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Hello Just Saying,
Just wanted to inform you, I have been doing Okay so far.
Thank you for your help.
depression1 9 months ago
Glad to hear that.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-05-30 10:31:17]
JustSayin2 9 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Hope you are well.
It’s been a while since I asked for your help last time.
Current update:
I have been feeling so under confident on taking decisions.
I am not able to take decisions because of a lack of confidence and moral support. I am feeling like there is nobody who can support me if I can’t perform well in life. I feel like there is nobody around me and I am all alone struggling for the betterment of my child one more time.
The situation here is : my daughter is not comfortable going to her current school from her next grade because she says she is not getting enough help and support from teachers and students here. She said, she would drop out if I still put her in the same high school. If I put her in a different school then my husband said, I have to do everything on my own as he can’t afford any extra expenses. And here I am , lost all the confidence I had before to start up again as a single mom. My head is so heavy as I have been constantly thinking about the worst that could happen if I do things on my own again. I am too scared while I think about the things that could go wrong while only two of us ( me and my daughter) have to face if we live in a different place than this school zone.
I have lost all the courage and confidence that I once had about 8-9 years back when I was handling everything by my own being a single mom of a little kid.
I want to regain that confidence. I am really scared to start my journey again. I just want to help my daughter get her education in a peaceful manner. According to her, the place where we live now don’t have that much opportunities for her so she can focus on her future. She wants to move back to Texas where there is numerous activities and opportunities to pick from.
I am in so much of helpless state as what to do.
Please suggest
Thank you for your help in advance
depression1 8 months ago
Try a dose of Arg-n 30c for heavy head due to over-thinking about future events.
Has Sil or any other remedy helped you with confidence issues in the last 8 months? I want to know this before I suggest any remedy.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I can’t really tell whether Silicea or any other remedies helped me with the confidence issues. I have a very poor memory. Most probably any remedies did not help me significantly I would say, as I have been struggling with the confidence issues for a long time specially when I have to start anything new in life. I think a lot of worst case scenarios before even I try.

Basically, I always try to avoid stress that may cause by any new struggles.
Thinking about Moving to a different place is giving me apprehension as “It’s a big decision, what if something goes wrong and I fail. What if I can’t take the Stress at the work place, what if I can’t handle my teenage daughter’s tantrums” etc.
So I just don’t even go try saying “Everything gonna be fine, I have faith on myself”
The main thing is, I do not have faith on myself anymore. I feel like, I have struggled a lot so far, NOT ANYMORE!!
I have been yelling at my daughter lately because of the Stress I am going through and the reason was her school tantrums. So I tend to blame others if I am in too much stress.

