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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica

I was taking nux vomica for straining at stools. I took 30c, 3 times a day for 2 weeks. I've discontinued but am having twitching of the left eyelid as well as a headache whenever I stoop or bend down. My bowel symptoms cleared for a bit but now seem to be coming back. Would anyone one have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  thekind78 on 2006-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
See the 'drug picture' of Bryonia.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Dr. Varma,
Thanks for your advice. I read up on Bryonia however my symptoms seem to match Nux very much. I just cannot seem to figure out right dosage and potency. I've been suffering with ineffectual bowel movements on and off for 3 years. Trying to eradicate once and for all. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
thekind78 last decade
when you take a remedy you need to reduce dosage with improvement and stop taking once a very good improvement is apparent.
You may have taken the remedy too frequently for too long.
Allow a few more days to go by and then see if the headache and twitching eyelid go - then reassess the situation.
Do not discard the suggestion of Bryonia, read the two remedies again and compare well.
erika last decade
Dear thekind, I would agree that your symptoms do indeed sound more like Nux. I would follow erika's advice above of waiting for a little while (do not take anything else in the meantime), and wait to see if these symptoms dissipate. If they do not, the Nux may need to be antidoted.

Re: your actual condition, what is your diet like?

Hahnemania last decade
Hello thekind78,

My suggestion of reading about Bryonia was based on in depth analysis.

Bryonia is one of the few medicines...'where headache increases on bending the head forward'...and there is constipation.

Not Nux Vomica.

For a more detailed analysis ..post full details of your case here.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Other prominent symptoms of Bryonia are...dry lips, anger, fear of poverty.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Bryonia';s constipation is totally different and doesn't fit your case.

Nux.v has the desire, but due to reversed peristoltic action, has difficulty in totally evacuating it, and has to strain.

Bryonia generally has absolutely no desire, and can go on without going to stools for a couple of days, and it doesn't bother him.

For a good comparision read Nash's leaders in homeopathic theraupatics.

It is available on line. Just google for it.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
for good measure I am giving the comparision between Nux and Bry.

'Frequent and ineffectual desire to defecate or passing but small quantities of fæces at each attempt.'

This symptom is pure gold. There are a few other remedies that have it, but none so positively and persistently.

It is the guiding symptom in the constipation to which Nux vomica is homœopathic, and in my experience will then, and then only, cure. Carroll Dunham wrote over twenty-five years ago on this symptom. He said, in effect -while Nux vomica or Bryonia are equal remedies for constipation there was never any reason for confounding them, or alternating them, as they were so different. The Nux vomica constipation was caused by irregular peristaltic action of the intestines, hence the frequent ineffectual desire; but the Bryonia constipation was caused by lack of secretion in the intestines. There was with Bryonia absolutely no desire, and the stools were dry and hard as if burnt.

read yourself.


bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear All,
Thanks for the help. Actually a dose of 200c Nux Vomica has really helped out. I wanted to ask if/when I should take again? Symptoms have improved dramatically, and I wanted to know if I should let sleeping dogs lie at this point. And when, if ever, to re-dose. By the way, it was this very passage from Nash that led me to Nux. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Don't repeat now. Even if the symptoms return unchanged, wait for a day and make sure it is not a passing phase.

If the symptoms remain as it is even after waiting for a day, take just one dose, and wait.

Make sure that there are no odors on you, around you and in your mouth while taking the medicine.

In case you experience any new symptoms, report back.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thanks for your advice. One quick question if you have a moment. Does Nat Mur antidote Nux?
thekind78 last decade
No.But why are you asking?

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I had read that these had an antidotal relation. I had taken Nat Mur before and was wondering if it had ever aggravated my symptoms. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Dear 'thekind'.

Nux Antidotes Nat Mur, but not the other way round, so maybe this is the relationship you'd read?

And good work Murthy...maybe now that someone else is here who 'knows their onions', I can take it a little easier...hmm...plus, not be so snappy with people.

