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Post for Just Sayin Page 8 of 8

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Hello Just Saying,

Please see my answers below:

How much have the following symptoms changed:
“Things slips away from my mind quickly. I can’t remember the facts and figures that I just see. Specially while I have to do mathematics. I can’t do logical problems. My mind goes blank now. My mind is not sharp anymore. It’s so hard to understand even a simple mathematical problem now,”

I am much better in above symptoms. No need to worry about those feelings at this time.

Calc-carb was recommended for fear of insanity, for slowness in mathematical or analytical work, is there any changes there?
Fear of insanity is still there when I hear or see any depressed people, or if somebody talks about mental problems. Anythings if I hear or see related to mental problems. I may put myself or see myself in the senario and get disturbed.

You said the current symptoms started 2 days ago, were these symptoms better before in terms of anticipatory anxiety and not being able to cope with pressure situations?

The pressure symptoms arouse because my husband was pressuring me to find a better job. He was giving me pressure saying we can’t manage our expenses if I don’t earn good enough. I feel pressured of not doing much eventhough I have been trying my best. Sometimes I feel like this pressure may give me mental breakdown. So usually, if somebody pushes me to do more than my brain can handle, then I feel pressured and anxious then I get irritated frustrated and I start yelling
I don’t want to be in that situation again where there is scarcity of money like in my childhood. We were lower middle class back then and I have seen my dad struggling for money for our food education etc.

Any specific area of the head where heaviness is felt?
It’s all over the head. There is a pressured feeling still in the head just like pressure of air in a balloon.

Thank you for your help.
depression1 last month
Try a dose of Phos 30c. If you dont have it then dont take Ph-ac instead.
JustSayin2 last month
Hello Just Saying,
I took a dose of Phosphorus 30c two days ago. Looks like it worked for me on the heaviness of my head due to pressurised feelings.
My head feels lighter now. I am not as agitated as before. I do not know what other improvements I should be seeing. But I am feeling better now.
Right now I only have a complaint about my right ear. I still can’t hear good from my right ear.
Please suggest
Thank you for your help as always
depression1 last month
Phosphorus was given for these following mental symptoms as well:
- Anticipatory anxiety.
- Sensitive to any mental impressions & external impressions.
You can update when you are able to check whether there is any improvement in these symptoms as well.

Do you still have pain in your right ear when any oil or water etc gets in your ear?
Did you use Mullen drops immediately after taking Verbascum Thapsus 6c last time or did you wait some time and if so, was there any improvement? I want to know this because Verbascum is only one indicated for impaired hearing caused by water in the ear.
You can share anything related to your hearing to help decide on the remedy? Also, its better to have your ear checked to have some context of what Im dealing with.
And in the meantime, you can try Calendula 6c daily for 3 days to see if it helps.

As you are sensitive to mental impressions, try to surround yourself with ideas that give you strength, power, resilience & not drag you down. You have depression as your profile name, and as you keep logging in with that name, it subtly reinforces the idea in your mind that you have depression, that you are not well, and that you need something external to fix it. This is just one example I can see, there may be others that keep you in this state.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-30 06:12:33]
JustSayin2 last month
Hello Just Sayin’,
Please see my reply below to your questions:

—Do you still have pain in your right ear when any oil or water etc gets in your ear?
Did you use Mullen drops immediately after taking last time or did you wait some time and if so, was there any improvement? I want to know this because is only one indicated for impaired hearing caused by water in the ear.
You can share anything related to your hearing to help decide on the remedy? Also, its better to have your ear checked to have some context of what Im dealing with.And in the meantime, you can try daily for 3 days to see if it helps.

I have not put any liquid in my ear after I had those antibiotics course. I am too scared to put anything in my ear now.
I seldom get pain in my ear now like may be once a month, which goes away after few hours leaving hollow or void feeling inside. Like I had this afternoon. I feel like it’s a nerve pain rather than an eardrum pain because when there is a pain, my outer ear becomes tender too and its gives pain when touched.
I took Mulien along with Verbascum last time. I don’t think those helped me.

What I want to tell now is my hearing loss happened might not be due to the pool water. I now am pretty sure that my eardrum was already ruptured due to some other unknown factors and when I went to the swimming that day, water got into my ear and I had that sudden unbearable pain.

--You have as your profile name, and as you keep logging in with that name, it subtly reinforces the idea in your mind that you have depression, that you are not well, and that you need something external to fix it. This is just one example I can see, there may be others that keep you in this state.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on Thu Jan 30 2025 00:12 Cen]

I tried to change my profile name earlier as well but couldn’t do so because of some technical issues.
I am not always depressed or Sad now as I used to be very long time ago. Homeopathy has helped me a lot coping with my depressed mood.
I get bouts of depressions sometimes which is not under my control and I really have to take something to overcome that depression.

Also, I am an introvert kind. I do not like to be with many people around me. I do not like the subjects they talk about. Rather I like to be with kids who don’t have any egos, any selfishness any dominant behaviors, any Fakeness, any mocking behaviors. I do not like to meet people and talk about nonsense. Rather I would stay home. I like to meet just few people whom I trust.
I am not very talkative to many people but I can pour my heart out with some.
I don’t trust people easily for my emotions.