Please suggest
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-07-02 20:45:39]
depression1 8 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Update as of this afternoon:
I had a dose of Arg Nit 200 yesterday as I didn’t have it in 30 c potency. I hope that is okay.
It’s not helping me much as I still have a heavy head. I am still feeling overwhelmed by the stress. Whenever someone says something which is against my will, I feel pressured and stressed out and I I avoid that conversation. E.g. my husband is giving me pressure of finding another job as he said, he can’t afford anything if we (me and my daughter) live in a different place for my daughter’s studies. This is giving me too much pressure and I think I can’t do anything because I can’t take any pressure in my head. If I put any more pressure in my head I may breakdown.
My head is burning at the moment( I don’t know if it’s because of the remedy or my stress)
Please suggest
depression1 7 months ago
Just observe for now as you took 200c, if head heaviness with burning really bothers you then try a single dose of Belladonna 30c.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Check out High school career coaches on this Camp Community Colkege site. Not sure exactly your area but you could probably write to ppl listed and see who or what they suggest for your daughter. There are resources out there you can find. I know parents who hired a good counselor and helped define and refine the student plan and goals -with resources. Probably the guidance at her school is basic- A lot easier to try this route than move to TX.
simone717 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Update as of this afternoon:
I do not see any significant positive changes on my condition yet.
I didn’t take Belladonna as the head burn was not bothering me constantly and too much. There is no burning at this time.
But my head is still congested and also I can feel the congestion even in my ears. It feels like my ears are blocked and I can’t hear properly.
My confidence level is still too low. I am not able to convince myself that everything is going to be okay even if I have to take a big decision.
I am very much indecisive. I am thinking about big troubles ahead which may not even exist in future.
I don’t know why I am feeling so insecure about everything now.
May be because I have lost faith in the loved ones around me whom I have been relied upon so far. Suddenly I have been feeling alone, struggling alone again like during 2012 to 2017.
If I get back my confidence, I will conquer the world I know.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-07-06 20:19:45]
depression1 7 months ago
Hello Simone,
Thank you for your great suggestions as always.
My situation is not that easy. My daughter is little hard to convince about anything. She says Richmond schools don’t have good programs that she wants to look for her future. She says if she has to go to Schools here she will drop out. And she also says people bullied her a lot because of her quiet nature here. She is kind of an introvert.
I told her there is no guarantee that the other schools don’t have those bullies. But she is not ready to go to Richmond Schools for her rest of the grades.
I am in a difficult situation as what to do. I will still think about getting a counsellor .
Thank you once again
depression1 7 months ago
It’s worth it to call/email on the site and explain how your daughter feels. And then talk to ppl they suggest. At least then you have the info to present to her. If she’s being bullied-that’s not good. One needs strategies for that or to change schools- You need to reach out yourself for advice- You always avoid that and it’s too much to do alone .
simone717 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Could you please suggest something about my very low confidence level, indecisiveness, fear of bad happenings in future.
Even if it’s not about moving to a different place for my daughter’s education,I have been experiencing these for a long time here in this very congested and low opportunities place. I feel like I am inside a jail with very little resources losing confidence day by day.
I am so much confused about where to start from to solve a problem. My mind is so blank. I am not able to think big because of unnecessary insecurities evolved inside me. My head is still 50% congested and my ears are still blocked specially right ear.
The reason I was being insecure is :
Depending on my daughter’s situations, I was ready to take a big step and move to a different state near my brother because my brother was ready to help us if there was any problems.
2 weeks ago me and my daughter were there visiting them and one day, suddenly my sister in law blasted on me saying “Don’t come here and bother us and interfere in our lives” any many other comments. She always attacks me when my brother is not around and later tries to prove she was the victim. I just have to suck it up every time she does that, being a wise person ( but that bothers me a lot and makes me feel more weaker)
I don’t know if my brother knows about this recent argument and the unpleasant statements that she passed on me. (I never told my brother about this just to maintain a peace between us). But this attack and screams that she threw on me have been bothering me since then.
I haven’t spoken to my brother for long time now. So I suddenly lost hope of getting help from my brother as well whom I had a big trust.
He was like a father to me who saves his daughter from every bad situations but I have lost that trust and hope now. I just don’t want to face that lady. I can’t forgive her every time for her same cheap behavior. But to maintain the peaceful environment, people say I have to. But I feel like “Not Anymore”

Thank you for your help in advance
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-07-08 16:18:03]
depression1 7 months ago
Try a single dose of Sulphur 30c for congestive head with blocked ears.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-07-09 06:46:12]
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Update as of this afternoon.
I took a dose of Sulphur 30C . There is a slight difference may be (10-20%) improvements. I can’t really tell. My ear( right) is still congested, but popping sometimes. It may improve later, not sure.
There may not be a congestion but there is still a tightness inside the head with a fear of uncertainties.
My husband now also thinks it’s best for our daughter to pursue her studies in TX, which gives her so many opportunities that is hard to find here in this small place. So he said he will support us financially for few months or until I get a job there. But I am still doubtful about the unknown uncertainties that may occur. I am really fearful about the future thinking about what could go wrong.
Please help me regain my lost confidence.
Please help me regain my faith on myself that I have lost.
I don’t want to be dependent on any third person to solve my difficulties.
Please help
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-07-10 19:07:31]
depression1 7 months ago
Try Bar-c 200c.
I expect you to tell me more about your symptoms and less about other things because that doesnt help me to choose remedies.