Hahnemania last decade
Dear Sir(s),
Thanks for your replies. Thats interesting, I did not know interpret the passage quite right. Thanks for the clarification, Jacob. I am really amazed by Nux';s ability to regulate peristaltic action. I've tried the gamut of OTC and prescription drugs but Nux seemed to work very well. I'm just hoping the results will last!
thekind78 last decade
Indeed, in cases where there is reverse peristalsis, Nux is almost specific, hopefully the effect will be permanent for you :)

Hahnemania last decade
Amelioration of symptoms has subsided. I can't say things are back to 'normal' - i.e distressed - but they weren't as good as the week following last dose of 200c Nux. I was wondering if a switch to Sulphur would help out at this point? Any suggestions? Thanks again for everyone's input. Much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
Before thinking of Sulphur, repeat Nux in the same potency. Nux 200 three doses ,preferably everyday night.

Make sure that there are no odors on you, around you and in your mouth before you take the medicine.

If the problem gets resolved again, but, comes again say after an increased gap, say 10 days, you can repeat one more time.

Subsequently, we may have to up the potency, if the symptoms come back unchanged.

Sulphur as an intercurrent is a good idea, but, the best time to take it when you are free of these symptoms.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hello again,
I have a somewhat theoretical question concerning Nux. Initially, I was taking 30c, 3x a day. I did not notice any marked amelioration and it seemed as if I was 'proving' some Nux symptoms - restless sleep, headache when stooping, pain behind left-eye. I abandoned course for a few days and then took a dose of 200c - I had read somewhere that for constipation/gastric troubles that lower attenuations were contraindicated. The remedy of 200c lasted about 1 week when symptoms were remarkably alleviated. However, they reappeared recently. I took two additional doses of 200c and once again I am finding some provings of Nux - headache, restless sleep primarily. My question(s) concern provings/aggravations - are they related to potency or dosage? Also, is it a good rule of thumb to stop dosage once symptoms are relieved? If so, if symptoms reappear should the next course involve more frequent dosage, higher potency or both? Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Your getting the accessory symptoms of the medicine,while your main complaint is amoeliorated indicate that you are a sensitive person.

Nux. is definitely your medicine, but, you have to reduce the dosage. Don't take in pill form. Best is to mix one single pellet in a glass of water,and take a sip out of it.

Don't repeat the medicine.

You must stop the medicine the moment you feel the main symptoms are ameliorated. The accessary symptoms,will go away on their own,in a day or two.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi thekind78

I too had same problem with Nux 200. If I took 2nd dry dose, i will be getting sawing pain behind the forehead. It happens to some people. So its best to put it in water and have slightly increased potencies secondtime and thereafter as Murthy is suggesting if there's this problem.
maheeru last decade
Dear Mr. Murthy and Maheeru,
Would you recommend one 200c pellet in an 1oz of water? Thanks for your help. I am actually seeing improvement today and will stop medicine but wanted to know wet dose preparation for future use. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Hello thekind78

I usually dissolve 3 pills in water. Since Murthy is following up your case and he says 1 pill in water you can do as he says. Dissolve 1 pill in one glass of water as he has suggested by stirring and take one dose. Discard that solution unless if you are to take another dose. This solution to be preserved is best kept in a bottle which could be banged against the palm 8 times to increase the potency on subsequent doses. The quantity of water depends up on the times you are going to take the dose. If its to be repeated for chronic ailment many times the quantity could be somewhere around 400 ml of water otherwise 1/2 oz of water is enough.
maheeru last decade
One 200c pellet in about 4 oz water. Just take a table spoon out of it.

Keep the remaining covered and keep it in an odorless fridge.

Wait for a day, and if you need to repeat, just take a teaspoon out of the original preperation, mix thoroughly with another 4 Oz. of water.

Take a sip out of this.Throw away, the contents of the first glass and keep the reminder of the second glass in the fridge.

Repeat the same procedure in case you need a third dose.

In any case, don't take more than three doses. Wait atleast for a week after taking the third dose.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi Maheeru

Our posts crossed. Anyway we both are telling more or less the same. : )

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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