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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 2 of 16

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Yeah we have to wait before resprescribing, and especially because Arnica might be the remedy you need to stick with. But I am definitely reading your posts.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks so much, David. I just needed to be sure.

I just woke up after the first restless sleep in a while. There seemed to be a real shift in thoughts as well as tossing and turning. I wish I could be more precise but unfortunately I can't, other than the sleep was certainly not as calm.

I feel very hungry even though I just woke which is not usual for me, and my right shoulder is still achey. I think my hips/sacrum were aching in my sleep too. I had meant to tell you that I have never been able to stand tight clothing, especially around my neck, chest or abdomen and I absolutely feel tortured by wearing a bra but now that my breasts have become large and saggy, with my right larger than the left one, I must where a bra when out and about. It has especially bothered my right shoulder and directly under my breasts which can be prown to a fungal rash and
itching this last year.

I am 5' 1' which is half an inch shorter than my pre-menopausal adult height. I have very curly hair that used to be dark blond and has matured to mostly white/gray. My skin is unusually smooth and hairless. Even the hair on my arms, legs and under my arms has vanished in the last six years or so since the severe adrenal imbalances. My torso is quite long compared to my short legs. I do not have thin delicate bones and I have never been very flexible, although I was unusually strong. Yoga was never a good match for me but hiking, climbing, gardening and being strong and active in nature was what I loved. Due to my illness my body condition has changed greatly but the hike yesterday was very reassuring as to the progress I've made.

In 1985 I began having lots of freckle-like dots all over my legs that itched like crazy and would raise up and swell. I was sent to a dermatologist who drew a needle across the top of a flat one and it raised up. This doctor acted like he had won the jackpot! He took a biopsy and sent it off. When the results came back he told me that I had cutaneous mastocytosis, he handed me a huge medical book and said, 'read that'! I read it in horror and disbelief as it told me all the awful ways I would most likely suffer and die. I was a single mom of two young children. In addition to being terrified I was furious at this doctor's blatant insensitivity. He acted so happy and excited because he had the only patient within states that had this disease. I had no friends for support so I went to the ice-skating rink to skate my butt off and my dis-ease out. I was a non-competitive speed skater and the staff at the rink knew I was very responsible and a good skater so they let me on the ice alone in the dark. At that time I could skate in the dark by sensing the edges. I skated round and round, faster and faster while feeling I would explode with the overwhelming feelings of anger, fear, panic.... I felt like a very vulnerable child in the middle of hell. All of a sudden something cought my eye which was very odd because it was dark in there and my eyes were closed most of the time. I saw something whitish/grayish and kept following it up in my vision until I was able to see that it was a huge, long beard that lead to an old man's face/head that completely covered the whole ceiling of the arena. His eyes were the warmest, most reassuring, loving thing I had ever experienced.... other than my special grandma's cuddles. I have never been a religious person, before that experience or after. I was a non-christian living in a Christian world. So this sort of thing was far from my experience. I went home filled with a strength and love I had never experienced before. Time continued. I became more and more sick with odd and scary symptoms. Doctors never felt safe at all and actually felt like a much bigger threat than the disease. I could only function if I stayed in denial. But the huge, loving old man stayed within me until menopause hit. I came to realize that he was a part of me that was always there to remind myself that I had all of those most important qualities that he had, even when I did not feel it. When I would become filled with fear from my illness, as I was very alone without any real understanding and support, I would just raise my head to see the vision fill the whole sky or ceiling.

In the early 1990s my symptoms became much more serious with right-sided stroke-like symptoms, major Aconite-type symptoms, serious cognitive issues and more. The cutaneous masto and urticaria pigmentosa disappeared and evolved into full blown indolent systemic mastocytosis. I have refused to have a bone marrow biopsy. I am on the least drugs possible to stay alive at this point and give my bones a fighting chance. I thankfully was bright enough to not touch biphosphonates or any of the other supposed miracle drugs that kill you or worse.
I feel such huge threat and disgust by the arrogance and ignorance of Medicine and BigPharma. I thankfully continue to be an independent thinker but that only works when I am at least superficially healthy and self-sufficient. So I am aware of my serious issues but try to carry a big dose of denial with me as protection so I don't again spiral down into total despair and hopelessness.

[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 21 Oct 2011 15:18:32 BST]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 21 Oct 2011 15:42:10 BST]
tahbi last decade
Hi David, I'm at home taking it easy today... another cloudy bleak day but not too cold. I have been very calm and mellow.

