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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 13 of 16

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
By the way, I do have Carcinosin. I can't remember what potency but the 'Aurum' homeopath and I agreed it seemed a strong possibility in many ways. I began reacting and flaring so badly to the many remedies she kept switching me to that I stopped working with her. I've not read about it in a few years.

I'm very scared of adding more angst and pathology to my existence. What dilution do you recommend if I get 30c Syphilinum? Do you think that was my state for the last rough week or do you think that is my constitution?

Is mercury related to Syphilinum? That was the first remedy I was given and I know it was dosed wrong but was very profound in making my right leg work 20 years ago. I kept antidoting it.
tahbi last decade
Mercury, Aurum, Lachesis, Syphilinum - these are four of our most powerful and deep acting anti-syphilitics. Again this just confirms it for me - two of them have helped you in the past.

Your state is the same. The remedy I gave you has not made any real difference. The miasm will always undermine every effort to heal until it is quietened. Healing always runs a risk, as does any change. You choice will always be to remain where you are or to try to get to somewhere new. The reality of disease, is that it is not static anyway, and you will never remain where you are, but only worsen.

We should go to the 4th cup for your next dose of anything at all. We may even need to move to the 5th cup depending on what happens.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
With the mercury, the aggravation or antidote happened after my leg came back to life (palliation?) each time. I had severe masto reactions and the homeopath got angry because my body was not supposed to act like that. I was too much trouble and I'm feeling a bit of that now.

To be honest, I am scared. It's the damned if I do/damned if I don't thing again. I have nobody here who does anything more than self-prescribed acutes. Homeopathy is not respected here so if I end up in serious trouble there is no one. The last several days brought that reality back too strong.

The Syphilinum was not chosen by the Sensation method, was it? Are you thinking of just a dose or two of Syphilinum to deal with the miasm and then go on to a different remedy? I am confused and very nervous now. The metaphors of the Sensation method felt safer to me than a remedy who's main symptoms don't seem my picture.

I'm very confused now. Do you not need me to describe those words anymore? Is the Syphilinum used as a regular remedy?

And another Syphilinum symptom... crying. I did not cry for twenty years and then menopause brought rage and sobbing my guts out. Now I rarely cry, other than a few tears every so often. Yesterday was very different. Holidays are very, very different.
tahbi last decade
Sensation is not anything different from normal homoeopathy. It obeys all the basic rules that Hahnemann put down, so I can make a prescription based on established materia medica as easily as based on the new information, because it is all the same method (similarity).

The state of the remedy matches your state.

Why do you keep saying Syphilinium doesn't match your picture. Didn't what I put up about it seem exactly like your current situation?

Crying is not a symptom, it is a normal human expression. All remedies cry, all remedies don't cry, because this is not part of the disease but part of the normal functioning of the human beings with disease.

I am not sure what you want me to do. Why are you trying to change my mind about the prescription?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks to this thread I understand now why I felt so horrible and hopeless after taking a remedy made from the scorpio. So it just meant it was my vital force reacting to this external stimuli as it does to any such stimuli. Very helpful information. Based on that and my limited knowledge of homeopathy I too would say with certainty syphilitic remedy would most likely help you from following this thread. As far as I know I read the syphilitic miasm is a situation like that of a sinking ship and an attempt is still made to do something... Syphilitic remedies have been the best acting for me despite also never feeling like giving up.
starface last decade
Thanks, Starface. The Sinking Ship comment does make it more clear.

I'm feeling very overwhelmed so I need to pull back until I have more clarity.

David, I'm not doubting the Syphil miasm at all. I just have questions and lots of confusion about the specific remedy. It was a very tough, scary week and what I read about the specific remedy does not really seem like me as much as other remedies. I know I should not and will not self-prescribe. But I'm at that place I described in your psorinum post.
tahbi last decade
Why do you keep saying it is not like you? When I copied that information out into one of my previous posts, it looked extremely similar to your current state. What is it you are so worried is not covered by this remedy?

If we pursue cure of the syphilitic miasm, you cannot use Psorinum for this.

