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This is the end of third day, sleeping too much, but generally feeling better, what is the next step, still don't do anything and if have to it becomes a monstrosity and a burden. Hope this will go away
Hafeez1 6 years ago
♡ Zady101 6 years ago
Will start from tomorrow, wanted to let you know I'm extremely irritable, get annoyed on slightest thing, have no control over myself, have never learned anything in life, live on impulse, have not learned life or how to live life, as I never faced life in the true sense, now that I'm faced with it after literally blowing away all the money, I can't face life. When someone says start doing now, I immediately give up and get depressed as I'm not willing to do anything new, have never done and have just existed. How do I get out of this, life has become unlivable, don't know how to face the world and live the rest of my life
Hafeez1 6 years ago
You need counseling or a life coach. First banish regret about the past, the way is to just keep moving forward. Many famous, successful people in this world say that not focusing on regret, guilt, shame is the most important thing they were taught by their parents. What happened, already happened
And those feeling were already felt — indulging them is punishing yourself over and over and keeping you frozen and stuck in a ditch- start to discipline
Your mind that every time you do this it is wrong and create a new habit.
Sometimes, in talk therapy, people go for years and years just talking about
The past and nothing gets healed. Face it, then shut the door on it- today is a new day.
Next, realize you are right now like a child trying to create a new life.
You do that by taking baby steps each day. You cannot compare what you
Want the ultimate outcome to be and where you are right now. It is good
To visualize your goals and you have to know they are possible. But you
Must give up pride and guilt and focus on what you can do today. Start where you are at, even if it is a tiny thing like taking a walk, having some
Conversations with people. You break down
Your steps until there is no resistance- so if you can only walk for 2 minutes do that-that is the path forward . Find therapists who do life coaching-
They will help you set the small goals and encourage you. After a short time you will see you are changing, circumstances are changing. Your next step is to find the therapist/ life coach guide. Join a group to help others, or people that have similar interests . You are here for a reason and nothing is impossible with God . Look for any shred of enthusiasm about anything of interest, and follow up, no matter what your mind says
About how it might be illogical or lead nowhere,
Because things open up to other things from doing that. One example,
KFC, Colonel Sanders- he started that business at 65 years old, from a chicken recipe he loved.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-05-26 16:38:23]
You need counseling or a life coach. First banish regret about the past, the way is to just keep moving forward. Many famous, successful people in this world say that not focusing on regret, guilt, shame is the most important thing they were taught by their parents. What happened, already happened
And those feeling were already felt — indulging them is punishing yourself over and over and keeping you frozen and stuck in a ditch- start to discipline
Your mind that every time you do this it is wrong and create a new habit.
Sometimes, in talk therapy, people go for years and years just talking about
The past and nothing gets healed. Face it, then shut the door on it- today is a new day.
Next, realize you are right now like a child trying to create a new life.
You do that by taking baby steps each day. You cannot compare what you
Want the ultimate outcome to be and where you are right now. It is good
To visualize your goals and you have to know they are possible. But you
Must give up pride and guilt and focus on what you can do today. Start where you are at, even if it is a tiny thing like taking a walk, having some
Conversations with people. You break down
Your steps until there is no resistance- so if you can only walk for 2 minutes do that-that is the path forward . Find therapists who do life coaching-
They will help you set the small goals and encourage you. After a short time you will see you are changing, circumstances are changing. Your next step is to find the therapist/ life coach guide. Join a group to help others, or people that have similar interests . You are here for a reason and nothing is impossible with God . Look for any shred of enthusiasm about anything of interest, and follow up, no matter what your mind says
About how it might be illogical or lead nowhere,
Because things open up to other things from doing that. One example,
KFC, Colonel Sanders- he started that business at 65 years old, from a chicken recipe he loved.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-05-26 16:38:23]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
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