If there is stability and balance in your whole body you will have your confidence that’s what the remedies do will bring your body back into harmony, you cannot impose your will (for certain desired outcomes) out of this problem.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Thank you for the remedy suggestion. I ordered the remedy but haven’t reached me yet. Will let you know the effects once I take a dose.
I am sorry for my writing in details about my problems here. My intention was not like, Somebody in this forum solve my other problems other than my mental struggles.
What i was doing by that was trying to tell a homeopath about:
What triggered my current symptoms
What kind of personality I have
What kind of things bother me more and what bothers me less.
I just want myself being mentally strong with the help of these powerful remedies, so I can fight with all the odds in my life.
I was thinking those information would help you more to find me a correct remedy based on my symptoms and triggers. I was just being open as I heard homeopathy works differently for different personalities. I was just trying to help you and nothing else.

Also sometimes, Simone, the moderator in this forum, gives me some life lessons which I appreciate, and try to reply her in a different way(on the same page here)

I sincerely apologise if I was giving extra information that I shouldn’t be giving. I really didn’t mean to. I am sorry !

Thank you once again.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-07-15 16:17:40]
depression1 7 months ago
Hi- Actually I’m not the moderator- We have similar names. The forum owner is Simon Broadley, he lives in Scotland. I usually read the forum daily and help notify him when there’s too much spam by unpaid adverts.
I understand what you were trying to convey- you and daughter endured a lot of abuse-where you had no option. The memories from trauma are coded and stored different than normal memories. Bc the brain has cave man wiring to keep us alive. Similar issues trigger these memories which take over the front brain and shut down blood flow while releasing adrenaline so you ‘re ready for flight or fight. Except it makes no sense and one feels they lose control-You have done an incredible job dealing with this over the years. I hope the Baryta helps-Just Saying has really been the best prescriber you have had in a decade.
simone717 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Baryta 200 as per your advice 3 days ago.
It is definitely helping me. I am not anxious about future uncertainties as before. I feel more confident now. I think I am ready for the new challenges.

At the moment I am feeling my head is squeezed. I am not sure if this is remedy that is acting or some new symptoms.
The only thing I am bothered by right now is the Humiliation I faced recently I am not yet gotten over it. I have uncontrollable thoughts going on in my mind about the incident. I feel like I just don’t want to face that person in my life.
Do you think Baryta will help me on this part of the hurt as well ? Do you want me to wait and watch for more effects of the remedy ?
Please suggest
Thank you for your help as always
depression1 7 months ago
Try a single dose of Ignatia 30c in the morning.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Ignatia 30 yesterday morning.
I think I am better in terms of too much thinking about the humiliation I was feeling earlier. I am not bothered by the matter now. Thank you for your support.

My head is not better from the squeezed feelings and I have this fear of mental breakdown even if I am feeling a small pressure in my mind. I am avoiding any kind of mental pressure because of my jittery nerves. I am irritated and fearful of mental breakdown.
I am feeling like “I can’t take it anymore or please don’t give me anymore pressure or push , I won’t be able to handle”
My nerves have been so sensitive lately.
Please suggest
Thank you
depression1 7 months ago
Try a single dose of Nux-V 30c.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Hope you are good. I got a chance to take a dose of Nux Vomica 30c , yesterday morning only as I didn’t have it handy with me.
My head is light headed now, no jittery nerves feelings now. Feeling Much better than before except this headache which has started since few hours after I took Nux Vom. Hope this will go away soon.

Also, my right ear is still congested. Hard to hear from that side.
It’s been about a month now. Started after I went for swimming a month ago. My ear hurt when the water went inside at that time.
Pops sometimes but not helpful.
Please suggest
depression1 7 months ago
Try a single dose of Merc Sol. 30c.
JustSayin2 7 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
Hope you are well.
I took a dose of Merc Sol 30c two days ago.
I might be around only 20% better regarding my clogged feeling inside my ear. I still can’t hear properly.
I want to wait for few more days to see if there would be more improvement, if that is okay.
Thank you as always.
depression1 6 months ago
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Hello JustSayin,
I had a dose of Kali Mur 30 C the day before yesterday. I haven’t seen any improvement in my right side hearing, so far.
I feel some kind of void inside my hear which is blocking any sounds hitting my ear and my brain. I am irritated because I am not able to hear easily.
I feel pressure in my head at the moment. Feels like I am in a different world or in a dream.
Please suggest
depression1 6 months ago

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