I will try Calendula and report you back

Thank you as always. I really appreciate your help.
depression1 last month
Hello Just Sayin,
I took Calendula 6 for 3 days as per your advice.
I am not seeing much of an improvement in my ear.
I must say, my ear is still blocked (like filled with air)for some reason. I feel this blockage from inside of my ear to my head/brain.
I can’t hear the distant sounds that good, from my right ear.

Please suggest
depression1 3 weeks ago
Have you seen an ENT recently? I think you need a medical diagnosis of what is going on.
simone717 3 weeks ago
Hello Just Sayin’,
Hope you are good.

I have taken an appointment with an ENT specialist. Will update on it soon.
In the meantime, please help me calm my jittery nerves. I am not able to handle any pressure in my mind. I feel like I am gonna have breakdown. Whatever I am handling by managing things seem a lot to me. I am trying to save myself from any kind of mental pressure. So either I am Yelling at people or staying quiet. I feel so much pressure inside my head with irritating nerves.
I feel like my nerves inside my brain is very weak and wounded.
I feel like saying “Leave me alone, don’t bother me”
Please help me be mentally strong.

Thank you.
depression1 last week
Try a dose of Phos(Phosphorus) 30c.
JustSayin2 last week
Hello Just Sayin’

Hope you are good.
I took a dose of Phosphorus 30c yesterday morning.
I am feeling like it worked for me about 50% so far.
Today almost the whole day my head was heavy, tight and was bit achy.
May be the effects of the remedy, I guess because usually I get this sensation after I take any remedy.
I am not that apprehensive right now.
I was not able to think about taking any big challenge or responsibility (job) before but I think it’s improving now. I will know more once this heaviness/tightness in my head goes away.

Thank you for your help as always.

P.S. I couldn’t go to my ear appointment due to the inclement weather last time, it’s been rescheduled for March 3rd now. Will update about it once I get checked up.
Thank you.
depression1 last week
Hello Just saying,
it’s been 4-5 days since I took the remedy.
I can’t really tell how much I am better now. At first I thought it was working good on me but it’s not the situation now.
But update as of now:
- Tightness in the head is still there.
- “Can’t take anymore stress, i will have a breakdown “ feeling is still there.
Whenever anybody talks to me about getting a better job, I fear about getting stressed due to pressure at work.
Currently my nerves are so jittery that I can’t think about taking more pressure by getting a more challenging job and managing household at the same time. I am fearful of mental breakdown.
I don’t know why I always have this fear of mental breakdown , if I think of any stressful situation.
Please suggest
depression1 4 days ago
Try a dose of Lycopodium 30c.
JustSayin2 4 days ago
The fear of mental breakdown is a mini panic attack. In the past you had this happen way back- as a response to overwhelm. You have endured a lot of extreme challenging situations. So the first time this fear showed up,
your brain recorded it as survival danger. That memory is stored in the lower brain which will hijack your adrenals and shut down blood to front brain bc the brain thinks it is keeping you alive. and it will set this off in two seconds. You are then in flight or fight mode.
This is cave man wiring to survive. Ignatia if taken within a week or so after a trauma incident will prevent the memory from being stored in primitive low brain. It will be stored as a normal memory. What you have to do is when you feel ok start a conversation with your brain. Start telling your lower brain you have not had a breakdown and you are not going to have one. And tell it to stop this reaction. If you work on this you will find there is a lag time. Something upsets you and you can feel this begin. But you have time to stay in your front logical brain and calm yourself bc your front brain has not been shut down yet. Over time this reaction will fade off. Also in therapy rapid eye movement therapy brings these things to the surface
And rewires the brain. Or try taking Bach flower cherry plum which is for feeling loss of control.
simone717 3 days ago
Thank you, for the great information, Simone. I will definitely keep those advice in mind . I appreciate it.
depression1 yesterday
Will update the effects of the remedy soon.
Thank you.
depression1 yesterday
Cherry plum helps with developing a lag time. it also tastes great.
The problem with this stuff is the speed-it’s just instant and then you are stuck and not rational.
simone717 yesterday
Hello Just Sayin,
I took a dose of Lycopodium 30c.
I feel like, the results are better than that of the results from Phosphorus 30c.
Fear of stress is less now.
Will update if I get more good results.

Please suggest, if I have to repeat the remedy when do I repeat it?

Thanking you as always.
depression1 23 hours ago
Continue to observe, no need to repeat for now.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-03-03 06:13:44]
JustSayin2 9 hours ago
Hello Just Sayin’,
Just wanted to update today’s mental status:

I thought I was better, but this jittery nerves inside the brain is still there because of the constant pressure of more responsibilities.
I have this feeling which is not going away, “I have been doing a lot already and there is more pressure “ . There is a constant pressure of You have to do more, this is not enough “ from outside which is beyond my control.

My head is heavy and I have too much irritation in my head.

Will update again soon.
Thank you.
depression1 15 minutes ago

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