You also will not be able to choose your own remedy. Thinking a remedy is or isn't you, is quite irrelevent to which remedy will cure you. I have learned that lesson repeatedly over the years both with students and other homoeopaths.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I know I can't choose my own remedy. And I'm also not saying psorinum is The One. I was trying to say that what I read in your psorinum post has been my experience over and over since early childhood. Not absolutely everything, but the over all picture. That's why I posted my reaction as soon as I happened to read it. It is my experience over and over again. I don't care what the remedy is called or the what the specific rubrics are, I'm just trying to tell you that that is my experience that happens day after day for every piece of my minds life. Maybe there is something deeper than that such as Syphilinum, which is producing the Psorinum picture. I don't know, I'm not a homeopath. But I am intimately involved with my health and dis-ease saga. I can tell you that that is my experience.

I've been reading more about the remedy Syphilinum and the generals are way off and the picture seems wrong somehow. The original source behind my patterns, angst and dis-ease seem quite different. Though I can certainly see how someone who does not know me well and is only going by what I've written in my posts could feel it was my simillimum.
tahbi last decade
Well I cannot ask you to do anything you don't want to. If you wish to pursue another course that is fine. I can only do what I can do.

I just don't know what you expect me to do if you disagree with me over prescription. It puts us at an impasse.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 03:36:55 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

The impasse is primarily within myself and my inability to decide which step is less dangerous. It is absolutely not simply about disagreeing about the remedy, although it comes across that way.

I know the reality of the internet forum and it's severe limitations. It is my health and life that is impacted, maybe severely so good or bad, by what I choose to follow or not. I have quite a long history of following advice that turns out to be very dangerous. In contrast with many who turn to this forum for help, I know how powerful and potentially dangerous and devastating the wrong, seemingly minuscule dose of a remedy can be. I am exactly at that point you were in your mountain crisis.... again.

I am feeling frustrated because whether or not I am able to convey my thoughts clearly or not, I need more information. I am not a blind follower. I decided to work with you because I saw that you were willing to look deeply and not be put off by questions, for which I need answered before taking a step that could be the dramatically wrong one.

I live alone. I do not have anyone who can help me if/when a remedy, substance or drug goes bad. this is not about a minor stubbed toe. I am not saying that it is merely the wrong remedy. I'm saying that I have deep fears and concerns, especially of the aggravations that could make my mornings and daytimes even worse than they already are. I don't know if I could survive deeper/greater angst especially from 7am to noon. The night time is my only peaceful time and yet the picture of Syphilimum that I have read from many sources states that night time is awful. My angst on waking is not about exhaustion, it's more about feeling that I'm stuck and there is no clear action to help my dis-ease. it's a broken record that replaced my amazingly clear creative and troubleshooting dreams on waking every moment my whole life before menopause hit. I'm confused why before the cypraea you wanted more info and responses from me. You wanted to understand my state although I had so much trouble doing so.

I also keep asking how you are 'seeing' the use of Syphilinum in my case. Here is an excellent article by David Little describing nine different ways to use Nosodes.


I would like to know how/where you see the Syphilinum in my case.... not just the statement that it is my remedy. I can also respond/state the similar and different rubrics that are putting up red flags for me. If you don't want to deal with that I do understand.

In case you are interested, the intense deep itch in my lower thigh by my knee has come to a few tiny, hard pimple-like, very itchy bumps. I would like to know if that gives any additional clue to Cypraea's action. The stabbing pain in my chest on coughing and inhalation is slightly more bearable today.

I can't blindly jump into something If it does not make sense to me. This is a good thing about me I think.
tahbi last decade
I wrote out an long description of the state of the remedy. Why did that description not sound like you? It sounded exactly like what you are going through right now to me. I did not just state it was your remedy - you did read my post didn't you? I spent an hour putting that together, after going through dozens of resources on Syphilinum.

In the end, you either trust me or you don't. I cannot supervise if there is a lack of trust. We had it, now we don't. If I have to spend days convincing you to take each remedy, I simply do not have that much time or energy. I am not infallible, I cannot sit here in all honesty and tell you I know the answers to everything and all my prescriptions work 100% all the time. I can only do what I have been doing for 20 years - using the tools at my disposal in the best way I know how, methodically, carefully and according to the principles set down by the founder of homoeopathy. It is all I can do, no magic, nothing special.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

Thank you for your reply and I certainly appreciate the time and thought you have put into all of your posts. I feel that you have taken this more personally that what it's really about. I am very sorry about that. I have reread that post several times and I certainly don't expect you to have to convince me to take each remedy. Because of too many near-death reactions I need to understand and feel clear and optimistic before any remedy, supplement, medicine, food and more. I need information and answers to my seemingly redundant questions to bring me to that point. I know that it is a common issue with many people who have serious, complex multiple sensitivities. I have not given up on life and need to protect myself as best as I can so I can avoid more life-robbing illness and more close calls with death.

