 mins
Take 2nd tablespoon
wait 15 mins
Take 3rd and last tablespoon

Update me 3-4 days after the dose
Zady101 6 years ago
Had acid phos 200 as prescribed two days ago, felt better but now back to my original self. Since I don't do anything and seeing people achieving results of their involvement and hard work depresses me as I have messed up my life without thinking about my future and saving for a rainy day, I feel stuck. The obvious thing that I should be doing is facing the situation and salvage myself and the family, I become depressed and just close my eyes and don't face the situation. This has been happening for a long time and I've stopped making efforts. I hope I have made my situation more clear. Can you kindly suggest what should be my next course of action in terms of medication, hope this can be treated, I lack the will and desire to do something, probably all along in life, things came easy and manageable and now that I have to make effort, decide about how to salvage my situation, I freak out
Hafeez1 6 years ago
If you want to know more details or specifics please ask
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Kali Phos 6X

3 x 5 days. Total 15 doses
Zady101 6 years ago
Have been having Kali Phos 6x for 5 days, I get up late say by 10 am but extremely tired, just want to go back to sleep, but manage to stay up. Am weak, no appetite, no activity, had pain in the back of tired ness, and still mentally not willing to face the world and responsibilities which is a shame on a 72 year old. Kindly advise further action, hope I get better and fully recovered and functional
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Are you getting suicide thoughts
Zady101 6 years ago
Not really, but sometimes I feel I am not worth living, bowel movement is second or third day, it should be regular, eating is not proper, I need to get a complete new life, energy and vitality, hope you can recommend something that can completely rejuvinate me, get rid of my tired ness and get back up to start living
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Natrium Mur. 200C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a disposable spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

Please take it ONCE only as above. Buy German.This is your medicine, I think.

Don’t take any other homeo medicine alongside

Update me after 5 days.
Zady101 6 years ago
Thanks, will have it tomorrow morning, we don't get C but it is German, why do you recommend disposable cup and spoon?
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Normal cup retains medicine even after washing
Zady101 6 years ago
Getting Natrium Chloratum 200 (in bracket it says Natrium Muriaticum), the shopkeeper says they are the same, kindly advise
Hafeez1 6 years ago
Yes, they are the same .
simone717 6 years ago
Have had Natr Muir 200 as prescribed, today is the fifth day, sometimes I think I'm feeling better, sometimes not, don't know what to do. Just met a friend who saw me after 45 days and her first observation was that I've lost a lot of weight. That worries me a lot,what am I supposed to do, my bowel movement is about third day instead of daily, food intake is poor, have been fasting for the last 4 days, sleep all day and don't know how I'll lead my remaining life, I hope not like this. No desire no hope, have not done anything for myself for the last so many years, living in the past, sleeping my life away, hope you understand and suggest some remedy that gives me hope. People are also suggesting to take antidepressants, which I've been avoiding, kindly advise
Hafeez1 6 years ago
This will take time

Pls repeat once more and update after 3 days
Zady101 6 years ago
This is the end of third day, sleeping too much, but generally feeling better, what is the next step, still don't do anything and if have to it becomes a monstrosity and a burden. Hope this will go away
Hafeez1 6 years ago

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