The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Post for Just Sayin Page 2 of 8
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are correct in pointing out that it was the Calendula and not the Gels, and that I had made a typo in my previous post. As this piece of information was brought up by me to get clarification on the nature of these pains and not part of any suggestion, so it is best to ignore that error.
If Arnica helped you with the same pain and if its the same post-surgery pain and if Ambra doesnt help then try Arnica again before trying anything else, if the pain gets worse after doing heavy lifting.
One more thing I would like to add, when you present your symptoms like pain, mention it in a way that leaves no doubt in the mind of the prescriber about the nature of the pain and its origins, if you are not specific then the prescriber will add details while doing remedy searches based on these non-specific symptoms. This is something every prescriber has to do, otherwise no one can prescribe for these symptoms. So give full details. If you say lower abdominal pain, it leaves room for speculation as to which organ may be at fault, so in the interest of time I will go ahead and prescribe based on what seems obvious.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-11-17 04:09:59]
If Arnica helped you with the same pain and if its the same post-surgery pain and if Ambra doesnt help then try Arnica again before trying anything else, if the pain gets worse after doing heavy lifting.
One more thing I would like to add, when you present your symptoms like pain, mention it in a way that leaves no doubt in the mind of the prescriber about the nature of the pain and its origins, if you are not specific then the prescriber will add details while doing remedy searches based on these non-specific symptoms. This is something every prescriber has to do, otherwise no one can prescribe for these symptoms. So give full details. If you say lower abdominal pain, it leaves room for speculation as to which organ may be at fault, so in the interest of time I will go ahead and prescribe based on what seems obvious.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-11-17 04:09:59]
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
The dose of Ambra 200 didn’t help me much on my
Uterus pain(post surgery pain) so I took a dose of Arnica 6c.
Update after Arnica dose.
I am feeling much better than before now.
The pain is about 80-85% gone.
Thank you for the remedy suggestion.
The dose of Ambra 200 didn’t help me much on my
Uterus pain(post surgery pain) so I took a dose of Arnica 6c.
Update after Arnica dose.
I am feeling much better than before now.
The pain is about 80-85% gone.
Thank you for the remedy suggestion.
depression1 last year
Hello JustSayin,
I posted the feedback of Arnica 6c about a week ago. I didn’t get any response from you. Since there was still a mild pain , I took another dose of Arnica again after 3-4 days
I have been doing fine so far.
Now, my update as of now:
My husband has been sick since yesterday, His Blood Pressure Hyped for some reason and I am helping him lowering it down.
He survived a stroke in 2019. It was a really bad time for me as I had to go through lots of stressful situations. I tackled the situation well eventhough I was in huge stress. I struggled all alone at that time too. I do not want to go through that phase again.
so I am kind of panicky, thinking about what to do if something goes really bad again. I do not have anyone around to ask for help and I always panic when I am in stress or nervous. I start yelling a lot on everyone around to take my frustrations out. I feel like why he always gives me trouble by his negligence. He doesn’t listen to me when I tell him to watch his food intake, check his BP and Sugar level but he ignores what I suggest and do what he wants to do but when he gets sick by his own behavior then he comes to me expecting to be cured.
I have gone through a lots of bad situations in life and now if I see any bad happening coming on the way, my mind says “Not Anymore” ,Now, I don’t feel strong enough to handle any kind of negative pressure on my mind.
I try to avoid such situations as much possible as I can.
This stress right now is making my head heavy.
Please suggest me something to cope with this situation.
I posted the feedback of Arnica 6c about a week ago. I didn’t get any response from you. Since there was still a mild pain , I took another dose of Arnica again after 3-4 days
I have been doing fine so far.
Now, my update as of now:
My husband has been sick since yesterday, His Blood Pressure Hyped for some reason and I am helping him lowering it down.
He survived a stroke in 2019. It was a really bad time for me as I had to go through lots of stressful situations. I tackled the situation well eventhough I was in huge stress. I struggled all alone at that time too. I do not want to go through that phase again.
so I am kind of panicky, thinking about what to do if something goes really bad again. I do not have anyone around to ask for help and I always panic when I am in stress or nervous. I start yelling a lot on everyone around to take my frustrations out. I feel like why he always gives me trouble by his negligence. He doesn’t listen to me when I tell him to watch his food intake, check his BP and Sugar level but he ignores what I suggest and do what he wants to do but when he gets sick by his own behavior then he comes to me expecting to be cured.