One symptom which is quite uncomfortable and has been going on for years, especially this last six months or so, is pain in my mid back when I do the dishes. It seems to be the position of standing and holding my arms out in front of me while holding the dishes and washing them. The pain begins at a spot in my mid spine and then builds in intensity while spreading out and up a bit. It gets to the point where I need to lay down immediately as I'm doing now, resting my back on a pillow for support. This spot in my back is the place that there were serious concerns of compression fractures from severe coughing about two months ago. They did not see any fractures in the xrays but it showed some scoliosis to the left and osteoporosis, which I already knew I had. I'm trying to come up with detailed, descriptive words for the sensation but I'm drawing a blank other than 'it hurts'! It may be slightly more intense just barely to the right side of my spine. It seems to be in the thoracic area.

The good news is that the severe nerve pain in my problem teeth has let up.

I was very happy to read that you use the Sensation Method of homeopathy. A few years ago I was going to go to a recommended homeopath who uses that method in my northeast US state but I did not because both the long drive, which totally exhausts me and challenges my cognitive abilities, as well as my deep fear of a repeat of past experiences threatening my emotional and physical being.... making it worse and knocking me over the tipping point.

I did read lots about it though and I have much faith in that method as well as your art, heart and instinct. Than you so very much for taking my case and helping me. I think for me it is much safer that I could read your cases and develop trust in you even before I began posting. And because we are not face to face it is much less threatening for me. I'm amazed that I have been able to write out what I have because I've not been able to emotionally do that until now.

Thank you! This is the very first experience in 58 years that I've had with any doctor or health practitioner where I felt I was in good hands and could relax my too easily triggered defense mechanisms. That in it's self is amazing!

****My cough and reflux finally seem better today, other than a bit of coughing toward the end of a meal. My liver/gallbladder pressure/sensation is still obvious and may possibly connect to the spine pain. My head is heavy, flopping forward and/or to the right.
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 21 Oct 2011 19:57:48 BST]
tahbi last decade
It is possible that Arnica is just a partial similar. A lot of people on this forum get partial results from Arnica - sometimes it holds for a few months, sometimes it doesn't. From reading the posts you have made so far I cannot see it being your simillimum. But while there appears to be some improvement we cannot move to another remedy, unless the other symptoms begin worsening (suppression).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

Shortly after typing the last post I went to finish washing the dishes and I started coughing again (still am), got a bit gassy, the back of my calves began to be sore and my hips/butt/sacrum got achey. I assume the aches and pains are from yesterday's steep hike but all of those symptoms seemed to come all at once. I'm still coughing and achey.

I saw your post about alcohol sensitivity and was reminded to mention that I am extremely sensitive to alcohol as well as smells from vinegar, cigarettes, off-gassing from particleboard and plywood, rubber, and so much more. These really affect me badly. I am unfortunately too often like 'the canary in the coal mine'. Alcohol and others are known to degranulate mast cells and it was clear, decades before being diagnosed with masto that I reacted intensely to alcohol. One sip will turn me bright red, get my heart racing like crazy and give me a heavy head and cognitive issues. What is interesting is that apparently champagne does not affect me as much as all other forms. My son was married this past summer and I was fine with a few sips which was amazing.
tahbi last decade
Hi, I wrote the last post before I saw your last one.

As I had mentioned in past posts, I have had too much experience with overuse injuries in addition to all of the emotional issues and serious physical issues through my life. There are so many layers in this onion, so I am just thrilled to have begun the process with the emotional calm.

Dealing with the osteoporosis is critical but I do understand about the process and journey. I just hope that this calm is not just a superficial palliation. Because my emotional state can trigger life-threatening reactions as well as add to the physical osteoporosis issue, I think that is most important. There is a big part of me that is so relieved to have begun this journey with a remedy I have used acutely at times over the years. It had never caused the hellish reactions that I had under the care of a few past homeopaths. Everything I have experienced in this chapter has been a known entity, although the flare the other night was very intense.

Which brings up a question. That masto flare/remedy aggravation was not just a little episode. I tried not to take the meds so that the remedy would have a chance to heal me as deeply as it could. It kept escalating though and there have been times when an episode like that has lead to my blood pressure dropping to nothing with no pulse. It was only by miracle that I was found and resuscitated but was told it was beyond close. I was in intensive care for two weeks with serious rebound reactions each time. I don't want to risk that happening again so that is why I somehow got to my meds the other night before I was unable to.

By giving myself the H1 and H2 blockers to help stop the cascade, did I stop the remedy from healing me? I was just reading a post of yours where you discussed how powerful the Right remedy is and if it is right, the chances of antidoting are slim.

What if it is a partial simillimum? I'm just trying to get my brain around all of this....
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I slept well last night and although I do sleep in many positions, I seem to usually wake up laying on my left side. My right shoulder feels better although it's still achey and I'm still overly aware of it as well as the right side of my neck towards the back, as well as the pressure/heaviness in my liver area. My mind is okay but seems to be slipping down a bit into stuff that I'd rather not think about. More very dark, cold, gloomy weather is certainly not helping.