I've spent many hours today researching and reading about miasms. That is what I needed to do and always have done before, due to interest as well as trying to stay safe.

A huge issue, that is definitely my fault and due to my own issues as well as the limited two dimensional forum, is that I have so much history and lives that I have not written about on here. You obviously can't fill in the huge gaps that I have not informed you of. There is so much history and pathology, as well as my personality traits spanning my life. I am responding to seeing most of that 59 years in front of me and you can't possibly do that. It neither your fault or mine.

So I read lots about miasms and chronic disease rather than remedies. I knew there was something very important and personal about your Psorinum post I responded to. My issue was Not that I didn't have any Syphilinum picture. It was more that Psorinum was very strong in my personality, health history and more for much of my life.

First of all, I can clearly see that Holidays certainly put me into the Syphilitic state every November and December. They have for as long as I can remember and no matter how well I'm doing right before that time hits each year, it knocks me down into a deeper, hopeless, more awful place. The holiday of Thanksgiving is probably the only day out of every year that I don't feel thankful at all because I'm in such an awful state of despair. I begins to build a week or two before, and there is exhaustion, depression and shock at myself the day after. I come out of it a bit, like I have today, and then it builds again towards the week before Christmas for that holiday and my birthday the day after Christmas. It is beyond awful and I definitely see the Syphilitic state. Because it happens every year no matter how well I have done during the weeks before, there is a deep anxiety and dread that builds to the holidays every fall. I have never been able to escape it and it is certainly not socially acceptable to feel that way when everyone else in the country is all smiley, singing Christmas carols and being with family and friends. So that does seem like Syphilinum.

The Syphilitic miasm also showed up with menopause. It was a sudden drastic attack that killed my spirit, my confidence, my self-respect, creativity, and all sense of hope and lightness. It also brought up new scary health challenges due to the double whammy of my mast cell disease and menopause. I had been dealing with documented endocrine symptoms for over twenty years but menopause really messed me up to a critical degree both physically and mentally. It was my research about one year ago that finally, and thankfully, lead me to the pure magnesium oil that began helping to replenish my almost non-existant morning cortisol level and DHEA. But the holiday hell is obviously still overwhelmingly deep and too powerful.

I really do think that I have been the psoric miasm picture for most of my life other than what I just wrote about the first five years of menopause and holidays. My health issues, my personality, and yes.... especially the hope I always had no matter what... they all fit. Yes I was shy and struggled with self confidence, but until menopause attacked me and seemed to kill all of my strengths, gifts, and generous heart that was always trying to do the right thing for my kids and friends, I was rarely in the Syphilitic state. As I think about it now I do remember some very challenging times in my teenage years and early twenties that I was probably in that state also. Holidays always the absolute worst.

I still need to get more clear on how to proceed. And I do appreciate your time and effort, David.

Thank you!
[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 03:01:42 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

In my reading I came upon Hippocampus Kruda. Have you had any experience with this sea horse remedy? Ever since early childhood I was particularly drawn to seahorses, which stemmed from the short time we had seahorses in an aquarium. Even as a child I could strongly relate to the slow, floating movement of those seahorses.... the same movement I felt in my 'bubbles'. I had no idea it was a remedy and the isolation piece is big. Not much info about it though.

I was looking for something online and came upon a totally unrelated page with a picture of a seahorse which brought me back to many very deep memories. I googled it to see if it was a homeopathic remedy and there it was.... a sea remedy!

Now I'm very curious.....
tahbi last decade
My curiosity about the sea horse remedy lead me to provings of it. All I can say is WOW! There are many deep, life-long similars. Even my hearing/ear sensations are in there.