I have gone through a lots of bad situations in life and now if I see any bad happening coming on the way, my mind says “Not Anymore” ,Now, I don’t feel strong enough to handle any kind of negative pressure on my mind.
I try to avoid such situations as much possible as I can.
This stress right now is making my head heavy.
Please suggest me something to cope with this situation.
depression1 last year
You can try single dose of Calc-carb 30c for your current condition. Sorry for not responding to your last post, was of the opinion that no further help was needed for the pain, would only have advised about repeating the remedy in case of further pain.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-02 20:08:44]
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-02 20:08:44]
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
Hope you are good.
I didn’t have Calc Carb in 30 potency. I ordered it online but looked like it’s gonna take time to reach me. I was in an urgent situation
So I had a dose of it in 200 C potency which I had handy with me. I am sorry if that was a wrong move, but I needed something which could calm me down. The 30 potency is reaching me in 2-3 days.
This remedy (200 potency )helped me about 40-50%. But I still have the breakdown feeling. I am still apprehensive.
My head is congested.
My husband is still sick which is making me nervous about any bad happenings.
Please suggest
Hope you are good.
I didn’t have Calc Carb in 30 potency. I ordered it online but looked like it’s gonna take time to reach me. I was in an urgent situation
So I had a dose of it in 200 C potency which I had handy with me. I am sorry if that was a wrong move, but I needed something which could calm me down. The 30 potency is reaching me in 2-3 days.
This remedy (200 potency )helped me about 40-50%. But I still have the breakdown feeling. I am still apprehensive.
My head is congested.
My husband is still sick which is making me nervous about any bad happenings.
Please suggest
depression1 last year
Try Arsenicum Album 30c single dose if you are at the breaking point with nervous anxiety. Calc 200c is fine, its a slow acting remedy and will continue to work in the background.
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Ars Alb 30 as well. I feel like both the remedies are not working for me. I have a huge pressure inside my head which I feel like will have a blast.
I am so much traumatized by my husband’s Stroke last time about 4 years back. Now againhe is sick and I am so not want to go through that trauma again. That’s why I am so tensed and stressed out.
Please help. My head has so much pressure inside.
I am kind of lost and dizzy too.
I took a dose of Ars Alb 30 as well. I feel like both the remedies are not working for me. I have a huge pressure inside my head which I feel like will have a blast.
I am so much traumatized by my husband’s Stroke last time about 4 years back. Now againhe is sick and I am so not want to go through that trauma again. That’s why I am so tensed and stressed out.
Please help. My head has so much pressure inside.
I am kind of lost and dizzy too.
depression1 last year
If the feeling of this build-up of pressure inside the head, as if it’s going to burst, is your main concern, then try a single dose of Glonoinum or Glonoine 30c. If you dont have this, try a single dose of Belladonna 30c.
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin
I had Belladonna and I am better than before now. I am less agitated and the pressure inside my head is reduced as well. I am less stressed now. Which is a relief.
I am also relieved because my husband is getting better now. He doesn’t have fever anymore and his BP is under control now. The fear of recurring of his stroke my suffering is lot less now.
So here, I might be relieved by the remedy as well as the positive environment. Thank you for your timely help.
Furthermore I would like to discuss about my nature:
I am always concerned about “What other people would think about me.” I am always worried that people will talk negative about me. Specially my inlaws. If anything goes wrong in my house then they will blame me.
I always blame myself for any unpleasant situations. I always doubt myself that I didn’t do enough to make the things better, though I put all my efforts in it. I always think, I could have done more to save the situation.
I am always apprehensive and always am too much careful about taking any steps in life. I hesitate to try new things, try new places,
I am always concern about my health. I am physically a healthy person. But I freak out when I see any changes in my health.
I don’t like it when my husband contradicts me.
Sometimes I feel like I am a self centered person.
For example: I was not that worried about my husband’s health condition. Rather I was worried about “How much do I have to suffer because of his health condition “. Now, I put myself in the first place.
Nowadays I can’t take too much responsibilities as that will stress me out. Even a small responsibility makes me feel overwhelmed. I can’t do multi tasks anymore.
I can’t handle stress anymore. I feel panicky when it comes to stressing out.
I can’t see vulnerable and pathetic people. I feel for them. It scares me when I see vulnerable and old people. I start thinking what if I become like them one day.
I always overthink and make anything worse.
I can’t handle pressure in my brain.
I love dogs. My husband doesn’t like dogs.
I think I do not love my husband but I care about him.
I think just because of the fear of loneliness I am with him tolerating all of his nonsense behavior or it’s just a humanity. I am not sure.