Towards the end of the day yesterday, the back of my calves began to be very sore from the previous day's hike, especially when I would walk or lift my toes and ball of my feet up towards my knees. And did I mention I've had a stubborn Morton's neuroma in my left foot for many years? Thankfully that has not bothered me much with my light hiking boots but when I try to where any other shoes at all, it is awful.

The coughing and gerd seem calmer each day since stopping the Nat Phos that I thought helped so much. I do suck on two DGL tablets before each meal so that may be why it's better along with the Arnica 200C.

Like too often this year, I'm quite itchy directly where my breasts meet my torso underneath and it tends to be a red line but no rash. I HATE wearing bras but I'm too big and saggy to go without when I'm not home.

Since spring I've had a one little round sore on each front outer thigh just above my knees. I realized a month ago that they were most likely ringworm I caught from my dog. She had had some sores under her neck at that same hight while standing against my legs. The one on my left leg finally healed soon after beginning my alkaline, no sugar, no grains other than quinoa and brown rice, almost no dairy, no processed food, no coffee, and mostly veggies. I have been a vegetarian for over thirty years other than wild-caught sockeye salmon the last five years for health reasons. The sore on my right leg seems more stubborn (surprise, surprise) but is not showing or feeling any obvious aggravation from the remedy.

You had asked me about the experience of feeling invisible. Well, I've got to admit that not getting feedback from my posts is bringing that up. On the logical level I absolutely understand why you are not replying often, but on the emotional level it is especially hard to keep writing because I can't tell if I'm doing the right thing in the right way, or if you care, or if I will feel totally humiliated once again for working so hard to go outside of my comfort zone with this writing I'm pushing myself to do. But I do know you are reading them and that many people looking for help on this forum probably feel similar childish feelings.
tahbi last decade
I just read the following in one of your posts and that is certainly a huge issue for me.

'You know there is a rubric 'Fear of becoming a burden' which I think is Raphanus.'

It seems to me that I am either a huge burden or invisible so I stay distant from people to avoid being a burden and feeling embarrassment.

***I just checked out the remedy and other than that one rubric it does not really sound like me at all.
[message edited by tahbi on Sat, 22 Oct 2011 14:02:12 BST]
tahbi last decade
That is the problem with those rubrics - they are out of context usually, and you need to be able understand the place those expressions fit in the whole picture (which I don't for that specific expression).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

My mood is not as light tonight and my legs have become quite itchy and tight feeling. The itch is like little pricks that come and go all over randomly. Right leg is a little more uncomfortable than the left. Fronts are more affected than backs and I'm beginning to get prick feelings over more of my body now but my legs are the most affected. My calves are still sore when I raise my toes up towards my knees. I am also having more waves of hot flushing. It is not as severe as the flare the other night but is noticeable. I just feel out of sorts tonight. It began at dusk.

The good news is that my cough has been much better today.

[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:13:20 BST]
[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:20:24 BST]
[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:33:30 BST]
tahbi last decade
Another update...

Still itchy, most on lower right leg but itchy insect-like sensations coming and going from head down. I did sleep well but woke in a lower mood. I started worrying again about all of the bad things that could have happened to my 9 yr old granddaughter who my daughter took to Brazil with no real plans. They are not keeping in touch. I am hearing impaired so phone is not good for me.

Have you ever reversed a case of dupyutren's contracture, David? Is it possible? I was given Thiosinaminum for it and other issues but I reacted in a very bad way almost immediately... I think it was 30C and the intense anxiety and racing was unbareable. I had to antidote it. Both of my hands are affected by it and my left one is very bad. Due to the mastocytosis and severe reactions, I am a very poor surgical candidate, even if it did have better success with this than it does. There is a genetic piece with it as my Dad had dupyutrens also.
tahbi last decade

Hi David,

There seems to be a real shift today. My legs stopped itching this morning but I have been very lethargic, no energy at all today. I'm starting to spiral down in mood also. It's a definite change from the rare greater s
tahbi last decade

Hi David,

There seems to be a real shift today. My legs stopped itching this morning but I have been very lethargic, no energy at all today. I'm starting to spiral down in mood also. It's a definite change from the sense of well-being and hope and health from the Arnica 200c before today.

What now?
tahbi last decade
Hello David,

Yesterday it seemed that the remedy no longer had any affect on me. It was very obvious that my emotional/mental well-being shifted back to the 'why bother' mode. It did not feel like an aggravation. I would be happier if it had because then I would feel as if I were still making what seemed to be clear progress. I am very concerned about my granddaughter's welfare as there has been no contact from my daughter for too long.