I'm not disregarding the nosodes and what you have mentioned, David. I'm just really seeing a lot of my experience and my issues here. And the fact that it's a sea remedy........
tahbi last decade
I still feel the water/sea themes are strong in you. But a remedy must be matched to the current state. And I believe your miasm is acting as a block to your healing, to the action of the remedies. A nosode is a suitable way to try and remove that block, to allow the other remedies to work better. This is one of the most traditional uses of nosodes. While that block remains, no remedy will ever do what it is meant to.

You know these cases when you see them - the patterns are strange, reactions to remedies are unexpected and disappointing, the patient never goes in the direction you expect. It is disheartening and frustrating.

I have had 2 Sea-horse cases so I know this remedy. The theme of Male-Female roles being swapped around, being reversed is very strong. Men act like women, Women act like men. The unique feature of this animal is that the males carry the young and give birth to them, while the female is free to wander and do what she likes. There are other very pecuilar characteristics of this remedy as well, none of which I noticed here.

However, nobody knows how your case might change after the use of a nosode. More might come up to lead me further.

It is important to give remedies in the right order, at the right time. You cannot just try to give one remedy at every crisis - the crisis itself will have a need that must be addressed, to move the patient closer to balance and good health.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:15:46 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I also want to emphasize the need for an open mind, an unbiased view. Getting attached to certain ideas is a sure way to fail in homoeopathy. What remedy you need, must always be judged on the basis of what information and responses you give/get. Just because you like the idea of the molluscs, of the sea remedies, in no way means that you need one of them. You could need lava, or neon gas, or a carnivorous plant - the only way to judge the right remedy is on its effect, not on the attachment we have to it. I say that not just to you as a patient, but to myself as a practitioner. I always need to remind myself that flexibility is one of the most important qualities of a prescriber of homoeopathy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by tahbi on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:20:19 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Thank you for your reply. I really do understand and agree with what you wrote. I'm sure my thoughts and choices of words come across very differently in these posts than what I am actually thinking. That is a huge limitation.... but I have that challenge even if someone is right across from me. Words are very limited and I have word finding challenges even in my healthier moments so I tend to pick the closest word thinking I will be understood. And then if it seems as if I'm not understood, which is more often than not, I get very frustrated, anxious, humiliated, flush severely and need to get far from the situation to a safe, quiet place away from people and words. It has always been this way and much worse at times.

As mentioned, I have always had an affinity for sea horses and water/ocean. And I did know that about the reversed roles of the sea horse. In addition to my feeling truly peaceful only when isolated in some way from humans, I have been very balanced in both roles much of my life. I was a single mom from the time my daughter was 1 1/2 years and my son almost three years old. I much enjoyed and was always very capable of the typical male duties around the house (until my body was unable). I adored being pregnant and nursing my babies as well as doing hard physical labor inside and out of the nest. To this day, every Father's Day in June my son calls to wish me a happy Father's Day. My friend's used to get me to help them with projects rather than their husbands because I was unusually strong and thought out of the box with great results every time. I may have been 125 pounds and 5' 1 1/2 ', but very strong in many ways. I am not a lesbian because I found men's bodies 'fun' in a physics sort of way, but I had been approached by lesbians from early on. I was never a girly girl but always very appreciative of both my female and male sides. I do know that this is different from the sex role switch in the sea horse.

One thing that got my attention with the sea horse was the discussion I read about the limbic system and hypothalamus. In the early 1990s when my health was in serious crisis and no one could figure out all of the many strange symptoms. It was clear that my pituitary and hypothalamus were very much involved. When I was finally diagnosed with Systemic Mastocytosis the one smart doctor thought there was swelling from the mast cell receptors right by the pituitary and hypothalamus. It was also then that the very heavy head, serious cognitive issues, strange trouble regulating my temperature and different on one side of my body and the other, and so much more.

And there was something different about the sea horse isolation compared to the other remedies including Cypraea. And also, the sea horse can change color as camouflage. When I read that I was reminded of you asking me how something could stay safe outside of it's shell (or something like that). I believe I mentioned 'camouflage itself'. It is just all very interesting.....

So back to the miasm issue. Thanksgiving day I was clearly in the Syphilinum state. Yesterday and today I am not. I am sure I will be there again as we get closer to Christmas and my birthday. I do understand about the need to deal with the miasm before any remedy can help but it's very scary for me. I am positive that Anacardium put me in the Syphilitic state during that almost deadly aggravation. Can you please explain what happens when people have more than one clear miasm and take the remedy for one when they are not in that state at that time? I need to understand these things before I take the leap... especially this time of year.

