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bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi Kind
Don't get confused by the minor variations you find in our suggestions.
You can do either of these two methods, whichever is convenient to you.
Don't get confused by the minor variations you find in our suggestions.
You can do either of these two methods, whichever is convenient to you.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks for everyone's input. I wanted to ask something that may seem out of left-field. I am suffering from dyspnea at night and especially after a meal. I read that this is a symptom of Pulsatilla. Which seems to be the exact opposite remedy of Nux. Nux seemed to have worked for a week but my symptoms - headaches from irregular peristalsis, dyspnea in the evenings - have returned. Are these described by Pulsatilla as well? Forgive me if this seems random , but am very new to the subject. Thanks again.
Thanks for everyone's input. I wanted to ask something that may seem out of left-field. I am suffering from dyspnea at night and especially after a meal. I read that this is a symptom of Pulsatilla. Which seems to be the exact opposite remedy of Nux. Nux seemed to have worked for a week but my symptoms - headaches from irregular peristalsis, dyspnea in the evenings - have returned. Are these described by Pulsatilla as well? Forgive me if this seems random , but am very new to the subject. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Your first complaint was 'Straining at stools'
What is the present position now,as far as this complaintis concerned?
when did you take Nux. Last? Did you take it in water as suggested?
What is the present position now,as far as this complaintis concerned?
when did you take Nux. Last? Did you take it in water as suggested?
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Mr. Murthy,
I took one wet dose after your suggestion - 200c in 4oz water, one tablespoon. I have not felt amelioration of the symptoms to the degree as when I initially took a 200c dose. Things are a 'little' better, but not as well as they could be - given that Nux 200c initially worked wonders. Along with the ineffectual urgings at stool I also have been suffering with bouts of dyspnea at night and after I eat. I thought this was related to the constipation but am not sure. Is it possible to have symptoms described by both Puls. and Nux? It seems a far-stretched conclusion in my novice eyes! However, any suggestions, as always, would be very much appreciated. Thanks again.
I took one wet dose after your suggestion - 200c in 4oz water, one tablespoon. I have not felt amelioration of the symptoms to the degree as when I initially took a 200c dose. Things are a 'little' better, but not as well as they could be - given that Nux 200c initially worked wonders. Along with the ineffectual urgings at stool I also have been suffering with bouts of dyspnea at night and after I eat. I thought this was related to the constipation but am not sure. Is it possible to have symptoms described by both Puls. and Nux? It seems a far-stretched conclusion in my novice eyes! However, any suggestions, as always, would be very much appreciated. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
No.Pulsatilla not now.
Take Nux.v liquid dose more often. Thrice a day is o.k.
Take three doses every day for two days only, and stop.
However, make sure that you increase the potency slightly, every time before you take the medicine.
To do this take two new glasses, and pour the medicine from one glass to the other,five times, and take a table spoon of it.
Make sure that you don't use these glasses for anything else.
Ensure that there are no odors on you, around you and in your mouth, before taking the medicine.
stop using incense sticks, and camphor totally.No perfumes.
Get nux.v 1M, and keep it handy.We may need it later.
Take Nux.v liquid dose more often. Thrice a day is o.k.
Take three doses every day for two days only, and stop.
However, make sure that you increase the potency slightly, every time before you take the medicine.
To do this take two new glasses, and pour the medicine from one glass to the other,five times, and take a table spoon of it.
Make sure that you don't use these glasses for anything else.
Ensure that there are no odors on you, around you and in your mouth, before taking the medicine.
stop using incense sticks, and camphor totally.No perfumes.
Get nux.v 1M, and keep it handy.We may need it later.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Mr. Murthy,
Followed course. Finished taking last dose on past Saturday. Sunday felt ravenously hungry and Monday had bout of constipation - ineffectual stools - along with much flatulence and distension of belly. Distension of belly still remains and stools are a little better. Any suggestions? Does this sound like Nux? Thanks for your help as always.
Followed course. Finished taking last dose on past Saturday. Sunday felt ravenously hungry and Monday had bout of constipation - ineffectual stools - along with much flatulence and distension of belly. Distension of belly still remains and stools are a little better. Any suggestions? Does this sound like Nux? Thanks for your help as always.
thekind78 last decade
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