I was my typical lethargic self yesterday and did not even have the self motivation to take my dog for a walk like I've been forcing myself to do several weeks. I just lay on the couch with no physical energy or motivation at all. Even a rare cup of caffeinated tea had no effect on me. Keeping my pets happy and healthy is my only purpose in life now. I know that the strict diet I have been so good at and actually really enjoying, has made huge positive changes in my body even before the Arnica and I am within just a very few pounds of my target weight.... but I binged on a pizza at about 1:00AM last night. I am an all or nothing person, it seems. Moderation is very challenging for me.

I'm having lots of trouble writing anything now because I really don't even know if you will read it. I don't feel especially agitated at this point, I feel empty and 'why bother' and numb in a way. The posts of vitamin.x have been very creepy for me. I hope I don't seem that needy and disturbed. I need to know what to do now though. I feel no affect from the Arnica anymore and had lots of the typical sacrum/hip/ lower back pain and right shoulder pain but don't know if I should go to my chiropractor because of my really wanting a chance for homeopathy to finally heal me.... something that no other modality is able to do.

I know you are beyond busy David, but please let me know if you are still watching my case and what I should do. I don't feel this is an aggravation. It is unfortunately the same old stuff and I'm having lots of trouble explaining myself better in the way you want and need me to.
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 24 Oct 2011 14:59:50 BST]
tahbi last decade
Well my normal procedure at this stage would be to repeat the Arnica to see if it brings you back up. Try that first and let's see what it does.

And no, you do not seem that needy at all. That is a highly unusual situation, which does happen on internet forums from time to time. Generally, people like yourself are quite rational, reasonable and grateful for help, which of course makes helping you a pleasure.

I am don't really believe Arnica will take you where you need to go, but because it has been started it is important to be sure of that. I am ready to start a deeper level of prescribing as soon as we are sure.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for your reply, David. I needed to know that.

It's been a tough day, quite down emotionally with lots of angst around my daughter and granddaughter and lots of sacrum/back pain. I did manage to get myself out walking with my dog but I'm very uncomfortable. It's quite challenging to know if my symptoms are due to the remedy aggravating or just the same old, same old smorgasbord of symptoms that are always moving like the Chinese medicine 'wind', yet I know the calm that ended abruptly yesterday was from the remedy. It was an amazing gift to go that many days feeling so light, calm and positive. That has been rare in my life, especially since menopause hit in 2005.

I want to remind you that my bottle of Arnica was made following Joe's 'wet dose' and not your 'split dose'. How many sucussions should do before I take a capful?

Are my rambling posts giving you any direction or helpful info? Should I try to continue doing that?

Yes, I'm very thankful for your help.

tahbi last decade
Oh you haven't been taking the medicine the correct way then?

How have you taken it exactly?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,
The following is what I posted about the first dose of 200C Arnica. Before that I was taking it in the 30C potency twice a day.

'About 45 minutes ago I put four pellets of Arnica 200c into a 500ml bottle of water after removing about 1/4 cup of water. I then sucussed twice and it is in my fridge. I am about to take a capful dose (with no more sucussions) but thought I should document how I feel and any present symptoms before the first dose of this increase in Arnica potency.'

What do you suggest? Two sucussions?
tahbi last decade
This is not the right way to take it, certainly not for repeat doses.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Without alcohol, the water will not retain the signature of the Arnica.

You should ALWAYS succuss the bottle before repeat doses, this is of the highest importance. Without succussions, a medicine will be more aggravating and less effective.

I would use 1/2 cup of water to begin with, and actually start with 4 succussions since you did 2 in that bottle.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay, Since I don't think I have a clean dropper bottle I will probably need to wait until tomorrow. Because I am extremely sensitive to alcohol, I don't have any here other than rubbing alcohol. Is it okay to use that?

Yes, I knew the original dose was not the right way but because I had posted it for you and did not hear back otherwise, I had assumed it would be fine for that dose of 200C. I certainly had no idea that the Arnica would work so well for a short while anyway. And I have known about the need to succuss every time. That part I really do understand.
tahbi last decade
Rubbing alcohol is ok, although it is better if it is ethanol. There is so little used it won't make much difference though.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok, David.

I found a new dropper bottle to use.

My lower back is very painful. It felt better during the earlier walk but now is awful again. My sacrum shifts out of alignment too often and way too easily.

Do you think it would be okay to go to my chiropractor if the pain is no better by morning? Could it interfere with the remedy? She is very gentle and not one of those chiropractors who 'cracks' your back. She is guided by muscle testing each step.

I'll make the new remedy up and take a dose....
tahbi last decade
[moderated. That's enough.]
vitamin.X last decade
I made the dosing bottle. Should I wait for the granules to dissolve before I take a dose?
tahbi last decade
Yes that is also very important.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ut oh... I succussed before they dissolved. These granules are bigger than I'm used to. I'll wait to dose.

What about NOT using throw away spoons and cups? I'm sure Dr. Samuel Hahnemann did not use disposable plastic cups and spoons. Does it matter?

Thanks for your patience David...
tahbi last decade

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