Symptom Updates.

-The clear improvement from the Cypraea dose in my right hand Dupuytren's Contracture has unfortunately reversed. The two middle fingers are no longer able to straighten completely.

-Liver area pressure still driving me crazy. I want that thing out!!!

-left hernia in my groin still noticeable.

-The intensely itchy spot on my leg just above my knee towards the inside is still itchy but now has a little rash of a few pimples. I have not put any suppressive ointment on it even though it still really itches.

-Intense pain in right chest area seems better but still momentarily unbearable if/when I cough. I felt quite a bit of cracking/popping in the clavicle area yesterday and some today. In the mirror it looks noticeably more prominent than the left side but there is no bruising. I still do not know if it was from the mountain fall or the remedy working on my decades of damage and surgery there. I tend to think it was the second one because I did not feel the symptom until several days after the fall.

There are lots of basic things about me that you do not know and are important for finding the right remedies. Today I was thinking about how I have always looked messier and more sloppy than I want to. I have naturally curly hair and I can't stand tight clothing, jewelry, makeup, and any of the things classy woman do to themselves. I absolutely hate wearing bras, have ugly, vertically ridged fingernails that are very short because I tend to bite them, and I can never look tidy even if I try. I want to look nice but it does not happen even when it needs to.

And the same with my home. I am not a tidy person even though it drives me crazy to be surrounded by mess. That's one reason why I'm better after dark when I only see what is right in front of me. And I have pet hair on me and around me all the time no matter how hard I try to keep clean but it's hopeless.... and I can never live without my pets. Syphilinum tends to wash their hands all the time.... I don't wash my hands much at all. I must take hot showers in the morning and before bed for my joints and mind. I don't smell bad and I make sure I'm socially acceptable when needing to go in public. I am a slob and it drives me crazy! Living in a 225 year old house does not help.
[message edited by tahbi on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:17:21 GM
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Are Alzheimers and Parkinson's disease from the Syphilitic miasm?

Even if I did not have my own lifetime of serious health issues, I would like to believe that dealing with the right miasms could extinguish the very strong Alzheimer's threat (my mom, her sister, her mom and my paternal great aunt), Parkinson's from my dad, c-ncer from my dad's mom, and sister, and heart issues from my dad's father.

Just hoping being proactive can wipe those threats out before they grab me.

tahbi last decade
You wrote:
''I also want to emphasize the need for an open mind, an unbiased view.'

'I say that not just to you as a patient, but to myself as a practitioner. I always need to remind myself that flexibility is one of the most important qualities of a prescriber of homoeopathy.''

Hi David, I have been reading your past discussions about miasms and Syphilinum as well lots of other sources that you have recommended in your posts over the years. I have been searching for more clear reasoning why Syphilinum is called for. This is not about your advice being right or wrong, this is about my complex long history of peculiar physical afflictions and mental angst.... and especially how I react to that. I know there are strong miasmic haunts here and I agree that it needs to be dealt with before any remedy can really cure. I don't care about the name or source of a remedy. I'm focused on what you've stated over and over in your hundreds of ABC posts through the years. I know that you feel sure that Syphilinum is the remedy so I keep reading to understand what I am not seeing in your choice (other than the awful, hopeless angst and depression during holidays, the menopausal crash, and few other times in teenage-hood). It just doesn't fit. I've not posted about 'why' I feel that way about holidays and how the pattern developed. It just does not fit other than that one piece rather than the broad picture.

You mentioned that Mercury and Aurum giving relief was a very important key pointing to Syphilinum. Those were absolutely not even partial cures. The remedy that has literally saved my life so many times was Aconite. I feel this is the most important information I can give you. And Lycopodium was also much more helpful in a broad way than Mercury and Aurum. I keep a vile of Aconite with me always. When I've reacted seriously in the dentist's office, when I am stung by a bee (proven deadly twice with no help from the epipen that masto patients are ever supposed to be without), and so many other times. Aconite has been a documented life saver time after time. All of the other remedies I've used gave a short, temporary palliating effect at best only at first. When the potency went up, there was no effect at all.