I am a very confused person. I can’t take decisions.
I miss my dad every single day. I loved him a lot.
My childhood was not a pleasant one. It was very stressful because of my parent’s hatred for each other. I developed depression at the age of 19
My mom was very rude to my dad. She was suffocated inside that relationship and yet couldn’t find the way out than tolerating everything. She is mentally a very strong woman. But I am not.
My life is somehow like hers
I also got married to a person who is about 12 years older. I never liked him just like my mom never liked my dad. She was trapped inside her relationship and I feel I am trapped inside this relationship.
My husband was a lazy and a procrastinator until his stroke. He never was serious about his career and family before. He got his first job recently in his late 50’s.
I don’t know why I have only complaints about him just like my mom had only complaints about my dad. May be I never saw anything beyond the hatred while I was growing up.
I love my mom but I don’t want to be like her. But I have all the negative emotions inside my brain. I know this won’t help me ever, I know this impacts my health. But I don’t have control over my mind.
I am always Grumpy and never satisfied just like a grumpy and moody little girl.
I don’t want to be like this.
I poured my heart out here. Please suggest if you have any remedies based on my overall personality.
I really appreciate your help and understanding.
I had Belladonna and I am better than before now. I am less agitated and the pressure inside my head is reduced as well. I am less stressed now. Which is a relief.
I am also relieved because my husband is getting better now. He doesn’t have fever anymore and his BP is under control now. The fear of recurring of his stroke my suffering is lot less now.
So here, I might be relieved by the remedy as well as the positive environment. Thank you for your timely help.
Furthermore I would like to discuss about my nature:
I am always concerned about “What other people would think about me.” I am always worried that people will talk negative about me. Specially my inlaws. If anything goes wrong in my house then they will blame me.
I always blame myself for any unpleasant situations. I always doubt myself that I didn’t do enough to make the things better, though I put all my efforts in it. I always think, I could have done more to save the situation.
I am always apprehensive and always am too much careful about taking any steps in life. I hesitate to try new things, try new places,
I am always concern about my health. I am physically a healthy person. But I freak out when I see any changes in my health.
I don’t like it when my husband contradicts me.
Sometimes I feel like I am a self centered person.
For example: I was not that worried about my husband’s health condition. Rather I was worried about “How much do I have to suffer because of his health condition “. Now, I put myself in the first place.
Nowadays I can’t take too much responsibilities as that will stress me out. Even a small responsibility makes me feel overwhelmed. I can’t do multi tasks anymore.
I can’t handle stress anymore. I feel panicky when it comes to stressing out.
I can’t see vulnerable and pathetic people. I feel for them. It scares me when I see vulnerable and old people. I start thinking what if I become like them one day.
I always overthink and make anything worse.
I can’t handle pressure in my brain.
I love dogs. My husband doesn’t like dogs.
I think I do not love my husband but I care about him.
I think just because of the fear of loneliness I am with him tolerating all of his nonsense behavior or it’s just a humanity. I am not sure.
I am a very confused person. I can’t take decisions.
I miss my dad every single day. I loved him a lot.
My childhood was not a pleasant one. It was very stressful because of my parent’s hatred for each other. I developed depression at the age of 19
My mom was very rude to my dad. She was suffocated inside that relationship and yet couldn’t find the way out than tolerating everything. She is mentally a very strong woman. But I am not.
My life is somehow like hers
I also got married to a person who is about 12 years older. I never liked him just like my mom never liked my dad. She was trapped inside her relationship and I feel I am trapped inside this relationship.
My husband was a lazy and a procrastinator until his stroke. He never was serious about his career and family before. He got his first job recently in his late 50’s.
I don’t know why I have only complaints about him just like my mom had only complaints about my dad. May be I never saw anything beyond the hatred while I was growing up.
I love my mom but I don’t want to be like her. But I have all the negative emotions inside my brain. I know this won’t help me ever, I know this impacts my health. But I don’t have control over my mind.
I am always Grumpy and never satisfied just like a grumpy and moody little girl.
I don’t want to be like this.
I poured my heart out here. Please suggest if you have any remedies based on my overall personality.
I really appreciate your help and understanding.
depression1 last year
After taking Calc-carb 200c you mentioned about 40-50% help, let me know what it helped you with so I can stop looking for remedies for the same problem.
JustSayin2 last year
I thought I was fine but I am still stressed out too much. This lingering pressure in my head is still bothering me a lot. I keep forgetting to do things because of this stress.
I have become so forgetful. My head is still like a pressurized Ball.
