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If Gels. helped your hearing some time ago, the problem may be elsewhere. You may want to try Gels 30c again to see if there is any further improvement, just to be sure.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello, I had a dose of Gel 30 yesterday evening. Today the whole day My ear was hurting so bad, inside out. I couldn’t touch even the outer part of the ear. The pain got lowered only around 7pm today. I am not sure about the hearing yet. I can’t tell exactly how I am feeling now.
I was at a crowded place this evening and I was not able to hear good. Seemed like various sounds were buzzing all around me.
My head also was heavy, like drowsy or dizzy feeling I can’t explain that feeling here. I still feel like there is something between my ear and my brain which is blocking the outside sound going into the ear drum and to the brain. The blockage seems like thin substance. Or thin cloud like substance. Or Just like a feeling inside an ear after you get to a high altitude (you can’t hear properly)
Hope , my ear gets better soon.
Will update you further .
depression1 3 months ago
Update again tomorrow, it looks like many symptoms could be from Gels. How do you take a remedy dose?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-09 13:54:23]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Today I felt much better.
The cloudy feeling inside the ear has decreased significantly.
My hearing has improved. It’s not 100% yet but has improved a lot more than before. Like about 50-60%. I just hope Gel will keep helping me gaining my hearing back like before.
I also feel more confident now. I don’t feel like a pathetic person now. I think I am getting positive results from Gelsemium.
My head is not as heavy. I am better than before now.

How I Prepare remedy:
I take a spoonful of liquid remedy which I prepare by dissolving one pill in a half a cup of water. I hope this is a correct way.

Thank you so much for helping me on time.
I really appreciate your kindness.
depression1 3 months ago
The dosage of the remedy is correct. You may want to reduce it to ½ teaspoon next time because of the aggravation this time.
Glad to know your hearing is improving now.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Updates from today.
This cloudy feeling inside the ear is off and on.
It bothered me today again. I couldn’t hear properly in the morning after I woke up and got little better in the daytime but again came back this evening. I don’t know if I was really better after the dosage of Gelsemium.
This really irritates me. I feel like I am becoming deaf.
I am upset. My head is heavy. I am agitated often because of this heaviness inside my head. My mind is not processing things fast enough.
Another noticeable thing is: for the past couple of months my hair has been falling a lot. I can see my scalp through my hair.
I don’t know if it is because of my menopause, or because of the strong antibiotics I had taken during my ear infection.
My daughter calls me “Helen Keller”.
My eyesight is poor and now all of a sudden I am kind of deaf, I don’t know how can I repair these things.
Do you think I should wait and watch the symptoms for few more days ?
depression1 3 months ago
Try a single dose of Silicea 30c for now for your above symptoms.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Silicea 30 c as per your advice.
I do not know what outcome should I expect from the remedy, but
I am still not able to hear any sound from a distant, from my right ear. I still feel a blockage inside my ear and inside my head which is hindering my ability to hear. I feel this blockage starts from my inner ear to my brain.
I have been feeling depressed for the last two days as well. This depression was there before taking Selicea dosage. My head is heavy due to this sadness.
This depression could be from the frustration because of my ear problem or may be due to a reason that somebody attacked me emotionally. The person is very jealous of me and tries to attack me whenever possible, eventhough I try to ignore this behavior of the person, this impacts me as I am kind of sensitive towards humiliation. I supress the anger in this case eventhough I want to yell and stop the attacker. That person verbally abuses me.

Please help me get rid of this depression.
depression1 3 months ago
Try Staphisagria 30c. If it helps with the depression, take a dose of Gels 30c afterwards.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-18 05:41:48]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I had a dose of Staph 30 for my depression and I felt better after taking it.
After two days of taking Staph 30, I took a dose of Gelsemium 30 as per your advice. It’s been two days now.
Initially the cloudy feeling inside my ear was off and on but hearing did not improve.