I am not questioning your skill or judgement. It is that I think you don't have enough history and clear picture which is my fault and challenge, as well as a huge limitation of the internet forum. I want to keep working with you. I will try harder to give you more history with a broader, clearer picture if you want. I don't care what the remedy is called, I do care that the simillimum is closer to 'apples to oranges' rather than 'apples to meat'. I am trying so hard to go outside my comfort zone in order to give you the information that you need. I'm doing far better with less shutting down than I thought I would be able to do.

But... I need to know that you are willing to 'hear' what I write. Isn't that the only way to find the right remedy through this forum? I am not in an acute flare right now. I'm not in the panicked or anguished state that I was the day before and during Thanksgiving. Right now I am able to step back and communicate with more clarity without shutting down.
tahbi last decade
I just realized that I have only used Aconite during the very serious, truly life threatening, masto reactions with desperate, overwhelming fight or flight. I did not even think of taking Aconite when those desperate, emotionally hellish 'holiday'-type states begin.

I have used Lycopodium in non-life threatening but uncomfortable, anxious states with stomach upset in the past and it has helped many times but it's been over a year or more since taking it.

I highly respect the one remedy only rule and have not wanted to mess myself up more. But just maybe Aconite or Lycopodium could have 'nipped the 'holiday hell' in the bud....
tahbi last decade
I don't know how else to help you. Your assumption that I cannot prescribe for you on the basis of what you have given me has no real foundation. That is part of your own hopelessness and pessimism, your belief that you will never get the right remedy, that you are incurable and no-one can help you. Many very sick people cling to their illness like a familiar blanket.

If you wish to self-prescribe you can go ahead and do that. I have given you guidelines on how to reduce your aggravation. However, I cannot oppose your desire to not take my prescriptions and take your own. You are the one obstacle I cannot ever overcome. There have been other situations on this forum like this - I really don't want to get involved in that kind of situation again.

I am sorry we have got to this point. I would have liked to have worked this out for you.

I truly hope that you find someone you trust one day enough to allow them to pull you out of this.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Odd things about me...

>Much better with coffee but if it's too strong it puts me instantly into a very deep sleep.

tahbi last decade
'That is part of your own hopelessness and pessimism, your belief that you will never get the right remedy, that you are incurable and no-one can help you.'

Wow, David. I'm shocked! I absolutely do not feel like the right remedy is NOT out there. It's like you are not understanding what I've meant at all. I feel the opposite. And I don't feel incurable with homeopathy but I do feel incurable with allopathy. I will leave you alone. I just saw your latest reply after posting more info.

If there are any other fine classical homeopaths on this forum who feel they can help me please let me know. I am committed to the process and I take it very seriously. I have not self prescribed for quite a long time.... and even then it was only in very limited ways. It was the naturopath and homeopaths I worked with that had me taking too many remedies.

I feel quite sad that you have misread me so drastically. I'm shocked!

Thank you for the time you have put into my case and all that you have taught me about classical homeopathy....
tahbi last decade
And I meant to say that I don't feel hopeless and pessimistic now or much of the time. There are certain catalysts that put me there but that is certainly not my ongoing, day to day state.
tahbi last decade
You can only be committed to the process, if you follow the advice given. Either you follow the advice or you do not, that is your choice. It is not a matter of questioning my choices, which education about homoeopathy will only encourage, but there is a pround lack of faith that is coming through now, and I have no way to combat that. This comes from you, not from me. In such situations, no logic or amount of reasoning can comfort you. You either take the leap to trust, or you do not.

I spend a great deal of time explaining every step of this process, explaining my choices and my reasoning. Look at the amount of work other people do here - I am practically alone in this. There is a limit to how long I can keep explaining - I simply do not have that sort of time. That is not meant to be mean it is the reality of my own life. I have my own patients too, plus all the other people here I try to help.

I have put a huge amount of effort into your case, into helping you. But it seems you want something more, I cannot tell what it is, you cannot seem to tell me, and I find that without that faith and trust I can only wonder why I would keep doing it.

I have not abandoned you. Quite the opposite, you are rejecting my help. The offer remains in place, but if you choose not to accept it that is absolutely your right.

I am not being unreasonable. It is my help as a qualified and experienced homoeopath I believed you were looking for. What else can I do?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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