I am yelling at everyone. I am blaming my husband for triggering my stress. I don’t know if this feeling is the aftermath of the bouts of stress and panic moment.
I thought I was okay but my head is still so heavy. I don’t know now if the remedies I took worked for me. Or worked for a little span of time. I am so confused. My head has a squeezed kind of feeling.
This pressure is so bothersome.
It’s bothering my thought process. Please help.
I have become so forgetful. My head is still like a pressurized Ball.
I am yelling at everyone. I am blaming my husband for triggering my stress. I don’t know if this feeling is the aftermath of the bouts of stress and panic moment.
I thought I was okay but my head is still so heavy. I don’t know now if the remedies I took worked for me. Or worked for a little span of time. I am so confused. My head has a squeezed kind of feeling.
This pressure is so bothersome.
It’s bothering my thought process. Please help.
depression1 last year
I feel little better now than before. I am not sure if that feeling of too much pressure or stress in my head this morning for couple of hours was an aggravation from the remedies but that feeling was not good at all.
I will keep you posted the updates on my recent feelings.
Thank you for your help always.
I feel little better now than before. I am not sure if that feeling of too much pressure or stress in my head this morning for couple of hours was an aggravation from the remedies but that feeling was not good at all.
I will keep you posted the updates on my recent feelings.
Thank you for your help always.
depression1 last year
Try a single dose of Ignatia 30c. during the morning hours. If you only have 200c, feel free to use it.
As a necessary precaution: Refrain from lashing out at your husband. If he was already suffering from high blood pressure and is in a fragile state of health, its best to keep some distance from him and not engage in topics that are bound to bring up hidden emotions and past traumas; theres plenty of time for that in the future. If you cant do that, then isolate yourself.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-11 08:11:45]
As a necessary precaution: Refrain from lashing out at your husband. If he was already suffering from high blood pressure and is in a fragile state of health, its best to keep some distance from him and not engage in topics that are bound to bring up hidden emotions and past traumas; theres plenty of time for that in the future. If you cant do that, then isolate yourself.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-11 08:11:45]
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
Thank you for the remedy suggestion. I will take Ignatia in the morning as per your advice.
I am not fully recovered from the recent stress that was caused by my husband’s bad health(fever for a week). My head is heavy and has a burning feeling inside. It feels like there are some remains or scars after a huge battle which is bothering me mentally or emotionally. My nerves are still jittery
My husband is okay now started going to his work.
His Blood pressure was unstable ( sometimes high and sometimes low during that 1 week time) due to some kind of virus as his doctor said.
I am still vulnerable to take any added responsibility or added stress.
The moment I feel there is going to be another pressure in my head I become so fearful that something bad is going to happen now. My head starts spinning, becomes congested and squeezed.
I always have a fear of ill mental health from the stress level I got from this unexpected situation. I fear of going crazy due to over stress. Negative Thoughts automatically rush into my mind while I am in any negative environment or any unfortunate situations which I can’t control.
I don’t have control over my emotions. I panic, I become anxious, I get angry over anybody if the situation is not favorable, I get depressed time to time. And I can’t control any of these emotions. That’s why, I thought I could get help from some kind human beings like you, here in this forum.
I am sorry even if I try or desire, I don’t have control. So while I am frustrated I just take out my anger and yell. I feel like the situation is an injustice for me. I feel like I do not deserve that incident or environment or situation that I am into. So I get frustrated and I yell. I do not have control over my anger so I yell…I am sorry. I know this is not good for myself either but It’s not under my control.
[Edited by depression1 on 2023-12-12 01:48:52]
Thank you for the remedy suggestion. I will take Ignatia in the morning as per your advice.
I am not fully recovered from the recent stress that was caused by my husband’s bad health(fever for a week). My head is heavy and has a burning feeling inside. It feels like there are some remains or scars after a huge battle which is bothering me mentally or emotionally. My nerves are still jittery
My husband is okay now started going to his work.
His Blood pressure was unstable ( sometimes high and sometimes low during that 1 week time) due to some kind of virus as his doctor said.
I am still vulnerable to take any added responsibility or added stress.
The moment I feel there is going to be another pressure in my head I become so fearful that something bad is going to happen now. My head starts spinning, becomes congested and squeezed.
I always have a fear of ill mental health from the stress level I got from this unexpected situation. I fear of going crazy due to over stress. Negative Thoughts automatically rush into my mind while I am in any negative environment or any unfortunate situations which I can’t control.