I still can’t hear properly. I can’t tell where any particular sound is coming from.
In crowd, I hear sounds coming from everywhere but I can’t distinguish the sources. I hear so many background noises in crowd.
I have to ask people twice now for what they are saying or telling me. It’s really frustrating. I have to turn the volume of the TV loud to hear properly.
I am kind of irritated and my head has a mild burning feeling inside.
I am sorry to say but I feel like Gel didn’t help me.
depression1 3 months ago
Try Caust 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Caust 30 as per your advice, yesterday evening.
I feel like I am only about 20-30% better in the context of my hearing now. I still want to wait and watch the effects for few days because sometimes I feel more better after 2-3 days of taking a remedy.
But I am having another issue here: for the last few days, I have not been able to handle any pressure in my mind.
I have to do some mathematics/calculations in my job but I am unable to figure out how to do even a simple logical and mathematical problems. I feel so heavy headed because of the pressure I put in my brain then.
I feel too much to handle. My mind is not processing any questions or queries easily and quickly. I feel like I am becoming dumb(not intelligent anymore). I feel like I don’t know nothing. My IQ has gone to 0.
I used to be very smart, sharp minded and tend to understand everything quickly. Now I don’t get things easily. This is hampering my work at my workplace.
I am also not able to handle stress at work. My head is heavy and feel like there is a thick substance blocking the signal to the brain.
Please advise.
depression1 3 months ago
Try a single dose of Ph-ac 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Hope you are well.
I waited for the 30c potency of Phos Acid in mail but due to the holidays, I didn’t receive it on time, so I had a dose of 200CK instead, day before yesterday.
I am feeling only like 20-30% better in my mental symptoms at this time. I am not seeing any positive sign in my ear problem. I still do not hear well from my right ear. Which is annoying.
My head is burning and is heavy and has a mild ache.
I felt so much pressured again today while I had to calculate and had to figure out solutions of some problems at my work. When I am in pressure, it’s hard for me to connect the dots. Things slips away from my mind quickly. I can’t remember the facts and figures that I just see. Specially while I have to do mathematics. I can’t do logical problems. My mind goes blank now. My mind is not sharp anymore.
It’s so hard to understand even a simple mathematical problem now, While I was an engineering student once. I have realised that I have become so slow getting things people say. I do not understand things easily these days. Feels like my brain has overworked and tired now. My head is not light and clean enough to process things these days.
Please suggest
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-12-04 01:50:29]
depression1 2 months ago
Try Calc. 30c.
If you dont have 30c and have 200c instead, you can try that too.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-04 07:30:41]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Hello Just Sayin,
Hope you are good.
I took a dose of Calcarea Carb 200c as per your advice 3 days ago.
I have not seen any significant improvement except on the depression part. I had a bout of depression the whole day before I took Calc Carb. I took a dose of Calc Carb in the evening that day and by next day I was relieved from that restless and depressed mood by about 50-60%.

Update as per now:
I still have to stress myself to do any kind of logical and analytical mathematics. It’s so hard for me to understand a simple question and find a simple answer to it. I have to put pressure in my mind to get the understanding. I keep forgetting the calculations easily which is frustrating. I am not able to answer any questions regarding my analysis and calculations quickly as I am supposed to.
I feel like my mind is not working properly because of the constant heaviness inside my head. I feel like there is a barrier in my mind to understand logics or mathematics easily now. I feel like my mind/ brain is wounded. I feel like my mind is sick.

I am having a constant dull pain in my head right now. I still have mild depressed mood.
If I feel or encounter any negative situation, my mind starts feeling sick always. I feel depressed.
If I feel humiliated I feel depressed. If something is unfair with me, I feel depressed.
My right ear pops time to time, I still can’t hear properly, feels like some kind of air is trapped inside. I can say it’s slightly Better than that was in the initial stage but still there is a hearing problem. Hoping for some more improvement over the time.

Please suggest.
Thank you for your help.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-12-11 04:06:15]
depression1 2 months ago
Try Cocculus. 30c (Cocculus Indicus.). From your symptoms there seems to be an obvious slowness of mind due to persistent worry & anxiety and therefore subsequent symptoms, if this is the case then Cocc. should help you with this.

If youve persistent wounded mind/brain feeling which Cocc. fails to relieve, have a dose of Calendula 30c (or 6c) afterwards.

Calc Carb acts a little slowly, it was recommended for slowness in mathematical or analytical work. It should help you over time, just keep observing.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-11 06:53:24]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Hello Just Sayin’
Hope you are doing well.
I have been doing good so far after the dosages of Calc Carb and Cocculus. It’s been about 10-12 days since I had the dose of Cocculus last time. I feel like it helped me with the slowness of my mind. Do I need to repeat it again ? I did not take Calendula 30.
Also, I think I have been helped by Calc Carb on my mathematical and Analytical mindset problems. Should I repeat Calc Carb as well ? And when ?

Currently, I have been facing so much irritation as there are people around me nagging all the time. I feel irritated with minute things now and pouring my frustration on my daughter by Yelling at her.

And on the top my Right Ear. I am still not able to hear properly and I am frustrated on that too.
My head is heavy and my nerves are jittery.
Please suggest.
Thank you for your help.
depression1 2 months ago
Try Lyc 30c. See if it makes a difference to your hearing on the right side.

