Homeopathy Forum Archive: social phobia
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Social phobia - user entered condition
Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase social phobia. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
25 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for social phobia:Low self confidence and social phobia 22
I am 29 years old. Having low self confidence and unable to eye contact with people. Face social anxiety while making eye contact with people during conversation. During conversati...
Remedies: Gelsemium Sempervirens, Anacardium Orientale
Started by Zulqrn. Last post: 2024-05-10Tissue salts for social phobia 4
Hi there, Hope you are doing fine.I would like your advice in shuessler salts for my irrational fear.-The symptom is continuos and causeless....I dont know if K.Phosphor...
Started by Albert. Last post: 2019-03-01Seeking constitutional remedy for social phobia 497
[message deleted by LisaX on Wed, 15 Aug 2012 09:06:29 BST]...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Staphysagria, Alumina, Germanium metallicum, Nitricum Acidum, Sulphur, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Argentum Nitricum, Natrum Muriaticum, Lachesis, Natrum Carbonicum, Baryta Carbonica, Cicuta Virosa, Anacardium Occidentale, Aloe Socotrina, Niacin, Ignatia Amara, Thuja Occidentalis, Medorrhinum, Natrum Silicofluoricum, Lac Caninum, Anthrokokali, Anacardium Orientale, Kali Phosphoricum, Aconitum Napellus, Ambra Grisea, Calcarea Carbonica, Baryta Sulphurica, Chamomilla, Lac maternum, Argentum Metallicum, Caladium Seguinum, Castoreum, Aqua Marina
Started by LisaX. Last post: 2017-06-16Extreme social phobia 3
I am 27 years old male from india. I am doing job as assistant professor in engineering college. I am suffering from social anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder and fear of mi...
Remedies: Gaster galli
Started by star1231. Last post: 2017-03-28Social Phobia 1
Hello doctors, My parents are overprotective. this is why i hate to go out of house with my friends. i have very few friends. I fear to go out. I fear what others think of me. my b...
Started by Zohebnawaz. Last post: 2016-06-30Complete Recovery From Social Phobia and OCD--Heixi Therapy 5
I once suffered from OCD, Socail Phobia and Depression and now have completely recovered under the guidance of Mr. Heixi, a famous Chinese psycho counselor, it is he who has given ...
Started by heixi.jacky. Last post: 2015-08-21Help My 14 year old son suffers from Social Phobia 9
I have tried everything for my son it is killing me to watch. This all started 3 years ago when he threw up on the school bus he was going to his first day of middle school. Ever...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Lachesis
Started by logan1024. Last post: 2015-08-13Social Phobia 15
I am suffering from social phobia for about 12 years. I am on antidepressant but it has not cured but it has created high BP for me. I have tried various therapy like deep breathin...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Naja Tripudia, Argentum Metallicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Kali Phosphoricum
Started by asit_maiti. Last post: 2013-05-11Social Phobia 3
i need help. i have been facing social problems since many years now and i am tired of it. i get red when i talk to people or when they ask me any question,i dont feel embarassed i...
Started by sweetgrl. Last post: 2012-10-03Please help for chronic depression and social phobia 116
Dear Drs, I hope someone can help me. I am a 40 year old single female and I've been suffering from depression for 12 years and social anxiety since adolescence. I've al...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Silicea, Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallicum, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Nux Vomica, Phosphoricum Acidum, Upas tieute, Causticum, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Aurum Arsenicum, Staphysagria, Colocynthis, Staphylococcinum, Benzoinum, Galene, Bioplasma, Kali Phosphoricum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Lac Caninum, Monotropa Uniflora, Sanicula Aqua
Started by ipslon. Last post: 2012-06-27Anxiety and social phobia 2
If a combination of Mimulus, Larch, Aspen and centaury is given, can this help in overcoming social anxiety?...
Started by b_apu. Last post: 2011-11-04Social phobia 9
:-( PLEASE HELP..... i m suffering frm this same problem since 15 yrs ...I am 22 year old. I would be greateful if somebody can take up my case. My biggest problem is that I...
Remedies: Baryta Carbonica, Phytolacca Decandra
Started by nivibeg. Last post: 2011-10-05Extreme social phobia 0
PRESENT SITUATION ... i am 22 yr short,fair, fat, flabby,ambithermal since the time i took 'long looks ' for height because i got menarche at d age of 10yrs.my constit...
Started by nivibeg. Last post: 2011-09-21Depression+ Anxiety+ Anger+ Social Phobia = UNHAPPY! 1
HELP PLEASE!!! I am a 40 yr.-old female. There's no telling how long I have suffered all these symptoms but they are becoming intolerable. I've been biting my nails to t...
Started by SeekinhHelp72. Last post: 2011-07-19Ibs, social phobia anxiety/depression,headache, feeling cold all the time, menstruation problems 8
Patient ID: Sex:Female Age: 19[message edited by karenina on Fri, 11 Oct 2013 01:47:36 BST]...
Remedies: Sulphur, Natrum Muriaticum, Sepia
Started by karenina. Last post: 2011-05-25Frequent cold & coughs, social phobia 9
I am suffering from frequent cold and coughs during changing seasons since 1995. During childhood I used to be very shy and had fear of public. Still I am suffering from social pho...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by kuldeep.hsiidc. Last post: 2010-10-09Re: social phobia 2
Hello there Am having a bit of problem re: above. All medical tests on my physical health put me at 100% health. All my organs are functioning very well. I have had some health is...
Started by atambhai. Last post: 2009-12-26Social phobia 1
There is some people say that homeopathy can help social phobia? If someone is afraid stay in public is there remedy that will help. Afraid to talk with people and go to store an...
Started by panam. Last post: 2009-08-13Peptic ulcer and social phobia 3
hi what is the best remedy for peptic ulcer and social phobia I haven't left my home for a year now. I'm just afraid of being judged or criticized julesela...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by julesela. Last post: 2008-04-26Heixi talks about social phobia 1
section 1 No one with social phobia is confident! Timid, dependent, inferior, sensitive, weak¡ When did you lose the go-aheadism in the evironment that even an anima...
Started by bluebellw. Last post: 2007-12-24Self-help: Complete recovery from social phobia 4
Experience gained from the complete recovery from 10+ years¡¯ Social Phobia. The treatment of Social Phobia includes 2 principles: Principle 1 The correction of low se...
Remedies: Sambucus Nigra, Belladonna
Started by bluebellw. Last post: 2007-12-17Lycopodium Clavatum for the treatment of social phobia 3
will Lycopodium Clavatum work to cure socil phobia. how much to take and of which potentcy will be effective....
Remedies: Baryta Carbonica, Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by teetotaller. Last post: 2006-09-15Social Phobia 4
Hi,I am new to this forum.I have have been suffering from social phobia from a long time.My life is a big mess because of this. I avoid being with people. I feel comfortable stayin...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Gelsemium Sempervirens
Started by Lopi2006. Last post: 2006-04-05Always anxious, nervous and social phobia 2
Sir,I am 36 male. I have following symptoms.always nervousanxiety, restlessness especially before any event or appointed time or anticipatory interviewdoubt whether properly locked...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Silicea
Started by pattaswamy. Last post: 2005-08-17Always nervous, anxious and social phobia 2
Sir,I am 36 male. I have following symptoms.always nervousanxiety, restlessness at night esp when tough timeswake up at nights and worry about the next day if there is any delivery...
Remedies: Argentum Metallicum
Started by pattaswamy. Last post: 2005-08-17
As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.
If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.