I don’t have control over my emotions. I panic, I become anxious, I get angry over anybody if the situation is not favorable, I get depressed time to time. And I can’t control any of these emotions. That’s why, I thought I could get help from some kind human beings like you, here in this forum.
I am sorry even if I try or desire, I don’t have control. So while I am frustrated I just take out my anger and yell. I feel like the situation is an injustice for me. I feel like I do not deserve that incident or environment or situation that I am into. So I get frustrated and I yell. I do not have control over my anger so I yell…I am sorry. I know this is not good for myself either but It’s not under my control.
[Edited by depression1 on 2023-12-12 01:48:52]
depression1 last year
Let me know if Ignatia has helped you with this congestive, pressing build-up of pressure in your head.
Do you have Arg-nit in 200c or 30c?
Do you have Arg-nit in 200c or 30c?
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
Here is the update as of this evening 12/13/23
I took a dose of Ignatia 30 yesterday morning as per your advice. I don’t see any changes in me and my mind yet.
But the aftermath effect of that unexpected huge stress is still in my mind. I feel like my brain is wounded and I am not able to handle the pressure of my regular daily routine life. I feel so overwhelmed even thinking about the tasks I have to finish. My nerves are jittery. My head is heavy. I feel like “Don’t bother me” kind of feeling. I can’t handle any more added pressure inside my head. My nerves are too sensitive to handle anything. I feel sick mentally.
Thank you for your help always
P.S. yes I have Arg Nit 200 c with me.
Here is the update as of this evening 12/13/23
I took a dose of Ignatia 30 yesterday morning as per your advice. I don’t see any changes in me and my mind yet.
But the aftermath effect of that unexpected huge stress is still in my mind. I feel like my brain is wounded and I am not able to handle the pressure of my regular daily routine life. I feel so overwhelmed even thinking about the tasks I have to finish. My nerves are jittery. My head is heavy. I feel like “Don’t bother me” kind of feeling. I can’t handle any more added pressure inside my head. My nerves are too sensitive to handle anything. I feel sick mentally.
Thank you for your help always
P.S. yes I have Arg Nit 200 c with me.
depression1 last year
Try Hypericum 30c for those hypersensitive nerves, heaviness in the head with a squeezed feeling, let me know if it helped.
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you for the remedy suggestion. I ordered the remedy and will get the remedy tomorrow only. I will take the dose as soon as I receive it.
Update as of 2.47 pm 12/14/23
I am little calmer than before now. I am not yelling at anybody even though my husband annoys me the same because I am not feeling like saying “OH God !”.
I feel like My jittery nerves are little better today. The squeezed feeling in the head is still there. The burning feeling inside the head is still there. I am not feeling as vulnerable as before but still not fully okay. I still feel mentally sick. I have a mild headache.
Thank you once again
Will update you after Hypericum
Thank you for the remedy suggestion. I ordered the remedy and will get the remedy tomorrow only. I will take the dose as soon as I receive it.
Update as of 2.47 pm 12/14/23
I am little calmer than before now. I am not yelling at anybody even though my husband annoys me the same because I am not feeling like saying “OH God !”.
I feel like My jittery nerves are little better today. The squeezed feeling in the head is still there. The burning feeling inside the head is still there. I am not feeling as vulnerable as before but still not fully okay. I still feel mentally sick. I have a mild headache.
Thank you once again
Will update you after Hypericum
depression1 last year
Is there a particular part of your head that feels heavy and squeezed?
Can you describe the burning sensation in your head?
Can you describe the burning sensation in your head?
JustSayin2 last year
Hi, suggest you read a few materia medica headache and mind symptoms of Bryonia and see if that seems to match up with your symptoms.
♡ simone717 last year
Hello JustSayin,
I took the dose of Hypericum 30C last night.
Update as of today:
My head was hurting about half a day today.
But as of now 10.15 pm,
I am feeling light headed now. No heaviness inside the head, no squeezed feelings, no jittery nerves. Just a mild headache is still there.
Whenever I have burning feeling inside the head, it’s in my whole head. It’s like there is some chemical inside the head which gives me the head burning feelings. And whenever I get the heaviness it’s particularly in the middle of the head from the top.
I hope I will feel more better soon. Thank you for the remedy suggestion.
Thank you Simone always for your kind help towards me. I don’t think I need Bryonia at this time. But I appreciate your advice.
I took the dose of Hypericum 30C last night.
Update as of today:
My head was hurting about half a day today.
But as of now 10.15 pm,
I am feeling light headed now. No heaviness inside the head, no squeezed feelings, no jittery nerves. Just a mild headache is still there.