You can repeat Cocculus if you observe the following symptoms:seem to forget what you want to say or do & general slowness in responding etc.
And for Calc-carb: for slowness in mathematical or analytical work.
Leave a gap of at least 2 weeks before repeating.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-29 05:53:22]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Hello Just Sayin,
I took a dose of Lycopodium 30c two days ago. I feel like, it made the hearing worse than before. I feel my ear is more blocked now.

Furthermore, I have a pressure in my head and have been feeling like I am gonna lose my mind.
This feeling was there even before I took the Lycopodium dosage. This has started after I watched a psychological thriller movie. These kind of movies upset me and makes me feel fearful of insanity. I didn’t watch the whole movie, I couldn’t. I try to avoid watching these kind of movies or any upsetting news as much as I can. But sometimes it’s not possible to avoid completely.
My head is heavy and I have a fear of insanity.
Please suggest.
depression1 last month
Try a dose of Calc-carb 200c.
I would just add that since your mind is already susceptible to outside impressions, it is better to avoid this kind of panic-inducing experience at all costs. Most of mass media and films are not entertainment, but a weapon of behaviour modification & psychological manipulation.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-03 07:21:46]
JustSayin2 last month
Just remember you are not ever going insane.
You have trauma from being in circumstances that you did your best to cope with and those memories are stored differently in the brain. Seeing, hearing about similar out of control events triggers those memories and they trigger adrenaline and having blood flow reduced to front brain- so the front brain is where you can talk yourself back to calm- Hard to do when the panic flight or fight circuit is running. You could also go on you tube and listen to calming nature meditation.
simone717 last month
Sorry, I was traveling and couldn’t take the remedy earlier.
I will update after I take the dose.
Thank you
depression1 last month
Hello Just Saying,
Hope you are good.
I took a dose of Calc Carb 200 4-5 days ago.
It hasn’t changed me much yet.
What I am experiencing for the last 2 days is: I feel too much stressed out even while handling a little responsibility. I feel so pressurised. My head is heavy because of it. I have never been able to handle mental pressure easily. I get stressed out if somebody pushes me to do something. e.g. a deadline at work, a pressure of finding a job or a pressure of maintaining a job, I can’t handle when there is some “hurries”. I can’t multi task anymore if I focus on one thing.

Secondly, my ear is not healed yet. I still can’t hear well from my right ear. I have to ask people twice on what they have said.

Please suggest
depression1 last month
How much have the following symptoms changed:
“Things slips away from my mind quickly. I can’t remember the facts and figures that I just see. Specially while I have to do mathematics. I can’t do logical problems. My mind goes blank now. My mind is not sharp anymore. It’s so hard to understand even a simple mathematical problem now,”

Calc-carb was recommended for fear of insanity, for slowness in mathematical or analytical work, is there any changes there?

You said the current symptoms started 2 days ago, were these symptoms better before in terms of anticipatory anxiety and not being able to cope with pressure situations?

Any specific area of the head where heaviness is felt?
JustSayin2 last month
Hello Just Saying,

Please see my answers below:

How much have the following symptoms changed:
“Things slips away from my mind quickly. I can’t remember the facts and figures that I just see. Specially while I have to do mathematics. I can’t do logical problems. My mind goes blank now. My mind is not sharp anymore. It’s so hard to understand even a simple mathematical problem now,”

I am much better in above symptoms. No need to worry about those feelings at this time.

Calc-carb was recommended for fear of insanity, for slowness in mathematical or analytical work, is there any changes there?
Fear of insanity is still there when I hear or see any depressed people, or if somebody talks about mental problems. Anythings if I hear or see related to mental problems. I may put myself or see myself in the senario and get disturbed.

You said the current symptoms started 2 days ago, were these symptoms better before in terms of anticipatory anxiety and not being able to cope with pressure situations?

The pressure symptoms arouse because my husband was pressuring me to find a better job. He was giving me pressure saying we can’t manage our expenses if I don’t earn good enough. I feel pressured of not doing much eventhough I have been trying my best. Sometimes I feel like this pressure may give me mental breakdown. So usually, if somebody pushes me to do more than my brain can handle, then I feel pressured and anxious then I get irritated frustrated and I start yelling
I don’t want to be in that situation again where there is scarcity of money like in my childhood. We were lower middle class back then and I have seen my dad struggling for money for our food education etc.

Any specific area of the head where heaviness is felt?
It’s all over the head. There is a pressured feeling still in the head just like pressure of air in a balloon.

Thank you for your help.
depression1 last month

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