Whenever I have burning feeling inside the head, it’s in my whole head. It’s like there is some chemical inside the head which gives me the head burning feelings. And whenever I get the heaviness it’s particularly in the middle of the head from the top.
I hope I will feel more better soon. Thank you for the remedy suggestion.
Thank you Simone always for your kind help towards me. I don’t think I need Bryonia at this time. But I appreciate your advice.
depression1 last year
Continue to observe for now, don’t want to suggest anything at the moment. If the old symptoms return, you can try another dose.
JustSayin2 last year
Hello JustSayin,
Update as of today 12/20/23
I have been missing my dad a lot. I couldn’t be with him in his final day. He passed away so suddenly in Feb 2022. I couldn’t say Goodbye to him. I always think about as what might be the cause of his death. I believe he had a heart attack and fell down and nobody knew. What I heard was “He fell down and hit his head hard and lost lots of blood” while no-one was around. I wish I was there to save him that time. I just miss him a lot again.
The Ignatia I had few days back as per your advice, doesn’t seem working for me in this matter.
For the past 2-3 days its kind of intense missing. I have been remembering the childhood that I had with my dad. He used to love me and support me in every steps of my life. He was always there helping me , giving me advice eventhough we lived in different countries. He was a loving father for me, but my brother not so liked him. The only person my dad ever trusted was Me.
I always feel I couldn’t do much for him even though I tried my best to keep him happy and alive.
I am not able to accept the fact that he is no more may be because I didn’t see his dead body. I still feel that he is back home. It’s really hard to believe that I won’t see him ever again.
I feel like crying whenever I think about him. I miss him a lot. I am not able to stop missing him.
Update as of today 12/20/23
I have been missing my dad a lot. I couldn’t be with him in his final day. He passed away so suddenly in Feb 2022. I couldn’t say Goodbye to him. I always think about as what might be the cause of his death. I believe he had a heart attack and fell down and nobody knew. What I heard was “He fell down and hit his head hard and lost lots of blood” while no-one was around. I wish I was there to save him that time. I just miss him a lot again.
The Ignatia I had few days back as per your advice, doesn’t seem working for me in this matter.
For the past 2-3 days its kind of intense missing. I have been remembering the childhood that I had with my dad. He used to love me and support me in every steps of my life. He was always there helping me , giving me advice eventhough we lived in different countries. He was a loving father for me, but my brother not so liked him. The only person my dad ever trusted was Me.
I always feel I couldn’t do much for him even though I tried my best to keep him happy and alive.
I am not able to accept the fact that he is no more may be because I didn’t see his dead body. I still feel that he is back home. It’s really hard to believe that I won’t see him ever again.
I feel like crying whenever I think about him. I miss him a lot. I am not able to stop missing him.
depression1 last year
Ignatia does not erase emotional upset.
It brings layers of it up for release. I’ve had a lot of experience using ignatia/nat mur on suppressed emotions. I tell ppl to take it on a Friday after work bc things will come up and retreat and more will come up. It can be a roller coaster until the remedy stops action.
The great thing about ignatia is when a person has a trauma experience- if ignatia is taken within a week of the trauma the memories will store as normal memories and not store as an alarm system triggered by anything slightly associated with trauma.
It brings layers of it up for release. I’ve had a lot of experience using ignatia/nat mur on suppressed emotions. I tell ppl to take it on a Friday after work bc things will come up and retreat and more will come up. It can be a roller coaster until the remedy stops action.
The great thing about ignatia is when a person has a trauma experience- if ignatia is taken within a week of the trauma the memories will store as normal memories and not store as an alarm system triggered by anything slightly associated with trauma.
♡ simone717 last year
Thank you for the clarification Simone. I appreciate it.
I am feeling little better this morning. I am not missing my dad like before now. Just have some mental and physical fatigues. My head is heavy like I have some heavy cloud inside.
Hope I will be better over the time.
I will keep updating my condition.
[Edited by depression1 on 2023-12-21 14:25:20]
I am feeling little better this morning. I am not missing my dad like before now. Just have some mental and physical fatigues. My head is heavy like I have some heavy cloud inside.
Hope I will be better over the time.
I will keep updating my condition.
[Edited by depression1 on 2023-12-21 14:25:20]
depression1 last year
If this sensation of heavy cloud inside persists, try a dose of Cimicifuga 30c. Expect late responses for this week.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-21 16:47:22]
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-21 16:47:22]
JustSayin2 last year
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